"What shall I become" is your strongest watchword.
You would do well to meditate daily on new pathways, new doorways, new visions, new analogies, new metaphors, new symbols, new cues, new messages, new clues, new energetic forms of intelligence transmission, communication, interpretation.
Always assume that you are not seeing the complete picture or hearing the complete story of higher dimensional realities, as these are outside of your range of perception and comprehension. Just because they are outside of this range does not mean that they are not impacting your full reality. It means that the task comes to you, an explorer, to investigate and learn to interpret more usefully these higher dimensional symbols and clues.
You are looking for the structure or patterns and not simply taking in information which is "data."
Do not limit your looking at patterns with one identity as your filter.
Becoming love for all beings is the key which opens all of the doors.
-- Grandmother from Another Planet
Could this simple improvisational audio blog be a clue about "ET Psychology 101" for handling extremely chaotic times which are difficult to interpret? When several timelines or realities seem to be running in parallel?
Very interesting exercises, viewpoints -- even footnotes and quotes with this audio presentation and transcript: Grandmother on "What Shall I Do?" Ask "What Shall I Become?": Sherlock Holmes, Master Yoda, and Time Travel," Recorded 1-21-21, Posted 1-31-21, 15 minutes, 53 seconds.

Grandmother on “What Shall I Do?” Ask “What Shall I Become?”: Sherlock Holmes, Master Yoda, and Time Travel
Greetings! I am cheering this transmutation and transmission of new energies with the willingness to "let go" of older forms and structures -- and celebrate the explorations of new forms and structures of being.
When you wonder what to do, always ask then, what to become:
- "What shall I become" is your strongest watchword.
- "What shall I become" is the tune of the future.
- "What shall I become" is the intention of the transformed being: To explore new becomings.
"What shall I become?" is your strongest watchword!
You would do well to meditate daily on new pathways, new doorways, new visions, new analogies, new metaphors, new symbols, new cues, new messages, new clues, new energetic forms of intelligence transmission, communication, interpretation.
Always assume that you are not seeing the complete picture or hearing the complete story of higher dimensional realities, as these are outside of your range of perception and comprehension. Just because they are outside of this range does not mean that they are not impacting your full reality. It means that the task comes to you, an explorer, to investigate and learn to interpret more usefully these higher dimensional symbols and clues.
In your greatest moments, you are one who learns to "see" many patterns, to interpret the roles of many parts and pieces, -- the puzzle solver, the puzzle creator, the maker of dramas as well as the player in dramas and the solver in dramas. You are playing all the roles.
In your greatest moments, you are one who learns to "see" many patterns, to interpret the roles of many parts and pieces, -- the puzzle solver, the puzzle creator, the maker of dramas as well as the player in dramas and the solver in dramas.
You think you have an intention to try to understand what is happening. You play all the roles. The creator, the player, the solver. You are all three. Your intelligence, at this point of triangulation -- do you see? -- looking at all three, not just one: You are the creator of the puzzle. You are the players in the puzzle. You are the solver of the puzzle.
This expands your natural intelligence into greater frequencies and ranges of perceiving, even if it is expanded across time. In a sense, "Time Travel" is your greatest new exploration. And you would do well to explore this in meditation.
If you would like to explore any complex concept in meditation, simply meditate on it. For example, you can do a meditation like this:
- Meditate on Time Travel, Level 1.
- Meditate on Time Travel, Level 2.
- Meditate on Time Travel, Level 3.
- Meditate on Time Travel, Level 4.
- Meditate on Time Travel, Level 5.
And so on. As high as you would like to go.
In states of higher frequency meditation with sound, you will be able to "see" and identify patterns which in your parlance would be called "interpretation." But first, you must be able to "see" or "hear" the elements. Then recognize the patterns. Then you comprehend through this interpretation.
Why is this so important at this moment? You are asking repeatedly, "What is happening? What is going on?" You are saying, "I do not understand."
Well, this is a "Master Class" in understanding in higher frequencies. Thus, you begin with recognizing the true symbolic nature of the elements in your environment in daily visions, even on screens, and then noticing the patterns.
This time is a "Master Class" in understanding in higher frequencies. Thus, you begin with recognizing the true symbolic nature of the elements in your environment in daily visions, even on screens, and then noticing the patterns.
Patterns often make "shapes." It might be 3 key points -- a triangulation. [Triangle] It might be 4 elements of an action -- or a Square or Rectangle. Do you see? And then this action transports you to a higher frequency because you are looking for the structure or patterns and not simply taking in information which is "data."
You are looking for the structure or patterns and not simply taking in information which is "data."
You are analyzing, and thus interpreting, and thus increasing your frequency range of perception, and thus changing your reality.
You are analyzing, and thus interpreting, and thus increasing your frequency range of perception, and thus changing your reality.
I realize that this sounds complex. But I am sorry, this is the nature of your current reality. You are seeing something complex. And trying to interpret it at the simplest level of Step 1, 2, 3. This is not a time in which steps take place 1, 2, 3 by actors 1, 2, 3. You must understand that there are an infinite number of fractions between each number,* an infinite number of players who can play out dramas, and an infinite number of interpretations which yield themselves to creative patterns.
You must understand that there are an infinite number of fractions between each number,* an infinite number of players who can play out dramas, and an infinite number of interpretations which yield themselves to creative patterns.
(See Footnote*)
Why it is important for you to do this simple daily meditation looking at clues, looking at patterns of symbols, colors, geometries, meanings: This is a wonderful class! You are "home schooling" yourself when you do this. "Hm. Let me look at this situation! What colors, what players are predominant?"
Why it is important for you to do this simple daily meditation looking at clues, looking at patterns of symbols, colors, geometries, meanings: This is a wonderful class! You are "home schooling" yourself when you do this. "Hm. Let me look at this situation! What colors, what players are predominant?" (Becoming Sherlock...)
Analyze this in some detail. What are all the props? What are all the costumes? What's the general mood? And then you look for -- like you were a detective, like you were your famous "Sherlock Holmes": "What does this mean for a good new loving resolution for all of us?" Because clues are given every day.
You may be a wonderful observer. You are a watcher. You are an explorer. But this time it is "incumbent" upon you -- note the use of this word -- to begin to assume your role of "investigative reporter" or "investigator," such as Sherlock Holmes. Look at the patterns. Look at the clues. Look at your own thought patterns and begin to understand where you are in this "matrix." And then apply Love!
Begin to assume your role of "investigative reporter" or "investigator," such as Sherlock Holmes. Look at the patterns. Look at the clues.
You have no idea how much more power there is in your ability to love!
You have no idea how much more power there is in your ability to love!
You may think that you can love a great deal right now, but believe me, as you reach higher, and you ask every day, "Please, I would like to love at a higher level" -- and meditate on love at higher levels, higher and higher, as high as you can go -- then you will see that you can love at higher and higher levels! And that the intelligence associated with this higher love, brings you closer to a role of an expert Sherlock Holmes.
....The intelligence associated with this higher love brings you closer to a role of an expert Sherlock Holmes.
But also, it brings you to a role of another of your icons: Mater Yoda, a wise teacher.
So, let this be an unusual goal for you at this time. Begin to observe in more expanded frequencies, all of the patterns around you. Begin to observe across time, meditate on Time, on Time Travel so that you can see clues and frequencies beyond your daily life.
Let this be an unusual goal for you at this time. Begin to observe in more expanded frequencies, all of the patterns around you.
And then focus on, "Now, what would the 'Investigator,' the 'Detective,' Sherlock Holmes say about this situation?" Or "What wisdom would the Master Teacher, Yoda, impart about this situation?" For you are all of these players. You are also all of the eras, all of the beings, all of the races, all of the sexes, all of the ages of all of the beings of your time, both Terran and non-Terran.
"Now, what would the 'Investigator,' the 'Detective,' Sherlock Holmes say about this situation?"
So do not limit your looking at patterns with one identity as your filter. You must, in order to be the Master Detective and the Master Wise Teacher, look at "what would be the view of one who had this identity or this culture or this age? One who is a citizen of this country or that country, or that time and place?"
Do not limit your looking at patterns with one identity as your filter.
In this simple message I bring you today, is such tremendous expansion of your intelligence, your mental power, your brain exercise itself, and your spiritual soul growth, that I can't even begin to describe to you what would happen if you actually took the message seriously and did the practice meditations every day!
I can promise you, if you do, you will enter a new world and become a bridge for others who are trying to understand, "What do we do next"? It is not what you do next. It is who you become next.
And above all, become love. Above all, become love for all beings. And this is a pathway.
Becoming love for all beings is the key which opens all of the doors.
Becoming love for all beings is the key which opens all of the doors.
And with great love for you, I am Grandmother from Another Planet.
-- Grandmother from Another Planet
The premise of concepts in "Fuzzy Logic" mathematics -- the first I read of it was by creator Lofti Zadeh, who lived to 96. Wikipedia on Fuzzy Logic. Just did a search page on books on Fuzzy Logic. I thought it was an astounding concept reading decades ago some of the story of Lofti Zadeh's work -- mostly experimented with in Japan, Asia. - Could not understand why it wasn't used across our sciences! The name "fuzzy," it seems, was everything, and western science/math ignored it then. If only they had used "probability logic" or some such! Here, Grandmother uses it to help underscore the "infinite number of players" and "infinite numbers of interpretations" in the psychology of mass drama events -- such as our times -- which yield themselves to creative patterns. Or: AN INFINITE NUMBER OF CREATIVE PROBABILITIES is possible...by which she seems, to me, to mean that your own creativity, each individual, has an infinite number of probabilities. Andshe seems to indicate that that is a mind -- and a kind of "probability concept" -- which we should be meditating upon, expanding! -- to better look at all patterns, symbols and meaning across our chaotic times, and across all fields.
- An extraterrestrial's point of view of a greater reality, tapping our greater creative minds with a different, vaster mathematical-psychological base? -- SHR
“Time is not a line but a dimension, like the dimensions of space. If you can bend space you can bend time also, and if you knew enough and could move faster than light you could travel backward in time and exist in two places at once.”
"Imagine a world where there were no hypothetical situations.”―
(Love this quote too -- exercises the brain...we LIVE DAILY in our "hypothetical situation" minds, imagining everything in every variation, reliving everything in the past in every variation and wishing... Grandmother seems to be suggesting we "formalize" this is a mind exercise by meditating DIRECTLY on Time Travel...but suggests we do it with love. And suggests we even exercise by assuming characters like a detective, Sherlock Holmes, and a master teacher, like Yoda... -- SHR)
“Shh! Listen! Someone’s coming! I think — I think it might be us!”
And one of the original quotes on the concept of "we're all players" and this is a stage:
“All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players.”
Is this concept "Extraterrestrial Psychology 101" 🙂
Image Credit: Gerd Altmann from Pixabay