Meditate upon love for the challenge, the being, the situation, the object which is causing you great consternation, which you find immovable…
As outlandish as it might seem, trust me, eventually there is no situation which will not give, which will not budge, if you put enough love into it…
You can add to your To Do List each day a question: "How can I put more love into it?"…
-- Grandmother from Another Planet
Introduction -- S.H. Rodman.
In times of the greatest polarity, change, and even anger -- an extremely practical, freeing message from Grandmother from Another Planet on how to alter and elevate our responses to daily events such that we can solve even the toughest problems with new solutions… I find using it in any situation, no matter how outlandish, has assisted me to find a new identity which honors others and causes creativity, empathy, and forgiveness to reappear.
Enjoy “Grandmother from Another Planet on Put More Love into It – to Solve Anything!,” recorded 6-16-21, posted 6-20-21. – S.H. Rodman

"Grandmother from Another Planet on Put More Love into It -- to Solve Anything!"
Greetings. The subject of this message for you today is to "Put More Love into It." Whatever it is, put more love into it!
Whatever it is, put more love into it!
This is a short, simple, and cosmic message. It is so powerful that you have to truly prepare to use it! In one aspect or another, this simple action will be key to problem-solving for every challenge, particularly for challenging relationships in your life. It is so simple.
Use it as the end of every "to-do list," at the end of every message and suggestion that we have ever given, at the end of every meditation: PUT MORE LOVE INTO IT!
If you have done all that you can do, if you have tried to solve a problem in every possible way, every conceivable way, if you have put your heart into it and still it will not budge: PUT MORE LOVE INTO IT! You are not yet putting enough love into it!
Now, how can we translate this into simple daily action? Again, it is a meditation. And meditation is simply a highly concentrated, higher dimensional focus of your "mind-body-spirit," to use that phrase -- energies! You have great energies! Focus them, concentrate them on the particular topic or action, and you will find that the way you work shifts.
Meditation is simply a highly concentrated, higher dimensional focus of your "mind-body-spirit"...
Meditate upon love for the challenge, the being, the situation, the object which is causing you great consternation, which you find immovable. It simply will not change. Down to the simplest things. It is possible to construct a meditation which you can handle, not just meditating upon love, but upon saying the worlds, "I love you, I love you, I love you."
Meditate upon love for the challenge, the being, the situation, the object which is causing you great consternation...
This is particularly powerful when working with relationships that do not make sense to you, even relationships with those in the public space who are well-known, who are angering and upsetting you. These are beings interconnected with you. All beings are interconnected with you on planet Earth.
This is a great "geometry" -- these structures of higher dimensional thought which you give out every day. You are part of these "thought geometries" and constructs on Earth.
This is a great "geometry" -- these structures of higher dimensional thought which you give out every day...
So, as outlandish as it might seem, trust me, eventually there is no situation which will not give, which will not budge, if you put enough love into it. So, if you have tried everything else and you think this is impossible, simply focus on "I love you, I love you, I love you." "I will put a lot more love into this situation!"
So, as outlandish as it might seem, trust me, eventually there is no situation which will not give, which will not budge, if you put enough love into it...
Feature yourself radiating love! Radiating interconnectedness and empathy with all beings, for the characters and roles that all play are necessary for the great lessons of the beautiful planet Earth. Put more love into it!
You can add to your To Do List each day a question: "How can I put more love into it?" Even writing the question -- and I highly recommend that you write it down, because that pulls in a physical "beingness" or manifestation of that energy -- "How can I put more love into it?" -- you will find that change is always possible, that seemed impossible.
You can add to your To Do List each day a question: "How can I put more love into it?"...
In fact, the simple catchphrase, "Put more love into it!" is the greatest possible action for the "6 Impossible Things" exercise which we love so much. "Put more love into it!" -- even love into yourself. Love yourself. And you will find that you can be one who does "Impossible Things" every day!
And with a great deal of love for you and all beings, I am Grandmother from Another Planet."
-- Grandmother from Another Planet
Image Credit -- S. Hermann & F. Richter from Pixabay