"This is a different interplanetary star system citizen. You are a member of an interplanetary family system. You are a citizen"...
"That is your mission: To become a whole civilization which is loving and caring, which is healing for others, so that you can help other, younger civilizations"...
"This is the protocol, this is the curriculum for advancement into higher realms of loving, extremely happy and blissful civilizations beyond your current imagination"...
-- Grandmother from Another Planet/S.H. Rodman
An empowering and surprising exercise of meditation within this message -- and a different, extraterrestrial view of who we are: Interplanetary citizens, who must bring our civilization to a point of loving resolution -- to become guides and advisors for younger civilizations. An exercise "how to" for expanded identity in time space, a recognition that we are in a vast university, and often that growth comes from divided families who become empowered to change whole planetary civilizations in completely new, creative, loving ways. We are ultimately interplanetary citizens with a great mission at this time: Moving from divided families to great personal growth as Star Family Citizens.
Enjoy "Grandmother on Divided Families Have a Great Deal to Offer Each Other -- Personal Growth as Star Family Citizens, Recorded 12-14-21, Posted 12-15-21.

"Grandmother on Divided Families Have a Great Deal to Offer Each Other -- Personal Growth as Star Family Citizens"
Greetings. I am sending you a great deal of love today. And I have a message for you on this auspicious day. From an extraterrestrial perspective, it is a great truth, a great wisdom that divided families have a great deal to offer each other. There are lessons which cannot be learned another way. And as new relationships are built over time, there is a kind of personal growth and realization of spirit that is inestimable.
Imagine, if you will, conflicts which last millions of years. These are not rare; they are often "the rule," when civilizations are billions of years old. You are just beginning to understand more expanded concepts of time and space, and now it is time to learn more expanded concepts of love and learning, of continually advancing and building and re-building relationships with much greater creativity, based on divisions, not on similarities. Isn't that interesting?
Imagine, if you will, conflicts which last millions of years. These are not rare; they are often "the rule," when civilizations are billions of years old...
When things are similar and you all agree on everything, there are not new planes or territories to discover, and you are not motivated to try to create them -- at least not in the same way that you are when whole civilizations are dependent on coming to a loving resolution and education from very heart-felt work on understanding differences and conflicts and focusing on the good, the loving nature of a whole civilization.
For that is your mission: To become a whole civilization which is loving and caring, which is healing for others, so that you can help other, younger civilizations. Do you see?
Your mission: To become a whole civilization which is loving and caring, which is healing for others, so that you can help other, younger civilizations...
You are in the midst of a tremendous opportunity regardless of how you characterize it or your own view of it, which of course would automatically expand if you began to review all of the different aspects of the conflicts and disagreements. As long as you view only a few, it is a little bit harder. But that itself has a value. Because if you are deeply entrenched in one very narrow point of view and source of information, then how you learn to love all others is of tremendous value in the universe! It's a great boundary -- and the surpassing of great boundaries and the building of great new loving civilizations, that is one of the great wisdoms of the universe. It is a university in itself!
I would say to you that one of the most important things to do then, is to recognize and acknowledge that this is a university. Every conflict, every difference among family members, is a great university.
I would say to you that one of the most important things to do then, is to recognize and acknowledge that this is a university. Every conflict, every difference among family members, is a great university...
Recognition that you are all family on one planet: That single recognition in your mind and spirit and soul and body is a tremendous "knowing..." So that when you walk down your pathway and you see another, even your body recognizes, "I am you; you are me. We are from Earth. We must love each and all life in order to learn how to be even better life on Earth"...
So, today we address not just “building unlikely bridges.” Today we address how to value, to praise and even celebrate what appear to be divisions that are actually great "graduate" level lessons.
Today we address how to value, to praise and even celebrate what appear to be divisions that are actually great "graduate" level lessons...
One of the first things that you can do just in your own world is to begin to "Meditate on Love for All Beings."
- We have given the mediation many times to "Meditate on Love" at different levels:
- Meditate on Love, Level 1.
- Meditate on Love, Level 2.
- And so on.
And now we add, for this time:
- Meditate on Love for All Beings, Level 1.
- Meditate on Love for All Beings, Level 2.
Feel yourself expanding in love and beginning to "glow" with love, to radiate new light. If you begin each day Meditating on Love for All Beings, that in itself is a "bridge." If you do that at 10 Levels every day and pause between levels and reflect and feel this love, you begin to change all of the circumstances where you are and all of the cells in your body.
For this is the protocol, this is the curriculum for advancement into higher realms of loving, extremely happy and blissful civilizations beyond your current imagination.
This is the protocol, this is the curriculum for advancement into higher realms of loving, extremely happy and blissful civilizations beyond your current imagination...
And one of the greatest celebrations is: Every step forward during global conflicts, as you have now on many levels, is to begin to open to pathways for all beings to tell their "truths," for all beings to be honored in some way no matter what you or even they consider that they have done that you view as "negative" -- for all beings to be able to tell their story, for all beings to be able to love each other. For there is to be a removal of the rules -- "no, you cannot love this sort of person," "no, you cannot study this sort of subject," "no, you cannot go these places." And begin to just look at new possibilities of people to love and subjects to study, particularly in other cultures which are far away -- because in doing that you expand your own spirit and knowledge and wisdom to that of a global Earth citizen who is a member of this interplanetary family, this "star family." Do you see?
Begin to look at new possibilities of people to love and subjects to study, particularly in other cultures which are far away -- because in doing that you expand your own spirit and knowledge and wisdom to that of a global Earth citizen...
Expand your own spirit and knowledge and wisdom to that of a global Earth citizen who is a member of this interplanetary family, this "star family"...
This is Step 1 to becoming truly a loving interplanetary citizen of great wisdom. So, I will leave you with that challenge today: To recognize and acknowledge that you are a loving citizen of Earth, a loving citizen of this star family, an interplanetary citizen, that your consciousness and spirit and mind and body are much vaster in impact and energy than you imagine, and that with the discipline of Meditating on Love at many levels and then Meditating on Love for All Beings at many levels -- a minimum of 10 levels a day, for one week...!
In order to position your great higher intelligence to do this each day, you will go through a different feeling and emotion in your body just to begin to open your mouth and say the words:
- Meditate on Love for All Beings, Level 1...
- And then pause.
- And then it is very good if you take a deep breath before each level.
- And it is good if you do this out loud.
Thus, when you next enter a room and there are divisions, or you walk down the street and people are almost "looking" for divisions, you are radiating a different state: That physical presence of one who has said to begin the day, "I will Meditate on Love for All Beings." This is a different interplanetary star system citizen. You are a member of an interplanetary family system. You are a citizen.
When you next enter a room and there are divisions, or you walk down the street and people are almost "looking" for divisions, you are radiating a different state...
Be this citizen to expand your intelligence and remember always that is sometimes the very simplest steps that lead to the greatest intelligence, complex strategies for peaceful learning -- let us not say "peace," but "peaceful learning".... Great acknowledgement. Great acceptance and listening of all of the stories to be told. Honoring all of the people to tell their stories.
You are a magnificent interplanetary citizen, a great being of love. And this is both an acknowledgement and a practice to move into that state every day as you begin your day. And it is also good to do that as you close each day in the evening:
- Go to 10 levels and you will find even your sleep and your dreams become wiser. There is more information and there is more profound deep sleep.
- Meditate on Love for All Beings, Level 1.
You are a magnificent interplanetary citizen, a great being of love. And this is both an acknowledgement and a practice to move into that state every day as you begin your day...
With great love for you as an interplanetary citizen, as my family -- we are all family -- I am Grandmother from Another Planet.
-- Grandmother from Another Planet
Image Credit: Willgard Krause from Pixabay