Intro: This message shifted me into high gear creative energies! And started an exciting adventure exploring unusual environmental materials and shifts that could change my home-work environment and even consciousness.
Like liquid crystal paint, thermal infrared paint to serve in lieu of space heaters and could even be healing – and a discovery that Google has invented a Time Crystal. Wow! This one message changed my whole view of changing my environments for the better! And I just got started trying to apply it!
Links to these discoveries are listed below, following Grandmother’s message.
Read/listen and start exploring intuitively: “Grandmother on Are We Responsible? How to Shift Life-Work Environments into Higher Frequencies for Greater Loving Service to Others,” Recorded 10-31-21, Posted 11-4-21. S.H. Rodman

“Grandmother on Are We Responsible? How to Shift Life-Work Environments into Higher Frequencies for Greater Loving Service to Others”
SHR: Grandmother, how can we shift our life/work/settings to higher-frequency, higher-dimensional environments and understanding?
Greetings. In a way you are asking to create essentially a new life and identity. This is a new life and identity both for you and for the environments that you choose and create in order to live or do work and have joy and happiness with family and friends or teams.
This is a very high level of creative mission, if you will. It involves creative "visioning" which takes into account higher, loving states of mind which impact the actual environments. The metals, the materials, the stones -- the organic materials and cushioning and fabrics and books and paper, the metals of the technology: All of these are impacted. And the very air you breathe!
Have you given much thought to this? That the very air you breathe can have higher-dimensional cleansing and cleaning or represent vibrations which are happier, more joyful and more creative -- even the air you breathe? But in these times, the chemical components and even molecular structure in your environments and what you wear, the ground upon which you walk, the vehicles you drive: Every single aspect of construction and manufacturing and origin and the consciousness which creates these -- all of these go into making your own environment and shifting it.
So, step 1 is realizing that there are components which are impacting your consciousness and life and identity at every single level -- the atomic level, the molecular level and higher of your environment. Realizing this and taking the time to check into:
- What are these materials made of?
- How are they manufactured?
- Where are they manufactured?
- Are any of the materials which are being brought in having a toxic effect on their recovery as well as the manufacturing process, impacting the people as well as their use -- their use in manufacturing of the actual materials that you're using?
Now, this is somewhat a new exploration for you, as you are usually focused on questions about consciousness. This question recognizes that all of the materials, the air itself, the water, all of the food -- has a kind of "environmental network effect" -- even a "communication" with human consciousness.
And as you bring this into your awareness, you will be able to explore and work with materials and creations very differently.
Let us say that you are an artist, and you would like to create new paintings and new art of a higher-dimensional frequency. You must take into account if there are materials, components, elements in manufacture of the paints and the brushes and the paper -- which can be toxic to human life or plant life or animal life or when released into the air. Do you see?
So, this is not a simple question. It is a rather complex question. But human consciousness is fully up to it and impacts it.
So, let's look at two aspects of answering your question.
One is, if you increase your meditation time in highest loving realms -- you are meditating on love, you have an intention to have a wonderful, healthy environment in which to live and work and to have a healthy physical body, to have healthy air and food for this healthy body -- then this intention itself, in your human consciousness, your heart, in your ability to love -- changes the environment, regardless of your understanding of the science and chemistry and physics involved. And this meditation also recognizes the power of human consciousness at the highest levels of love.
And, second, you can also increase your examinations, your exploration, your detective work regarding the components and origins and stories which may be important to know regarding the materials -- all of the materials, the air and the water around you, including even the food. Because the food and water and air you take in are part of this human body which is an element in your environment. And it has a chemistry and a physics in addition to a consciousness and a higher-dimensional spiritual side.
You can also increase your examinations, your exploration, your detective work regarding the components and origins and stories which may be important to know regarding the materials…
Now, there is a third part to consider. And that is simply asking the question: If there is life in higher-dimensional reality, what are the environments like for that life? What are they like for different dimensions? If you are in what is called the third dimension, what is that like in the fourth dimension, the fifth dimension, the sixth dimension and beyond, to the seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth, eleventh and beyond -- all of these dimensions?
If there is life in higher-dimensional reality, what are the environments like for that life?...
And what is this like in your present universe at this moment? And what is this like in other universes?
So, in effect, you have hit upon a question which is like a "university." It is complex but your consciousness can begin to engage by simply increasing your awareness of your capability to research, to expand your ability to love and to care for others, to be of service to others, such that you can gradually increase your understanding and your ability to create environments that are beginning to be more and more "higher-dimensional."
In a way it truly is taking on the assignment of a "university" of how third-dimensional life and environments transform and shift to become say, fourth-density/fourth-dimension, fifth-density/fifth-dimension. These are different things. Density and dimension are different.
The most important step to understand is that your time spent in higher-frequency meditation on love and on queries, questions, interdimensional communication within that meditation, to see if you can "intuit" answers to these complex questions -- and even "intuit" answers regarding materials and microbiology and molecules and manufacturing and "What is in this product?!" If you can "transmute" the energies of your food and water and materials? Can you do this?
Can you with human consciousness transmute atomic structure?
Can you with human consciousness transmute atomic structure?...
This is why I suggest to you that we begin -- begin where you are with the understanding that you have. And the most important thing to increase is your meditation on love. And the second thing to increase is your meditation upon service to others in a loving way.
It's a simple meditation.
- Meditate on Loving Service to Others, Level 1...
- Meditate on Loving Service to Others, Level 2…
- And so on.
This will open new doorways and portals in your mind to consider what to investigate for your very high level question.
It is not just "Pandora's Box." It is asking questions of "Pandora's Mind," in a way. The question itself opens a portal.
It is not just "Pandora's Box." It is asking questions of "Pandora's Mind," in a way. The question itself opens a portal…
Now, I would add another question: "Am I responsible for shifting my life-work environments into higher-frequency, higher-dimensional environments to be of better service to others? The answer, of course, is yes!
“Am I responsible for shifting my life-work environments into higher-frequency, higher-dimensional environments to be of better service to others? The answer, of course, is yes!...
And realizing that you have a responsibility, then devising even your own meditations on these higher realms -- and devoting more time to being creative not only with your environments but with your investigation of how your environments are created, the frequencies being generated by how they come together, and what you can do about shifting this if you would like to transform into higher frequencies.
You create questions! Or meditations! Do you see? This is the beginning of taking responsibility:
- "Meditate on Love or Loving ________"
- And then you fill in the blanks that you think would help you shift your environment, your elements, your clothing, your bedding, your furniture, your technology, your supplies, your food, your water, into higher frequencies, along with your health, the very air you breathe...
You create questions! Or meditations! Do you see? This is the beginning of taking responsibility…
How can you devise meditations to help shift the frequencies of your whole environment -- not just your personal consciousness frequencies? And I will tell you for sure that you must do both to work and live in higher frequencies, higher dimensions. That is part of the "ascension" process.
But it begins with creative, loving consciousness in service to others. And perhaps being in service to others is the most important place to start: Oneness with all other beings and being in service to all other beings in very loving ways with as much time as possible spent in meditations on love in the higher frequencies...
This is a very exciting adventure you have chosen!
And with great love for your adventures to shift to higher frequencies, I am Grandmother from Another Planet...
-- Grandmother from Another Planet
During transcription I kept seeing visions of beautifully creative homes I have visited over decades -- which were so creative and comforting and loving that they were TRULY, in themselves, a great service to others.
Second: Got a message that my home, environment is not my "personal" environment only -- the environments we live and work in belong to all and are created for and with all other beings -- in oneness! In oneness, all environments belong to all of us! And should be created with that sense of oneness.
Third: Adventuring and looking at different elements I could add for a more higher-frequency environment, I began to investigate where “paint” could change more than color. And I stumbled on:
- Will be investigating Thermal Paint – is it possible that an infrared paint on the wall could serve in lieu of space heaters or other heat? It would be on even when power is out or there are heating fuel shortages. It has a very low “VOCs” rating and environmental/health impact.
- Discovered that perhaps glass panels of thermal treatment, instead of paint, might be used for heating:
- Discovered a medical study paper on actual “healing effects” possible from infrared light – so this discovery could be very related to my question about higher frequency environments which to me would be healing! Worth investigating – and wouldn’t have discovered it except for this Grandmother message encouraging my “higher frequency” investigations.
- “Intuited” the symbol: Crystal Materials. And found a liquid crystal paint or “Mood Paint” with picture. Is it possible to paint surfaces that change color when you touch them, according to emotions, heat, etc.? Would be very interesting in an environment where I have high-frequency sound meditations.
- In terms of life in other dimensions mentioned by Grandmother: Stumbled on that Google has invented a “Time Crystal” that could change how we look at physics. How would life be in such a time dimension?