“This is a time full of surprises. That means it is a time of the greatest learning.”
“This is a fine state as a foundation to see with a perspective which would change frequencies on Earth to include many more solutions, strategies, geometries of thinking, geometries of different cultures.”
“You are part of all of the perspectives, the polarities, the circles, the oneness, the ‘forever-ness’ of all of the cosmos.”
-- Grandmother from Another Planet
This lesson helped with my question about how to "see" the world with a higher, loving, creative consciousness perspective at this time -- more compassion, empathy, higher views, hopeful views of the future. It includes a MEDITATION outline and sound link at the end, an excellent exercise of simple daily practice, with sound, to change the "frequencies" or affirmative energies of your interactions with others daily.
Enjoy "Grandmother from Another Planet on 'Seeing' with a Higher, Loving Intelligence Perspective," Recorded 4-27-21, posted 4-2921. Transcript below. Spontaneous, improvisational, unedited recording.

Grandmother from Another Planet on "Seeing" with a Higher Loving Intelligence Perspective
SR: Grandmother, how can I "see" the world from a higher perspective?
To "see" with new eyes at this time a beautiful world, means to enter a perspective which includes the well-being of all individuals and all life on planet Earth, your world. This "higher-frequency," higher -creative-intelligence viewpoint means to see the beauty in the world, the beauty of all beings, all life, all times, all places. All are connected.
This "higher-frequency," higher -creative-intelligence viewpoint means to see the beauty in the world, the beauty of all beings, all life, all times, all places...
To "see" is to know as yourself. So, there must be a reconnecting, a recollection, a renaissance, a renewal of your sense of connection and caring for all life on Earth.
To "see" is to know as yourself...
You shift from the perspective of "the Line" which has 2 ends -- there's an end to the left, an end to the right -- and there is a vertical line -- an end to the top, an end to the bottom -- shift from this view to the view of the Circle.
Line ___
Circle O
There is a Line in every Circle, being completed. There is also a Circle in every Line, to be completed, to come together.
"Seeing" from a higher perspective is "seeing" from a higher perspective of "being." So, as you are, so you "see."
"Seeing" from a higher perspective is "seeing" from a higher perspective of "being." So, as you are, so you see...
The focus of deep state contemplation -- let us use that for "meditation" at the moment -- this focus is an aspect of time allocation and time travel! So, during your day you allocate a time, an hour at least -- given the frequencies on your planet I do think an hour is minimum -- for your own contemplative focus in higher-creative-intelligence "visioning," which includes the wellbeing of all life on Earth, all of the structures on Earth, and your own health and wellbeing.
I do think an hour is minimum -- for your own contemplative focus in higher-creative-intelligence "visioning," which includes the wellbeing of all life on Earth...
This would best begin with the simple "Meditation on Love" (below) before you come to contemplate this higher, wonderful question you have posed.
You see, to have a perspective in higher views always begins with a willingness to meditate in a deeper state of love for all...all life, all things, all times, all spaces. So, when you do this simple Meditation on Love, begin to expand your mind to include this higher-perspective sensory perception.
To have a perspective in higher views always begins with a willingness to meditate in a deeper state of love for all...
So, you might say "Meditate on Love, Level 1." What you are intending is to Meditate on Love for yourself, for all beings, to meditate on all love in the universe. And this "intention" changes the frequency of your perception or perspective.
This "intention" changes the frequency of your perception or perspective...
If you want to view things from a higher perspective, you are "in effect," looking for a higher state of perception which is always connected to a higher state of love for all beings, the Circle. All are connected at some level, and what impacts one of us impacts all of us.
All are connected at some level, and what impacts one of us impacts all of us...
Thus, the higher perspective which meditates on a Circle of Love -- this is a perspective in which you can see farther, see longer, see across time and space.
You are part of all of the perspectives, the polarities, the circles, the oneness, the "forever-ness" of all of the cosmos. You are part of all of this.
This recognition is a center point for this kind of meditative focus, which again, you think of as the focus of your own higher creative intelligence in a deeper blissful state.
Now, we have given a sound link -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KcU6w1Pr5gc&t=507s -- and there are many -- Meditation-Sound Page -- and we will give several in this particular article or message.
This is important because these frequencies assist you to move into a contemplative state of your own "loving the world!" When you set out in a meditation to love all the world and all its beings, you have changed your own frequencies, and you have changed the frequencies of Earth to some extent. Every time -- not once in a while -- every single time this is your intention, to love all in the world, this change will take place.
When you set out in a meditation to love all the world and all its beings, you have changed your own frequencies, and you have changed the frequencies of Earth...
And your ability to perceive with what even you would consider a higher creative intelligence which is innate within you -- you will see this as different from your "own" necessary perspectives for daily life negotiation and activity. And as you spend more time in these higher intelligence exploratory states, you will learn to integrate these "insights of the soul" into your considerations for having a daily life which is full of joy and happiness at discovery -- at being able to reach out in love to all beings.
As you spend more time in these higher intelligence exploratory states, you will learn to integrate these "insights of the soul" into your considerations for having a daily life which is full of joy and happiness at discovery...
This is a fine state as a foundation to see with a perspective which would change frequencies on Earth to include many more solutions, strategies, geometries of thinking, geometries of different cultures. Do you see?
This is a fine state as a foundation to see with a perspective which would change frequencies on Earth to include many more solutions, strategies, geometries of thinking, geometries of different cultures...
There is an "art" for every time in a culture, both ancient and future. There are arts, there are geometries, there are habitual designs which reflect the frequencies of the consciousness of that culture at different times. Do you see?
Thus, it is so important to be able to meditate on love, which includes all of these. You automatically expand your perspective and your ability to reach moments of contemplation, existence, exploration using higher "frequencies" -- and I use that word because you are familiar with it, but it is much more expansive than that single word can convey. You will feel it as a sensory experience of bliss, and that is what your goal is.
You automatically expand your perspective and your ability to reach moments of contemplation, existence, exploration using higher "frequencies"...
Now, with this simple meditation on love, which we assume includes love for all beings in your world, for the Earth -- this is the preparatory state of mind and contemplation and opening the heart so that then when you ask a question in meditation, your answer that is perceived in this state, this frequency, is much more likely to be from that higher, circular state, that state of completion and oneness.
This is the preparatory state of mind and contemplation and opening the heart so that then when you ask a question in meditation, your answer that is perceived in this state, this frequency, is much more likely to be from that higher, circular state, that state of completion and oneness...
And so, with this simple prescription, very simple steps, you can do this most days. Simply do this meditation which we outline below, first, with sound, and then ask a question of "cosmic contemplation" which is important for your own soul, your own future, your own mission on Earth, your own higher ability to be of service to others, to all others. This will increase that ability. And yet it takes only a few moments of each day.
Ask a question of "cosmic contemplation" which is important for your own soul, your own future, your own mission on Earth...
This can be your contribution to the increasing of loving higher creative realms reflected on planet Earth, as all beings begin to consider that we're all connected, all of us who live and work and communicate on the Earth, above the Earth, beneath the Earth -- all of us are connected: All of the civilizations of life, of the waters of Earth, all of the civilizations of the airs of Earth -- do you see? -- all of the plant and animal life, the fishes and the birds, all are connected. And you want your contemplative question to be in the context of "meaning" for all of these aspects of life -- "meaning" across time and space. So, ask very "cosmic questions."
And one part of your meditation might be to write down a number of the "cosmic questions" of your life which are important. The simple question, "What do I do next?" Or "How can I best be of service to others right now on Earth?" -- these are "cosmic questions," because the context has become global.
All are affected by the volatile events and activities on Earth. All are impacted. This is a time of global participation and perception.
All are affected by the volatile events and activities on Earth. All are impacted. This is a time of global participation and perception...
So, it is an ideal time for these contemplations in deep meditations on love which include all beings, so that you might enter into higher=creative-intelligence perspectives at all times, in all of your work. Do you see? This is not just for one time.
You can change your daily activities, your relationships with these more affirmative and loving views to start your day, and to recognize in yourself the potential for even greater loving affirmation of your life and all life on planet Earth.
You can change your daily activities, your relationships with these more affirmative and loving views to start your day...
This is an initiative of love, and that is how you begin to tap into the streams of higher loving, creative intelligence which will completely surprise you.
This is a time full of surprises. That means it is a time of the greatest learning.
This is a time full of surprises. That means it is a time of the greatest learning.
Learn in love. Learn in peace. Learn in oneness on the beautiful planet Earth. I am Grandmother from Another Planet.
Learn in love.
Learn in peace.
Learn in oneness on the beautiful planet Earth.
-- Grandmother from Another Planet
- Put on this Sound during meditation if you can, a Theta state level: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KcU6w1Pr5gc&t=507s
- Or alternative sound: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IU13sdrLQ-M
- Take 3 deep breaths. Slow down time.
- Say these words below in your mind and pause for a minute or so between each sentence. You can even say the words out loud. Focus on the radiating or contemplation of "Love for all beings on Earth," expanding perceptual awareness. If while contemplating, any symbols, images, ideas or other sensations appear, note them and continue.
Meditate on Love for All Beings, Level 1.
Meditate on Love for All Beings, Level 2.
Meditate on Love for All Beings, Level 3.
Meditate on Love for All Beings, Level 4.
Meditate on Love for All Beings, Level 5.
Contemplate Quietly for 5-10 Minutes.
Have a notebook or sketchpad handy to record any notes. In this deeper state, ideas, inspirations, or "connect the dots" may occur to you. Go about your daily activity with this mindset, reminding yourself periodically to try to "see" things from a higher creative intelligence perspective, to increase empathy, compassion, forgiveness, and love for all.
“Looking at beauty in the world, is the first step of purifying the mind.”
“The mind can go in a thousand directions, but on this beautiful path, I walk in peace. With each step, the wind blows. With each step, a flower blooms.” -- ―
“Live simply. Deepest joy is like a flower....beautiful in essence.” ―
Sometimes in the simplest meditations, like this one which comforts me daily, thinking of love for all beings and not leaving out anyone...this is the thing that changes me... The simplest caring and clarities... S.H. Rodman
Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay