Click Audio Player to play "Grandmother on We Are Family -- Meditation on Healing and Transforming the Earth with Love," Recorded/Posted 3-11-20, 21 minutes, 41 seconds.
Like an online healing meditation for the Earth family, during very difficult times and global fears about health, a virus, global uncertainty... A meditation of healing, regardless of belief system or location... Play and do the meditation anytime, individually or in groups...
You are, to some extent, unaware of your own ability to love others, all others, and to have compassion and empathy for all others, to feel what they might feel – beyond anything that you ever imagined.
Now, in this time, because there is an illness you feel which could affect everyone on your planet -- regardless of who they are, regardless of where they are from, regardless of their age, regardless of anything about them, any individual could be affected in any way – and you also have a deep desire to help.
You want deeply to be able to offer something very special and helpful to everyone. Yet you don’t know what that is that you can do that’s so special.
- You want to feel as one with all other beings.
- You want to feel at a deeper level that you are going through this together.
- And that there is a great deal of hope and love possible in the world and not yet being realized, and you want to be part of that realization.
- You want to be part of that vision.
- You want to be part of a highe imagination of a beautiful, healing and transforming Earth, transforming all of the life on Earth, all of the beings on Earth wherever they are from.
Go with that feeling. Follow that desire to help, to be one with other beings. And you will find in your deep meditations, simply on love, that there is a pathway to a different view of your planet. In a sense, every single individual on the planet right now is united -- in not entirely knowing what to do next.
There are some instructions. There are many healings. But of particular help, you will find, is when you simply begin to focus on loving all beings, praying for all beings. And every realization, you see, in this case, is an act of kindness and an act of healing on the Earth: As you realize, truly, who you are, and how magnificent you are, and what your potential is to change this planet with your own greater love, your ability to feel one with others.
Now, at this time, that ability has increased greatly, and you will be feeling it.
It is difficult to describe to you the emotions, in this sense, that come from a higher dimensional awareness of this interconnectedness, because this feeling of love is very overwhelming. It is a very good feeling, but it is a delicate step to take to move into that feeling of powerful empathy and compassion, feeling one with all other beings, wondering what will come next.
This is a shifting human identity on this planet at this time. And there have been other events in the last several years – changes around the world in the weather and other events -- where you feel that something is different.
Well, there is something very different. And that something very different is you…and an emerging openheartedness and love and empathy.
And every one of these events causes your heart to open with a kind of empathy or feeling of connection, with a kind of global and even interplanetary connection. This is a sense of the self, as well as a sense of the Earth Family. And, you see, it involves all of the mothers and all of the fathers and all of the children and all of the grandparents and all of the aunts and uncles and all of the ancestors and all of the future beings of the planet Earth: All of the life on Earth.
Now, you are an extraordinary being. And you are about to come face to face with that…as this overwhelming sense of loving and caring for others begins to flood your daily experience.
What may seem like a frightening “headline” is simply a reminder – that all of us are connected and all of us are family. This connection is not something to fear, but it is something so powerful. It involves a “rush” – a sense of love and compassion that are unfamiliar: Because at the deepest level, you know that every single being on Earth is in the same “place” about this or any catastrophe on Earth; this realization both of magnificence and the ability to love at higher dimensions of love, and the sense of vulnerability.
It is universal vulnerability. And it happens more when you deeply, deeply care, because things have changed so dramatically! Even your own identity has changed, as you identify with all other beings, such that the whole planet seems transformed!
Now, this is the reason that we have offered a deep meditation on love: 10 Levels of Love. (“Grandmother on a Deep Healing Planetary Meditation: 10 Levels of Love”)
We have offered many meditations. (Meditations – Sound Page)
I would like you to begin to think of this word, “meditation,” when done together, as “transformation,” as “transmuting” what exists into multidimensional materializations of extraordinary worlds and events and abilities.
Now, these deep meditations on love, on light – you can begin to feel these meditations, almost like a physical transition, as you hear the words or speak the words and practice on your own: A transition to becoming a higher dimensional being of greater compassion and love, an ability to envision an Earth in which your vision is powerful, and your emotions matter -- for the health and healing of all of the Earth and all of the star “family”…
Many times, we have said: “I am you, and you are me.” But now, in this time, you will begin to feel it in a new way, with a different kind of love and identity: “We Are Family.” This is the meditation for today.
Now, this is a simple meditation – but a powerful one, to change visioning of the Earth. So, relax with me. First, we will meditate upon love, and then we will meditate on the Family of Earth.*
Meditate on Love, Level 1.
Take a deep breath.
Meditate on Love, Level 2.
Take a deep breath.
Meditate on Love, Level 3.
Take a deep breath.
Meditate on Love, Level 4.
Take a deep breath.
Meditate on Love, Level 5.
Feel your heart opening.
Feel deeper love for yourself, for all beings.
Feel deeper compassion and forgiveness.
And a feeling of being one with all of the beings and all of the life on Earth.
And now we will do a new meditation.
This is a Meditation on the Family of Earth, Healing all of Earth, Transforming all of Earth with your vision of love for a thriving, healthy, and beautiful Earth of the Future: The Family of Earth.
Take a deep breath.
We Are Family.
Take a deep breath.
We Are Family.
Take a deep breath.
We Are Family.
Take a deep breath.
We Are Family.
Each day, repeat these words in deep meditation with sound.
Each day, Meditate on Love.
Each day, Meditate on “We Are Family”:
We Are the Family of Earth.
Take a deep breath.
We Are the Family of Earth.
Take a deep breath.
We Are the Family of Earth.
Begin to feel a very deep love for Earth, radiating love and light across the whole planet, seeing new blossoming healing of love and light for all life across the Earth. And take a deep breath of “cosmic air” as we travel through the cosmos…
We Are the Family of Earth.
Take a deep breath.
We Are One.
We Are One.
We Are One.
Take a deep breath.
We Are One Earth.
All life on Earth, all life above the Earth, all life in the Inner Earth: We Are One.
And send your deepest love and admiration and affection and affirmation all across the Earth, because all are experiencing right now, what you are experiencing.
And if you meditate on great love and compassion and caring, rising from these times as such great concern, such worries, and yet all of this love begins to flow -- and if you meditate on this every single day, for all life on Planet Earth, then all the life on planet Earth transforms.
I promise you, all life on Planet Earth transforms as you breathe new life and love, as We Are the Family of Earth.
With the deepest love and the deepest affection and the greatest honoring of your magnificent being and abilities, your potential to love all of the life on Earth into healing…
We Are One...
We Are Love...
-- Grandmother from Another Planet
Photo Credit: Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay
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