Four offerings in this new blog about "moving mountains" and "doing the impossible."
- A message from "Grandmother" on how to move a mountain
- A Meditation Exercise on how to do this.
- A bonus: A message from "My Incan Guide" follows this, on "Naming Your Borders." It came in a few hours after this one.
- My own process for what to do whenever your see a BIG problem. All below...
If you actually contemplate the processes described in these messages, you will see much more layered, subtle energy instructions, unexpected views -- than first appear. These really surprised me when I started to put the simple meditations into action.
We live in an era in which many hurdles we face on our planet seem so impossible that it is like "moving a mountain" to get them done. Here are several different, higher dimensional viewpoints that make doing that seem a possible reality...
Enjoy "Grandmother on How to Move a Mountain," recorded/posted 5-14-19 -- "My Incan Guide" on doing The Impossible, being The Impossible, and Naming Your Borders... -- and my own special process for solving a BIG problem. Below... -- SHR

Click Audio Player to play "Grandmother on How to Move a Mountain," Recorded 5-14-19, Posted 5-14-19, 8 minutes, 33 seconds.
SHR: Grandmother, there are small questions and there are large questions -- and then there are quests -- which seem like trying to move a mountain. I am asking for guidance when the assignments before you are so large and insurmountable that it truly seems like moving a mountain...
In this time, in this era, in our current cosmic location, what would be your guidance for how to move a mountain?
I would ask you to begin with a meditation upon the oneness of all things. Now, this may seem very simple, to meditate on oneness -- your oneness with all things in the universe, including mountains, great peaks.
And I would suggest that you proceed in this way:
- I would like to move a mountain.
- Meditate on Oneness, Level 1.
- Meditate on Oneness, Level 2.
- Meditate on Oneness, Level 3, going deeper into a state of oneness with all things in the universe, with all beings...
- Meditate on Oneness. Level 4.
- Meditate on Oneness, Level 5.
- Take a deep breath.
- And begin to visualize yourself in the beautiful colors and rainment of the universe, being one with that mountain, being the creator of that mountain...
- That mountain is you, and you are that mountain.
- And when you have achieved oneness, then begin to see yourself and the mountain moving together to the place you would like...
This can be a magical story -- if you would but join the mountains that you would move in your mind, in a meditation of deep oneness.
This is a state of higher love for the gift of life that you have been given. Every mountain that you would like to move in this great life is a tremendous gift of growth, of empathy, of seeing as a being who lives who lives eternally in a higher dimension.
You can come to a state where this is natural for you. Your oneness with the mountains that you would move, is the beginning of a new identity and a new life in many ways.
So I would say to you, if you would want to move mountains, than leave behind your old life, in which mountains were impossible to move, and you certainly could not be expected to do it.
In the highest states of oneness and love, such concepts do not exist, but you do. This realization, this actualization, this affirmation of who you really are is at the core of moving mountains.
You are the mountain. You are a mountainous being of joy and universal love and eternal validity.
This crosses time and space, this great mountain of you.
When you begin to feel a love in your heart for this part of you, a great sanctity when you consider and commune with this greater "you," who decides to do such good, then you will truly be located in a different geography, on a different plane, in a different time.
And in those times and in those places, it is no problem at all to move a mountain, or to become a mountain. A mountain of light....
Therein, is the true "peak experience" of a life on Earth well-lived... (Chuckle)...
-- Grandmother from Another Planet
My sense is that there is great power in "seeing" the "mountains" that you want to "move" -- as "you"... In reality, the great mountain I feel that I must move right now -- IS ME... Now, I had not thought of it this way, and new clarity came when I began to read and listen to this -- seeing that I am not separate from "the mountains I want to move."
Do follow the instructions in the message -- Meditating on Oneness with the Mountain You Want to Move... 🙂 This is, in a way, deconstructing the "mountains" you perceive as immovable in your life, and seeing their finer details, seeing them as part of something which you have created, something you want to work with as part of your growth...:
- I would like to move a mountain.
- Meditate on Oneness, Level 1.
- Meditate on Oneness, Level 2.
- Meditate on Oneness, Level 3, going deeper into a state of oneness with all things in the universe, with all beings...
- Meditate on Oneness. Level 4.
- Meditate on Oneness, Level 5.
- Take a deep breath.
- And begin to visualize yourself in the beautiful colors and raiment of the universe, being one with that mountain, being the creator of that mountain...
- That mountain is you, and you are that mountain.
- And when you have achieved oneness, then begin to see yourself and the mountain moving together to the place you would like...
The meditation helped me see that I truly am "one" with the mountains I feel are insurmountable. These are "my" mountains. If there is a feeling that they are insurmountable, then that is coming from me -- and I can move the mountains by moving myself.
Try the meditation in this message from Grandmother, use meditative sound, have a journal handy. You may be surprised at what new information is revealed about situations you believe are impossible to solve...
SHR: I believe this message, in the kind of automatic or "live streaming higher creative intelligence" that I love -- is very much related. It came in a few hours after the message from Grandmother on moving mountains.
"When the way forward is impossible, become The Impossible, and ask for directions to the border.
When a border appears, introduce yourself as The Impossible, and it will abandon its post and move out further, disappearing into a horizon which you have created and renamed.
You are forever renaming your borders and know them as long lost friends reborn in new places.
You are The Impossible. You are never lost. You always know where your borders are. Do you hear them calling?
That is your quest: Call out to the borders. Introduce yourself as The Impossible. Move the borders out and rename them. Until one day you recognize the map.
A map is a series of borders which make sense to The Impossible who created them and gave them names. A lot of love has gone into this 'naming...'
Meditate upon the names of the borders of your life and you will see a fine sunrise that was before invisible... The Impossible will be there waiting for you. It is the love of your life..."
-- My Incan Guide...
For more transcripts of "My Incan Guide" messages, see the Guide Posts page.
Finally, I have a process myself that I discovered and have used for the last decade since learning to to expand these kinds of higher consciousness adventures.
And that is, if you see something that is a big problem and want to solve it, FIRST TALK TO THE PROBLEM...
In this case, if you want to move a mountain, first TALK TO THE MOUNTAIN...
There is more to this practice, than meets the eye...
-- SHR
Pixabay License. Image by Sarah Richter from Pixabay
Sound: There was a DVD of Steven Halpern's "Deep Theta" meditation music accidentally playing in another room while recording this -- and it can be heard in the recording! I highly recommend all of Steven Halpern's work. (See Meditation-Sound page for more links.) Here's how to purchase "Deep Theta: Brainwave Entrainment Music for Meditation"... I've been enjoying Steve Halpern's meditation CDs since the 1970's and highly recommend all of them for meditation! -- SHR.