"When we are not divided, when we are one family, and we understand the importance of the roles each must play, then 'judgment' becomes the understanding that a lesson is in progress. And usually the lesson is for us and not for the person we would think of judging…" - Grandmother from Another Planet
Is there are higher plane of both forgiveness and love for all in any conflict? Self-forgiveness and self-love and self-teaching, new realizations? Of powerful higher emotions of compassion and empathy which might represent those concepts for more advanced civilizations of peace and transformation?
Are there advanced civilizations in our universe? With higher points of view to achieve peace and sustainable life for thousands or millions of years...? Are we capable of much higher levels of caring for our planet and each other?
As we enter higher meditative states of higher dimensional creative intelligence, profound new empathy -- will we be able to see new ways to common ground? To global healing?Transmuting old identities and sadness, even old judgments being understood while working together toward peace and an an amazing future, transforming planet Earth and traveling beyond?
With daily news I felt myself judging -- and judgment is always dividing even with good intentions. I felt there must be another path to create, take the actions of a higher dimensional soul. For a future Earth we are not yet imagining. But we can.
There must be different kinds of powerful global actions we can take -- if we can imagine something far beyond the judgments of our times and into a transformed future as worthy intergallactic travelers...
This "Grandmother from Another Planet" message had me reach out in meditation for new answers, viewpoints, identity, in the midst of current conflict:
How can I seek new inspired, empathetic, 1000-year solutions instead of polarized judgment?
In the long meditations on love and compassion and empathy, I found that I could see new pathways.
This message invites us to explore beyond even our highest dreams for ourselves and our planets, to new unimagined worlds. "Grandmother on Transmuting our Judgments of others -- into Higher Love," Recorded 6-30-20, Posted 7-1-20, 15 minutes, 40 seconds. Transcript below.

"Grandmother from Another Planet on Transmuting Our Judgments of Others – into Higher Love"
When we are not divided, when we are one family, and we understand the importance of the roles each must play, then “judgment” becomes the understanding that a lesson is in progress. And usually the lesson is for us and not for the person we would think of judging… It is our own response to these events. Do you see?
When we are not divided, when we are one family, and we understand the importance of the roles each must play, then “judgment” becomes the understanding that a lesson is in progress. And usually the lesson is for us and not for the person we would think of judging…
If we are one, if we feel like judging, then we are the judger. We become the event, and not the being we are judging to be harming others. Or we begin to see that each of these two events increases a negative experience. Its ripple effects are felt by far more people or beings. The feelings of conflict and upsetment and even hatred and “name calling”: These increase with the judgment rather than being lessened by the judgment.
Now, what if we all learned to use love instead of judgment? And when we see someone being very negative toward or harming others, we immediately employed a higher love for that person’s higher soul, as an antidote.
Is this possible, to live in this way, in this kind of human psychology? To begin to learn, “What is the lesson? How can I be more loving for all involved, toward transmuting such desires to judge?”
It is not wrong to be unhappy and upset if you see someone harming others. That is natural. It is the response, that uses choice – a choice of loving, both the one harmed and the one who is doing the harm. And realizing that there is a powerful lesson for them, and that there is a powerful lesson for you, because you have a choice: To judge or to love? To judge or to love?
The reason this is important is that from a position of higher love, you can then begin to come up with much more compassionate and far-reaching and long-lasting solutions, based on either common ground or rectification, resolution, following the revelation of such judgment and such harm done to another. The love brings healing, both to the person harmed and to the one who is doing the harm. “But will that stop the person who is doing the harm?” you ask. And that’s when judgment kicks in.
The ultimate question you are asking is, “Is love really powerful?”
The power of higher love and light, this great power is relatively unknown in your experience because it is not part of your educational – either personal or spiritual or institutional, societal -- EDUCATION! This is not a discussion.
You do not have great conferences on the power of love and light in higher dimensions!
Now, if you did, and if you sat in Roundtables to consider what is the much more powerful loving, light-filled solution for this situation – where one being appears to be harming others -- even if you realize that this is a “lesson,” it is still very upsetting to you! So, what is your soul-growth contribution when this occurs?
Being able to shift into higher loving realities, planes of existence, in order to be almost like a “guardian angel,” so that there is someone loving both of the people or groups involved in this terrible, brutal conflict. Because there will not come common ground except from someone or those who reach for this kind of reality in the opening of the heart, the forgiveness. Can this be non-violent? Can this be empathetic and compassionate, this response?
If your response is one of love and forgiveness and compassion and empathy and looking for much more powerful love-light solutions in higher realms, might others be inspired to try the same path?
Now, there have been those who have tried this path, who have tried to be models. There have been teachers of this kind of loving, non-violent response. It’s a very difficult path. On the other hand, in some ways, it is much easier and more natural than the path of trying to learn all the strategies of how to respond to harm with more harm and more judgment. Judgment is very harmful to your soul. It says to your soul, environment – this person that I judge is “not me.” Therefore, it sets up a state of, “I am not you and you are not me.” But the natural truth of all the Universe of love, is that “I am very much you and you are very much me!”
There have been teachers of this kind of loving, non-violent response.
In some ways, it is much easier and more natural than the path of trying to learn all the strategies of how to respond to harm with more harm and more judgment. Judgment is very harmful to your soul. The natural truth of all the Universe of love, is that “I am very much you and you are very much me!”
Now, when we speak of higher loving prayers, and we even talk about seeking higher guidance, this is extremely powerful energy. We have never spoken of it so much as “energy” before. Let us speak of it as powerful energy – love-light energy. It is a great, great tool -- very powerful, very limitless. And its effect can go beyond the boundaries of time and space.
The purpose is to begin to find in this and in other states in which you feel that you might be more creative and open-hearted to find solutions which might benefit all -- then some kind of new change or action is possible.
Often the greatest change is changing yourself! Simply having rubrics and mantras -- steps that you take.
And in this case, it is the transmutation of judgment into higher states of love and open-hearted forgiveness, so that you might create actions which have possibly never been seen before on Earth. Such that you are calling out to the higher souls of those involved, to the higher “angels” – and you are asking, asking, asking for this guidance and this love-light energy.
And you are asking for great creative spirit, to be able to develop this great creative spirit, so that you might think of how to help without the judgment. Even though it is not a bad thing to see someone doing harm to another and think, “That is not a good thing!” But we must have understanding as well as compassion, that the School of Earth involves great lessons! It may involve great catalytic events.
We are learning to transmute our responses to these events, such that we begin to take higher steps – steps which could change the situation if we move into this environmental arena and begin to speak of new possibilities.
Now, we have previously said that a very good step when you are presented with a great challenge, you are upset and confounded – is to sit down and make a commitment to truly try to see the gift for learning that is in this event; learning for you, and now we will say, learning for others.
- What is the advantage?
- What is the lesson?
- How might this event become part of enabling you to expand your soul growth?
- To expand your loving relationships with others.
- Always trusting that there is great value and great higher love in every event?
It’s the beginning of a different way of life and a different society.

And so, this is your challenge at this time, to begin to meditate deeply on love – many levels of love. And then, to try to enter these states of forgiveness and compassion and great creativity to come up with new pathways.
And so, this is your challenge at this time, to begin to meditate deeply on love – many levels of love.
If you will try this, if you will even try a simple meditation – Meditate on Love, Level 1 -- and then you wait and wait; and you use very powerful sound, sound which inspires you, which is for your meditations); and then meditate on Love, Level 2, and so on, at least to Level 5 -- if you do this every day, you begin to practice a higher technology of light and love and even compassion and forgiveness than you have known before!. If you can transmute – “transmute” itself being a very power verb – judgment, into higher dimensions of prayer and love for all beings involved, you have already changed planet Earth and your life.
The more times you can do this, the more energetic ripples and waves of new energy you bring to planet Earth. And is not that the solution, with great love?
And with great love, I affirm you, I so appreciate all of your efforts, all of your seeking understanding and trying to do the very best you can for all beings, to be of service to others…I am Grandmother from Another Planet.
-- Grandmother from Another Planet
“The highest freedom of mind comes from becoming non-judgmental.”
“Of course we need to accept ourselves as we are, but we can't stop there. We also need to value ourselves enough make needed changes.” ―
“Meditation has countless benefits - from better health to increased focus to a deeper sense of calm - but the biggie is the ability to respond instead of react to your impulses and urges. In meditation, instead of succumbing to deeply rooted habits of the mind like desire & aversion, you simply watch what comes up in your head non-judgementally.” ―
“Invest in the human soul. Who knows, it might be a diamond in the rough.” ―
“In its highest form, not judging is the ultimate act of forgiveness.” ―
‘[When] we take the time to honor ourselves, whether we're in doubt, difficulty, joy, fear, sadness, happiness, guilt, betrayal, ecstasy, or sorrow to increase the likelihood that we will be able to acknowledge the divinity in others, even when their actions devastate or disappoint us. While vibration cannot prevent loss or despair from arising, it does increase our vitality, cultivate psychic endurance, and deepen our resilience. This allows us to learn from our life circumstances and course correct when the flow of life unexpectedly shifts” — Matt Kahn.
Photo Credits: Blog Image, GDJ, Pixabay License. 2nd Image by John Hain from Pixabay