Without awareness, you are always "naming" yourself and others…
Now, I do not need to tell you that your career and your marketing and your creativity are deeply impacted by your self-naming all day long…
Every cell of your body is affected by your self-naming all day long…
The power of this almost "theatrical" sensitivity about your naming and environment is so great that you can transform your entire life and psychology and ability to help others…
This is a great problem-solving technique. It is a great technique when you feel a little bit "down" in a day…
Higher creative intelligence is almost always about creating new environments in the cosmos and new "naming" -- which always lead to new understanding….
-- Grandmother from Another Planet, S.H. Rodman
These quotes from the blog article bring to the foreground the degree to which we "self-name" all day -- as well as "naming" others -- and thus, have an enormous opportunity to increase awareness and "change our names"! For more positive changes in relationships, communication, empathy, thoughtfulness about the feelings of others...
High awareness of "naming" can indeed change life in many subtle ways, provide new pathways to higher creative intelligence, and even greater awareness of "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."
As I'm finding since doing this meditation, that the Boomerang Principle applies. Others are doing self-naming all day long as well. We can model a much more loving, affirmative social world through loving, affirmative self-naming and naming of others -- and with higher awarness and empathy, create new environments in which this is a daily practice...
Enjoy “Grandmother on the Power of Changing Your Name! How High Awareness of ‘Naming’ Can Change Life, Career, Relationships” -- Recorded 7-17-21, Posted 7-22-21.

“Grandmother on the Power of Changing Your Name: How High Awareness of ‘Naming’ Can Change Life, Career, Relationships”
Greetings. I would like to speak to you today about changing your name...
This is not a humorous subject, but a very practical and honoring and loving thing to do in these times. Without awareness, you are always "naming" yourself and others. This goes on subconsciously. It is not just tied to identity. it is tied to how you "announce" yourself in the world and how you treat yourself.
Without awareness, you are always "naming" yourself and others…
It is a kind of exercise that is a good meditation on treating yourself well so that you can be more loving and more helpful to others, happier and more joyful in your life. It is a very important and powerful, higher-creative-intelligence "understanding" from which the idea of "naming" is derived.
All day long you use phrases, and they occur in words which are spoken and those which are thought -- and they are "naming phrases." You think of yourself as "someone who is very good at A or B" and "not very good at C or D." You think of yourself in certain ways as "part of this culture" or "that culture," as a "member" of this or that.
All day long you use phrases, and they occur in words which are spoken and those which are thought -- and they are "naming phrases”…
And what I would like for you to do is to increase your awareness of all of the ways that you name yourself -- and for those that you discover that you're not very happy about, create a way to "change your name" in joy.
So, in a sense this is a "naming party." You want to celebrate both the discovery of all of the names you have for yourself and all of the names that you desire to have for yourself that would make you more joyful.
In a sense this is a "naming party." You want to celebrate both the discovery of all of the names you have for yourself and all of the names that you desire to have for yourself that would make you more joyful…
Let us simply take that one concept of "joy" -- and apply that to this meditation. If you first enter a state of meditation, and you are calm and relaxed, then begin this exercise. Begin to write down and/or draw all of the different ways, the phrases, the clothes you wear, the things that you do during the day which reflect that your name is "Joy" -- or "Joyful."
Now, this is important because there is both a physical and spiritual manifestation of your "self-naming." And it's important to recognize the times when you wear clothing and colors because you feel joyful and accidentally this is what you do, because you can transform this into doing very conscious acts -- which puts much more joy in your day and that changes your higher creative abilities.
Now, I do not need to tell you that your career and your marketing and your creativity are deeply impacted by your self-naming all day long -- and your increased awareness of how you self-name all day will be very helpful to you in understanding how you "name" others! And how this is subconscious and can be transformed into much more joyful naming.
Now, I do not need to tell you that your career and your marketing and your creativity are deeply impacted by your self-naming all day long…
So, if you want more joy in your life, you need to become aware of your self-naming which is joyful and includes joy -- and your self-naming which is distinctly not joyful and includes self-naming which is unhappy or upset or miserable or angry. Do you see?
Once you understand that you are "naming yourself" all day long, all bets are off! You can't be counted on to unconsciously name yourself in a limiting way any longer! You can begin -- and others will -- to count on yourself as someone who is conscious of their own self-naming and therefore can be a "transformer": An individual who can bring a different frequency of happiness and joy and much higher creativity into any environment with conscious awareness and effort.
Once you understand that you are "naming yourself" all day long, all bets are off! You can't be counted on to unconsciously name yourself in a limiting way any longer!...
Now, we have provided a deep meditation on increasing your awareness of "higher creative cosmic senses" -- 7 of them.* (http://www.grandmotherfromanotherplanet.com/2021/07/20/grandmother-on-7-steps-and-7-senses-expanding-your-highest-creative-intelligence-for-these-times/)
You use all of your 7 senses in your self-naming every day and in your recognition of the naming done by others every day. You hear certain tones and phrases that involve "naming" of yourself or others, you see symbols, you see dressing, you see "props," you see cars, forms of transportation, you see homes and abodes and environments. All of these have elements of self-naming and naming of others. They are so ingrained, they are so much a part of your creation of environments and your ways of "working around" environments when the naming does not please you, that you are unaware at profound levels.
You want to be successful. This is a "name" that you would like. If you want to change your name to "Joyful" or "Successful" then you must begin to consciously. And all of your senses will be needed to do it.
So, I would like you first to pick -- let us say 5 things, 5 names you would like to have for yourself: (For example, you might "self-name" as one of these:)
- "I am Very Successful."
- "I am Very Joyful."
- "I am Very Intelligent."
- "I am Very Sensitive to Other Peoples' Feelings."
- "I am A Teacher."
- "I am A Healer."
- "I am A Singer."
Do you see? But become creative. It's not just that, "I am A Singer." I might be, "A Great Singer of Opera." "A Great Singer of Popular Music." Do you see?
All of these names in your meditation have a "vibrational frequency" which evokes a "feeling" in your body. Every cell of your body is affected by your self-naming all day long. So, let's be very creative with this. And once you've selected your names that you would like to engage in, to begin to "play with," to begin to play joyfully with -- then you can begin to have a sense of "artful creation" which extends even to "identity."
All of these names in your meditation have a "vibrational frequency" which evokes a "feeling" in your body. Every cell of your body is affected by your self-naming all day long…
Now, "identity" is somewhat limiting your usual 3rd dimensional perceptions -- but that's just fine. That is how you are learning as a 3rd dimensional human. Let's increase the range of our understanding of all of the "naming" that creates identity.
It's very powerful if you have spent any time in any theatrical work, playing roles or wearing costumes or creating "sets." This is a very powerful knowledge to have if you want to look at psychology, being successful in business, because a great deal of theatrical study and performance and experience is about understanding how "naming" takes place in every environment -- through vocal techniques, through the self-naming and naming of others in words, through self-naming in environments.
The power of this almost "theatrical" sensitivity about your naming and environment is so great that you can transform your entire life and psychology and ability to help others, your ability to "tune in" to your more creative and spiritual sides, your ability to be more joyful -- because you will "see" the elements you have already placed in your environments of thought and words, your dress, the way you address each "other individual." Do you see?
The power of this almost "theatrical" sensitivity about your naming and environment is so great that you can transform your entire life and psychology and ability to help others…
So, begin with your 5 Names that You Would Like to Change to. You would like to change your name, believe me, once you begin this meditation on both the names you give yourself and the names you would like to have.
This is a great problem-solving technique. It is a great technique when you feel a little bit "down" in a day.
This is a great problem-solving technique. It is a great technique when you feel a little bit "down" in a day…
"Well, I'd like to change my name for today." Or for this project. Or "I would like to change the name of this project!" That is a very good way to work on, meditatively, higher-frequency creative intelligence coming into your awareness. You are literally "calling upon it" when you begin to look at "naming."
And you become very sensitive to how naming in the environment -- calling people negative names, calling yourself negative names -- can impact everything about you:
- How your day goes.
- Every cell in your body.
- How you are feeling physically and mentally.
- And how you respond to others.
To meditate upon the names you would like to change to, using the concept of "naming" -- can be very powerful. It holds such energy in life that simply studying in your own way a creative science of "naming" and all the ways we name ourselves and others, could change everything. There is tremendous power in the knowledge, the experimentation, working with others on these self-naming concepts...
To meditate upon the names you would like to change to, using the concept of "naming" -- can be very powerful…
I would encourage you to begin this today. And then I will very lovingly provide more information about how "naming" is understood and practiced in an interdimensional-frequency "environment," almost to "terra form"! It is a strange concept that would surprise you -- just how much of higher-dimensional, higher-frequency, interstellar life is spent on the meditation and contemplation of such creative concepts.
Higher creative intelligence is almost always about creating new environments in the cosmos and new "naming" -- which always lead to new understanding.
Higher creative intelligence is almost always about creating new environments in the cosmos and new "naming" -- which always lead to new understanding….
So, if you would like to understand your life better and you would like to be more successful and happier and more joyful in whatever you do, begin to work on changing your "names." You have many of them.
Let's do it consciously. Let's do it together. Let's do it joyfully. And you will see a new success enter your life which will be so surprising that you will be astonished that you had not before awakened to such activity going on all day long around you in your life and impacting everything you do!
You are a very beautiful, profound, powerful, loving, joyful and intuitive being in the cosmos. You are very important. It is time for you to begin to work with these powerful "cosmic" names and abilities. This is the time to do that. And you will see that there will be a great deal of creative play and higher creative intelligence evoked as we begin this process of "Changing Your Name."
You are a very beautiful, profound, powerful, loving, joyful and intuitive being in the cosmos. You are very important. It is time for you to begin to work with these powerful "cosmic" names and abilities…
With a great deal of love we will "change names" -- and with a great deal of love and caring for you, I am Grandmother from Another Planet.
-- Grandmother from Another Planet
S.H. Rodman
*Here is the 7 Cosmic Senses Meditation discussed by Grandmother as part of this blog which was previously presented here:
7 Cosmic Senses Meditation
- Meditate on Expanding Cosmic Hearing. Listen. See.
- Meditate on Expanding Cosmic Seeing. Listen. See.
- Meditate on Expanding Cosmic Smelling or Aroma. Listen. See.
- Meditate on Expanding Cosmic Tasting, Perceiving, Taking in the Universe. Listen. See.
- a. Meditate on Expanding Cosmic Feeling - Texture. Listen. See.
b. Meditate on Expanding Cosmic Feeling - Emotions and Empathy. Listen See. - Meditate on Expanding Cosmic Intuition, Past, Present, and Future. Listen. See.
- Meditate on Expanding Cosmic Knowing and Wisdom with Love, Connecting Everything. Listen. See.
Image by
Markus Winkler from Pixabay