Sleeplessness and interruptions of circadian sleep pattern rhythms are becoming more frequent during these times.
This Audio Blog and Meditation can help. They did for me!
"Meditation is a key tool to understanding the difficulties of sleeplessness. You're experiencing a 'frequency phenomenon.' Therefore, use interdimensional frequency practice to become more adept...
"In a way, it is your 'identity' which is not sleeping."
"Part of you wants to hold on to the old world and to the old identity"...
"Experience this with a little bit of joy! Part of you wants to cherish and contemplate these passing times, to hold onto them, to see what they really are"...
"You must love yourself greatly during these times, in order to sleep"...
"There is a great deal of learning which will be required as you shift frequencies in what used to be a simple daily practice of meditation"...
"If you take into account the extraordinary nature of this situation in your current times, then you can breathe a sigh of relief. It's not just me. It is these times"...
"You have an extreme capacity for higher dimensional transition, transmutation of energy, handling sleep and thought in higher dimensions"...
-- Grandmother from Another Planet, S.H. Rodman
Enjoy "Grandmother from Another Planet: How to Handle Sleeplessness with Higher Dimensional Mediation" -- and the meditation and suggested meditative sound given at the end. Blog recorded 3-22-21, posted 3-28-21.

"Grandmother from Another Planet: How to Handle Sleeplessness with Higher Dimensional Meditation"
The environment of focus is very much like a grid of activity, and you seek to steel this grid of activity so that your focus may instead be one of calm and sleepiness. But the grid is still active! There's an agreement, a structure in which you bring thoughts into an "alignment" with more calming frequencies.
In the practice of meditation, you're always bringing these kinds of frequencies into your "plane of activity." Therefore, meditation is a key tool to understanding the difficulties of sleeplessness.
Meditation is a key tool to understanding the difficulties of sleeplessness. You're experiencing a "frequency phenomenon." Therefore, use interdimensional frequency practice (meditation) to become more adept...
You're experiencing a "frequency phenomenon." Therefore, use interdimensional frequency practice to become more adept at transmuting energetics in the grid of your environment, your reality, such that you can adjust and transmute activity which did not used to disrupt you, because it was in higher frequencies and you were unaware. Now, you are much more aware of this activity, many dimensions of activity, and therefore, when you wish to sleep, it is necessary to change your frequencies to be in alignment with a larger range -- so that you may handle even higher dimensional frequencies and bring these into a calming point with a great deal of loving regard for this environment.
- So, one difficulty is that you are working with a wider range of active realities and frequencies.
- Two is you are working with a wider range of activities and frequencies.
- And three is, you are very aware that this is not your usual environment for sleep or life. Therefore, you are feeling that you are somewhat of a "Stranger in a Strange Land."(Classic science fiction novel by Robert A. Heinlein, 1961.)
You are uncomfortable, you are a bit fearful, you are hoping that some sort of routine or action you can take will calm this activity into a rhythm where you can adapt, and thus feel calm and sleepy. In a way, it is your "identity" which is not sleeping.
In a way, it is your "identity" which is not sleeping.
Part of you wants to hold on to the old world and to the old identity. And this is perfectly normal for this kind of situation, for this era -- which is like no other era you have ever experienced.
Part of you wants to hold on to the old world and to the old identity...
Now, you may not think of sleeplessness as an issue of "identities." but I think you will come to find that this is so germane, so apropos, so relevant that you can barely organize an environment for sleep unless you contemplate these different identities! Realities are identities. Identities are realities.
Now, you may not think of sleeplessness as an issue of "identities." but I think you will come to find that this is so germane, so apropos, so relevant that you can barely organize an environment for sleep unless you contemplate these different identities!
Part of you does not want to cut off this reality. Part of you is aware that you will receive additional information and experience other realities -- perhaps even remembering some of them from dreams. And you would be more comfortable not having to "move" into these new identities and realities. It's that simple. It's a bit of "resistance to change." But it is perfectly normal to wish to hold on to old identities and realities.
Part of you does not want to cut off this reality. Part of you is aware that you will receive additional information and experience other realities -- perhaps even remembering some of them from dreams. And you would be more comfortable not having to "move" into these new identities and realities.
Experience this with a little bit of joy! Part of you wants to cherish and contemplate these passing times, to hold onto them, to see what they really are.
Experience this with a little bit of joy! Part of you wants to cherish and contemplate these passing times, to hold onto them, to see what they really are.
You must love yourself greatly during these times, in order to sleep. You must love all of your new identities and discoveries. And you must practice different frequencies in meditations which are particularly for the practice of different frequencies.
You must love yourself greatly during these times, in order to sleep...
There is a great deal of learning which will be required as you shift frequencies in what used to be a simple daily practice of meditation, and now is a little bit more akin to consciousness aerobics, dancing.
There is a great deal of learning which will be required as you shift frequencies in what used to be a simple daily practice of meditation...
It will take a little time to be able to flow and glide through these transitions. But if you begin to have a bit of appreciation, a bit of fun with this exercise, a bit of a sense of true achievement that you're here living in these times at this location, and can have some truly extraordinary experiences! This should bring some joys!
And there is a tremendous bouquet of catalyst events for your learning pleasure...
Now, I do know that sleeplessness is not humorous for anyone who has experienced it for a great deal of time. It makes you, in fact, sober and serious, more so than usual. I ask that you begin to play with this in your meditations.
And when you meditate on love, remember to love yourself in all identities, in all dimensions, in all frequencies.
And when you meditate on love, remember to love yourself in all identities, in all dimensions, in all frequencies.
Now, if you take into account the extraordinary nature of this situation in your current times, then you can breathe a sigh of relief. It's not just me. It is these times. Everyone is experiencing something that is similar.
Now, if you take into account the extraordinary nature of this situation in your current times, then you can breathe a sigh of relief. It's not just me. It is these times...
And so, since you are aware of this, begin to bring more love into your meditation -- which radiates out to other human beings. Because everyone is experiencing this. In fact, you might adjust your meditation to:
- Meditate on love for all other beings, Level 1.
- Meditate on love for all other beings, Level 2.
- Meditate on love for all other beings, Level 3.
- Meditate on love for all other beings, Level 4.
- Meditate on love for all other beings, Level 5.
Relax deeply and enjoy a meditation on love for all beings, and you begin to change to the higher frequencies which are disruptive when you try to "fit" them in your third dimensional sleeping patterns, but are quite calming and beautiful when you try to begin to sleep in higher dimensional frequencies. That is what you are being asked to do. It may sound complex, but it is very simple. You are going through a transition and this meditation will assist you.
Relax deeply and enjoy a meditation on love for all beings, and you begin to change to the higher frequencies which are disruptive when you try to "fit" them in your third dimensional sleeping patterns, but are quite calming and beautiful when you try to begin to sleep in higher dimensional frequencies.
You have an extreme capacity for higher dimensional transition, transmutation of energy, handling sleep and thought in higher dimensions.
You have an extreme capacity for higher dimensional transition, transmutation of energy, handling sleep and thought in higher dimensions. ..
Never discount the beauty of this consciousness which is yours, of this heart of love, and of the power of meditating on love for all other beings.
Never discount the beauty of this consciousness which is yours, of this heart of love, and of the power of meditating on love for all other beings...
And with great love for you in this vast cosmos, I am Grandmother from Another Planet,
-- Grandmother from Another Planet.
Use any meditative sound you like. I recommend this Theta Waves meditation sound for deep bliss shifts into higher frequencies. Repeat the words of each level in your mind. Then relax deeply for a few minutes, as long as you like. Then repeat the words for the next level, and so on, relaxing more and more deeply each time.
- Meditate on love for all other beings, Level 1. (Pause, relax deeply)
- Meditate on love for all other beings, Level 2. (Pause, relax more deeply)
- Meditate on love for all other beings, Level 3. (Pause, relax more deeply)
- Meditate on love for all other beings, Level 4. (Pause, relax more deeply)
- Meditate on love for all other beings, Level 5. (Pause, relax more deeply)
You may also continue to expand this meditation to as many levels as you like, which can increase relaxation and entering sleep and dreams in higher dimensional frequencies.
Alternative meditation: If you would like to use this for something besides sleeping, to open the creative mind or for interdimensional communication, the expansion of consciousness, ask a Question before you begin. At each level, see what symbols, ideas, images, sounds and so on come to you "out of the blue" which might serve as "clues" for an answer or steps to achieve your creative goals. -- SHR.