“Be aware that in these times, many things will disrupt, and you pay no attention. You simply go forward with your message. That is what is important. .. Do not allow any actions, events, or self-doubts to hamper your work, your sense of mission as being very important.”
“Do not allow all of the events that are happening on Earth, which seem to be coming in rapid succession and delay what you had wished to do -- do not let these be of concern or cause you to pause.”
“What is happening is that you are being asked to reach higher levels of creativity.”
“Do not allow all of the events that are happening on Earth, which seem to be coming in rapid succession and delay what you had wished to do -- do not let these be of concern or cause you to pause.”
“What is happening is that you are being asked to reach higher levels of creativity.”
-- Grandmother from Another Planet, S.H. Rodman
So: No...to putting everything "on hold."
This audio blog came in response to a strong question I'm getting from so many people.They're saying they feel they should put their whole mission "on hold" -- as so much changes every day! The message from Grandmother was pretty clear. "Get creative" with your own higher levels of intelligence and intuition -- and move forward with that mission anyway; don't let anything deter you.
Thus -- we're going to have to get a lot more creative because it's pretty hard to move forward with you mission and identity and drive as it was define pre-2020. How can we do this? The Grandmother transmissions or articles have practical suggestions.
I'm trying to do this with all of my own work -- including the Right Brain Mind Power at Any Age work.... All of it has to change in energy, presentation, and extensive offerings globally so that the work is accessible to everyone.
How would it be possible given closedown and more concerns, to make available these very loving messages all over the world, about increasing higher conscious awareness, love, compassion, new identity and drive for these times?...
In 2020, that's the energy of all of the "Grandmother from Another Planet" Blogs in this unedited, deep meditation audio blogging... Surprisingly practical steps to: Move forward with your mission. Reach higher. Go farther. Get Creative -- and don't let anything stop you...while still remaining in high bliss, high compassion, high forgiveness, highly loving states...
All Audio Blogs are extemporaneous and unedited as they come in! From wherever they come!

"Grandmother from Another Planet on Move Forward with Your Mission Even During a Pandemic or Great Challenge"
Grandmother, can you give me a symbol, image, or something to be on the lookout for to understand how to move forward with my mission, my sense of duty, of being of service to others? When it seems that the ground rules for everything that we all want to do change every couple of days or even every couple of hours... Is there any advice at all so that we may get action, emotion, to fulfill our missions during this difficult time, that would be very helpful?
The desire to be of service to others does not have a boundary of time.
This is important in your work, in the work of everyone, because at the moment you can feel somewhat delayed or behind or have a sense that there is such a monumental amount of effort needed to solve problems to be of true service to others -- and to teach or make available any instructions you have been given in higher dimensional meditations. So, I want to reassure you that there is no "time boundary" to play out a mission and a role from your heart, over a very long period or over a very short period.
It is exactly the right time when you feel it is exactly the right time.
Now, you've asked for a sign or a symbol, and often that is the "indicator" and even an "energy prompt" to move forward with something you might have been thinking about but have felt that you should wait.
If you open your higher-intelligence, higher-soul mind for soul growth, these symbols will come much more quickly. (Coughing).
A cough like this is often a signal that something important is about to be said out loud and recorded! So, there is a little disruption because it's very important. So, forgive us this but be aware that in these times, many things will disrupt, and you pay no attention. You simply go forward with your message. That is what is important.
Do not allow any actions, events, or self-doubts to hamper your work, your sense of mission as being very important.
It is very important, and moving forward with this kind of action -- specifically, working on the mission -- is very powerful.
(Continued in Part 2:)
Great creativity is required when your mission plan and your energies toward what you feel is an important mission -- are disrupted or delayed.
It is a primary opportunity to see if you can create energy from another dimension in order to move forward with the mission or missions that are most important to you. (I get the sense that this means more conscious, focused meditation on new mission solutions and creativity in much higher states of consciousness.)
Your mission may have changed, and you may feel that your purpose on Earth is much more important after all of the events of 2020 -- than it was before. All of the beings on Earth are much more aware of the potential for interruption, for halting what seemed to be a clear path for service to others.
I will repeat: Move forward, forge ahead, take your steps.
Do not allow all of the events that are happening on Earth, which seem to be coming in rapid succession and delay what you had wished to do -- do not let these be of concern or cause you to pause.
What is happening is that you are being asked to reach higher levels of creativity.
And to apply these, you are being asked to love all beings with much greater force and compassion and sense of oneness with all beings than ever before.
This should actually imbue you with a rigorous energy -- a kind of fierce sense of connection to your whole life journey and mission to be of service to others. If you will add to that service to others, this time each day in the deep commitment to reach higher states of bliss in deep meditation and using high bliss sound -- that will change how your work progresses. High bliss Sound. The sound which seems to stir you almost to a state of bliss and a sense that all beings and all realities are one... And that you have an important role to play. And that role has increased in importance, not decreased, because of what is happening in the year 2010.
Now, one of the advantages to daily deep higher bliss sound meditation, is an increase in the access, the vibrational access to insights as to what is happening and how you might respond in the most loving way -- in the most loving way, in the most constructive and productive way so that your mission moves forward.
Now, this does not mean that you do not take the precautions which are suggested to you. It means that you must begin to think and work in a higher creative paradigm or plane or even dimension. And this is also an excellent time to begin to work with our Light Mind Meditations, our Rainbow Light Mind meditation, our Golden Light Meditation, our deep meditations on love -- 12 Levels of Love.
All of these meditations lead to a sensation, a vibration, a frequency -- a purpose. And there is almost inherent in this meditative focus, a kind of sense of being able to shift into a plane where everything is possible; everything is accessible to you across all time and space; therefore, all knowledge is available -- and it is very accessible through the voice or through writing and through synchronicity.
"...A kind of sense of being able to shift into a plane where everything is possible; everything is accessible to you across all time and space; therefore, all knowledge is available."
Synchronicity events -- seeing a sign, a symbol, an image and having it appear somewhere around you in the next few hours or days -- is a communication in synchronicity. A sense that you are synchronizing in a higher frequency where your ability to create materially is greater -- where your quest for soul growth will be better comprehended and translated, even into action.
The most important aspect of today's message, however, goes a bit beyond perseverance. It is a kind action "streak." A kind of "live streaming" sense of "I will act at this time, and I will go forward with my mission to be of more and more loving and compassionate service to others every day. I will increase my actions." This kind of brings in a kind of "streaming energy." And it connects you to other beings who are sensing and receiving this same motivational "nudge" from the cosmos.
In a sense, you are being asked to take "cosmic action" on behalf of sisters and brothers in the universe, on behalf of all civilizations, to be as much help as you can be at this time, for all of those seeking higher soul growth.
You can be very, very, loving, and welcoming and warm and comforting at this time. And make a difference which is almost unimaginable, but it is in the nature of the "transmutation" -- look up that word, because that is the word we want to use, not just change or transformation: transmutation -- of a reality which has reached a kind of polarity which is usually what happens before there is a major breakthrough. And then one polarity or service to others becomes more dominant, and the whole process begins again. It is a cycle of growth.
What is soul growth to you this week may not be soul growth next week.
What is soul growth to you this week may not be soul growth next week...because you have moved on to a higher dimensional challenge and want to move on to new action and growth which goes beyond what before seemed powerful and important.
It is very important at this time for you to share your quest and your mission with others who might be in synchronization with this quest or have a similar quest of their own and would benefit from some support or networking. This kind of partnership right now can be of assistance to be sure your action stream moves forward.
It is not that you are not to be an observer -- you're always to be an observer. But it is to continue to be an observer and not to allow what is happening to make you question your own observations, integrity, and force of will and drive to do the right thing. It is a very powerful time to do the right thing.
This is, in a way, a deep soul meditation request. This time is so precious, and you can work with the higher soul to ask for as much guidance and strength and compassion and discipline as possible to move forward with your actions. And each step will become as a "grade" in learning in school because these steps are very difficult right now. And they are difficult because you want to sustain a state of high bliss, a state of love for all beings, and that seems harder in today's current climate. But it is not harder. The climate of events -- one of them after another, boom, boom, boom, interruption, disruption -- these events cause you automatically to reach for higher states of love in order to handle them beautifully, and to even reach states of transmutation and creation in physical form, clearly growing out of your spiritual growth.
The highest-level consciousness growth at this time is the most important action which you should include in each one of your projects or your lists of creations. This is extremely powerful to persevere and to move forward with those things that might be the toughest soul growth but bring the greatest love and warmth and comfort to others, however you can do that. Even if you are ill and even if there are many circumstances in the world which seem to be limiting those...
Nothing that you are seeing is as it seems.
This does require your shifting into higher dimensions in order to have a much more understandable perception of reality today, and even reality next year.
Do be patient with yourself and with others. And extend the greatest feelings of love and caring and warmth to others as you move forward in your 'action plan" to work on your mission. You mission did not stop. Your mission is more important than ever.
You are a glorious being with a wonderful mission. Move forward! Love every being with all your heart!
With great love and appreciation for you, I am Grandmother from Another Planet.
-- Grandmother from Another Planet
“You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”
“Consciousness is only possible through change; change is only possible through movement.” ―
“Geniuses are always marginalized to one degree or another. Someone wholly invested in the status quo is unlikely to disrupt it.”
“Instead of waiting to be rescued, start creating opportunities for yourself. You owe yourself everything you expect from others.”
“No obstacle is so big that one person with determination can't make a difference.” ―
Photo Credit: Image by Sasin Tipchai from Pixabay