A powerful exercise -- changed how I work daily especially with technology or problem-solving. I realized the extent to which the day is determined by the amount of love or angry emotions we pour into every object, to our physical beings, and thus create environments with difficult problems to solve which could be transformed into much happier and readily solved environmental terrains. I was amazed once I started the focus. And several technical problems were fixed or ameliorated or a "pathway to solutions" suddenly appear.
Try it! "Grandmother on Love Every Single Thing in Your Environment to Transform Its Energies," Recorded 10-31-21, posted 11-9-21.

“Grandmother on Love Every Single thing in Your Environment to Transform Its Energies!”
One of the most important aspects of working with your environment when you are embarking on a program of "higher frequency consciousness" -- love, understanding -- is to begin to meditate and focus on love for that environment.
It seems a simple step, but if you are having a problem with something in the environment -- and remember that to a certain extent, you and your consciousness and your style of life have partly created that environment -- this is a university level course with a simple instruction: You must love each element of the environment that you are working with!
Have you ever thought of loving your walls? Or your tables and chairs? Or your clothing? Or your technology? Or your food?
Have you ever thought of loving your walls? Or your tables and chairs? Or your clothing? Or your technology? Or your food?...
It's not in your conscious awareness, but it is in the fabric of universal reality from the atomic level and beyond. So, it would follow that a wonderful new meditation in your life, especially if you are frustrated with your environments for work and life, even for joy and happiness and events and getting together -- then you must put more love into the situation.
And that is the simple answer, as well, for how you work with transforming and shifting the frequencies of your environments, mental and physical, into higher loving dimensions. You must love those environments. You must love the human body and all of its elements. And express that love, and meditate, focus on loving each part of your body and each element in your environment.
This is a slight variation inour "meditations on love," which are more general. This is an expression of love directed toward the actual object -- physical object is what we're speaking of at this time. And doing that for a moment or two so that you focus in a higher frequency on the actual existence and molecular structure of that object.
IMPORTANT: This is an expression of love directed toward the actual object. And doing that for a moment or two so that you focus in a higher frequency on the actual existence and molecular structure of that object...
Now, there are studies in your societies showing that highly focused negative or positive human consciousness can affect material and molecular items. This having been shown in one or two instances should impel and inspire you to try an experiment like this in your personal life. (I believe there's a link in the Right Brain Aerobics manuals to an article re: a Japanese patent for using human consciousness in technology repair...)
If you are uncomfortable in your chair, you must love the chair and love your body as well. And expressing this love, which is a form of meditation, it may come to you that perhaps you can be more creative, choose a different chair for different purposes and different people. But love must be central to these desires.
If you focus on, "Well, I don't really like that chair, and my back hurts," then you create a kind of negative or lower frequency for solving your problem!
This is fundamentally Problem Solving 101: LOVE. You must love the problem you are trying to solve!
This is fundamentally Problem Solving 101: LOVE. You must love the problem you are trying to solve!...
Now, that certainly sounds basic and also very simple. "You must love the problem you're trying to solve." It sounds counter-intuitive. But this is the genius of the universe! And to discover this and actually apply it in your daily life, you will begin to see your own genius blossom!
Everything is in your environment for a purpose. Every single atom and molecule and item and material in your environment -- every single atom and molecule in your body can teach you a lesson.
...Every single atom and molecule in your body can teach you a lesson...
So, in a way, you are getting "Listening Lessons"! You must listen to your body! What is it trying to tell you? You must listen to your chair. To your computer. It's trying to communicate with you!
And as we have said before, perhaps the chair doesn't want to be a chair. Perhaps it would like to be something else! It is of course, after all, atoms and molecules, as your physical form is. Is the chair conscious? Is the chair alive? Is the universe alive?
Is the chair conscious? Is the chair alive? Is the universe alive?...
You see how quickly these simple questions become lessons in universal physics. They truly are.
But quite simply, let us begin. I'll give you a challenge. This week, when you are working with a material, an item, even a food item in cooking, or pans, any technology, even this recorder, even your phone: Express love to this member of your life, your environment.
And, better, play some deeper "theta" or "delta" sound -- and relax and meditate on love for this item for a few minutes, as a member of your world. And see what com0es in your creative mind, your intuitive mind, to perhaps improve your relationship or the workings or the adventures of these materials and objects!
This is so fundamental to a shift in human consciousness, to a shift in human consciousness frequencies -- which is definitely being discussed on planet Earth at this time by many, as a form of expanding and ascending with human consciousness!
So, this simple act of becoming "one who loves their own environments and materials" -- their own food and water, and thus, begin to transform these things in the most loving and healthy way for themselves and all others -- that is a different citizen.
And as we have discussed, that begins a pathway of becoming a true Galactic Citizen...
So, I challenge you. I express my love for you. And I encourage you to meditate creatively on every single object in your environment, and especially those which you are working directly with on any day.
Make your day a focus of love on all that you have, all the world that is yours as part of your life, your identity. And then see what begins to happen if that is your focus with every object and situation.
Make your day a focus of love on all that you have, all the world that is yours as part of your life, your identity. And then see what begins to happen...
With great love for you and great love for your very intriguing creativity and ability to transform and transmute energies, I am Grandmother from Another Planet.
-- Grandmother from Another Planet
Image Credit: Silviarita from Pixabay