"If you want to live a more unexpected, specially-created life, you must begin to do some unexpected, highly creative things and to meditate in higher realms, to free your imagination..."
"I would say that there has never been a time for the emergence of much higher creative intelligence -- thinking on an interstellar and time-travel basis, than this time..."
"...you might be ready to consider your own connections over millennia on Earth and beyond -- with extraterrestrial or evolutionary star families of different constellations or experiences beyond your imaginings..."
"That is why I suggest that you begin today with a simple acknowledgement of your own interstellar heritage and being. You are located in the star system -- that is where you live. And that star system is part of the galaxy.
You are traveling between stars every day. This is your ship. And that galaxy itself is moving among other stars.
You are an interstellar being every day. "
-- Grandmother from Another Planet, S.H. Rodman
Can ideas from an "extraterrestrial" view be very helpful at this time, to imagine the future? Or reinvestigate the past, "thinking way seriously out of the box"...?
Recording/extemporaneous blog in deep meditative state, unedited: "Grandmother from Another Planet on You Are an Interstellar Being. Time to Get Creative." Recording and Transcript below, recorded/posted 7-30-20.

Click Audio Player to play "Grandmother on You Are an Interstellar Being. Time to Get Creative," Recorded/Posted 7-30-20, 13 minutes, 32 seconds. A great exercise for our times...
"Grandmother on You Are an Interstellar Being. Time to Get Creative."
SHR: Grandmother, do you have a message today?
Understanding the consciousness of 7.5 billion human beings is the challenge and the privilege and the opportunity of these times on Earth.
In the context of society which is changing at multiple levels even every few hours, you have the opportunity to create – in ways and with few boundaries -- that you have never seen before. Anything, virtually anything, that you might want to create, wouldn't seem too farfetched in these days. And that is the perfect platform for moving forward in this most unusual time.
Now, you are beginning to see new stories, to hear programs regarding real, not fictional, interaction with non-Terran or interstellar ships and even beings. For the first time a little bit more in the news of your regular daily society.
What this suggests is that you might be ready to consider your own connections over millennia on Earth and beyond -- with extraterrestrial or evolutionary star families of different constellations or experiences beyond your imaginings but which have been known to you in other lives. Thus, remembering in deep meditations -- is a great goal for times when you might have some extra time...and times in which you would like to re-vision your life.
Now, you are seeing so much in duality and polarity right now, that it may be difficult for you to shift gears and think about your lives, not just your life, in the context of many, many thousands of years in the past and in the future -- that context -- but this is the perfect time to help planet Earth as it shifts in literal vibrations or frequencies. Because the consciousness of the human beings and other beings and all life -- that consciousness is changing now, reflecting what is happening with all human consciousness.
I would say that there has never been a time for the emergence of much higher creative intelligence, thinking on an interstellar and time-travel basis, than this time.
"I would say that there has never been a time for the emergence of much higher creative intelligence, thinking on an interstellar and time-travel basis, than this time."
These are happening in regular scientific and "futurism" news, which would have seemed science fiction even a few years ago.
There is very little that you can dream or imagine which is truly impossible.
Now, the message for today is to meditate upon who you would like to become. Who is this larger persona of "you" that you suspect? And how might you begin to live as that larger, multi-incarnation, galactical you? (Note: Sound surges appear on the recording which was not present in the room.)
And I want to suggest something new. I've suggested many times for you to enter states of higher love and meditation with sound. Now, I want you to focus on creativity -- the creative arts -- and bypass your linear or even language-based responses, with drawing, sound, dancing, drumming: Non-linear creative energies.
And you can do this together if you are sharing a space during this restricted movement era. And it does not matter because you can communicate online and be together with others drumming and painting and entering artistic higher states.
That is something that I would like to address today. Because when you feel locked down, and you feel extra boundaries all around you, you do desire to "break out" with new creativity. But understanding how to bring this into "form" and "matter" as part of your work, actually be able to earn a living in careers of higher intelligence creativity, it is more difficult to understand how to do that.
That is why I suggest that you begin today with a simple acknowledgement of your own interstellar heritage and being. You are located in the star system -- that is where you live. And that star system is part of the galaxy. You are traveling between stars every day. This is your ship. And that galaxy itself is moving among other stars. You are an interstellar being every day.
That is why I suggest that you begin today with a simple acknowledgement of your own interstellar heritage and being.
You are located in the star system -- that is where you live. And that star system is part of the galaxy. You are traveling between stars every day. This is your ship. And that galaxy itself is moving among other stars.
You are an interstellar being every day.
To begin to work with how that feels and who you might really be -- even your connection with other constellations and galaxies -- can be somewhat freeing just to consider this and meditate upon it.
And I suggest that doing this playfully, with brilliant colors and sound, even as you are on lockdown, as you call it, frees the soul to soar.
This is a time to free the soul to soar in any way possible. Everything you can think of every day that might be feasible and still meet all of the rules for your movement and being and learning: DO THAT.
Push the envelope in ways that are comfortable for you, and you will find that much more territory in the mind and even in physical space is available to you than you might first think.
Get out your paper and pen. Do not do this artwork on the computer, as it is very important for you to connect with physical objects which are not digital, which are not zero’s and one’s. You are not zero’s and one’s.
It is important for you to begin to leave behind other boundaries and seek different modes of expression. And it doesn't matter if you don't think you can play a drum or draw or paint. But if you use your imagination, you might be surprised at what you have around your working area, your home, to begin to be more creative. Even create sculptures which express the begin that you would love to be as an interstellar being.
How would you like to dress? What would you like your home to look like, your workspace, if you were truly an interstellar being? Well, you are.
And your intelligence is not limited. That's the second most important thing to focus on right now: Your intelligence is not limited. You are an interstellar being. That is scientific fact.
To begin to exercise the creative, non-linear, non-verbal side, you may discover many new things about who you are and where you are. Now, if you can also do this in a very loving way -- some other things will happen. Some new things will happen that you had not expected before.
If you want to live a more unexpected, specially-created life, you must begin to do some unexpected, highly creative things and to meditate in higher realms, to free your imagination and begin to become more loving, more playful, more joyful with the space around you, within the space around you. Begin to think about this.
"If you want to live a more unexpected, specially-created life, you must begin to do some unexpected, highly creative things and to meditate in higher realms, to free your imagination..."
What are, let us say, 5 things that you can create from just what you have, to begin to express that higher being, that interstellar being which is actually you.
This is a phenomenal step. it is so simple, and yet you never think of it. you never acknowledge, "I am an interstellar being."
Begin there. Open your creative heart and mind, and let's look at what else you can create, what joy and creative experiences you can bring to others this week, even if they must be online.
And breathe in this creative interstellar space. Breathe in the new way. Love in the new way.
With the greatest love for you and the greatest appreciation -- great fondness, great gratitude for you and your soul and all that you are experiencing and learning which would benefit future generations: Thank you.
With great affirmation, I am Grandmother from Another Planet.
-- Grandmother from Another Planet
Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay