During these times in which events which are high catalysts become an almost daily event -- Grandmother from Another Planet offered two messages or blogs, on a new identity for us: Becoming a "Transformer."
Not what I expected! It also contains a powerful, simple Meditation...how to turn around those times when we feel moved to say "Help! I need help!"
And additionally she provided a Guided Audio Meditation on 5 Levels of Love -- to facilitate consciousness shifts into a "Transformer Identity." This was unexpected and surprising.
See what new ideas on the power of your own identity as a "Transformer" in the 21st Century unfold...
"Grandmother on Becoming a Co-Creative Transformer," Recorded, Posted, 11-11-18. 7 minutes, 20 seconds.

Click Audio Player to play "Grandmother on Becoming a Co-Creative Transformer," Recorded/Posted 11-11-18. 7 minutes, 20 seconds. There is a "strange" sound that occurs during this recording, but not during others, and we do not know what it is... Hm... Perhaps some form of interdimensional emphasis -- what is being said may be more important than we think...
At this time, you have an unusual opportunity to act as a "Transformer." This is "Transformer Energy Potential."
You always have the potential to transform energy and people and situations around you, but at this particular time, with so many "catalyst" events in the world, allowing you to "see between the lines," "connect the dots" -- there is unusual opportunity for "Transformer Energy."
Now, this energy, manifested or materialized, can give you a strong sense of your own natural, co-creative consciousness abilities -- whereas often this is hidden from you.
Right now, so much unexpected, untoward, unexplainable can happen at once -- so much "high synchronicity" -- that at some cellular level, you are both physically and mentally aware that there is this possibility that you could transform things around you. Not just things about you -- but things around you.
Now, a key step in realizing this transformer energy is to understand the role of the open heart. What limits your ability to transform reality is when you have a closed heart; when you tend to contract a more natural, loving and compassionate and unexpectedly interconnected relationship with all other beings and with reality itself -- all form and matter.
All of these respond to the open heart. And by that, I mean the vulnerable higher self. You may only know reality when you are truly open-hearted. Open...
To know a thing, our teacher Oron says, is to be vulnerable to it. To truly know it -- it is a form of knowing that is more equivalent to surrender. In effect: Surrendering to a loving reality of which you are a co-creator; surrendering to your own creativity...the power of your own love...
I want you to remember two phrases for the future, when you feel a bit unhappy, a bit sad, a bit unloved. And I want you to repeat these in your mind, by rote, when these moments come.
Because when you say, "I need help!" -- you are saying the reverse of these two phrases! You are saying "I do not feel universally loved. I do not feel eternally loved."
So at any time during the day, take a moment in silent reverie and reverence, a sacred moment, and say in your mind:
- I am universally loved.
- I am eternally loved.
Try it now:
- I am universally loved.
- I am eternally loved.
- I am universally loved.
- I am eternally loved.
Say it with me:
- I am universally loved.
- I am eternally loved.
- I am universally loved.
- I am eternally loved.
This, your birthright, your natural identity, is a key to the Universe -- a key to becoming the Transformer of energy and matter. And that is what we will work on for the rest of this year and for next year.
For this is your coming role on the planet Earth: Realizing that in time and in space and in the past, in the present and the future, in this "now" -- you are a Transformer and a Co-Creator of all matter and energy and time!
You are creative at levels that you cannot yet imagine. You are a Transformer.
You are universally loved... You are eternally loved...
-- Grandmother from Another Planet
“I take pleasure in my transformations. I look quiet and consistent, but few know how many women there are in me.” -- Anais Nin
“An awake heart is like a sky that pours light.” ― Hafiz
“Success comes from the inside out. In order to change what is on the outside, you must first change what is on the inside.” ― Idowu Koyenikan, Wealth for All: Living a Life of Success at the Edge of Your Ability
Photo Credit: Pixabay, Geralt, Creative Commons License #3787769. Many thanks to Geralt for his work -- check it out on Pixabay.