>Ultimately, you are a member of the society of this Universe. You are a member, no differently than a member of a civilization which is millions of years old…
>You begin to almost "align" with the "doorways" and the "portals" and the "openings" which build true bridges, which are unprecedented, which are so innovative that they redefine the concept of "innovation”…
>That practice of discovery is how you reach a stage where it is natural and normal to reach out to communicate with those who have experienced this for millions of years… You are capable of creating both the past and the future!...
-- Grandmother from Another Planet...
Ultimately, this “Grandmother Message” is a lesson in “Extraterrestrial Communication” for Earth society!… Do we need training, new understanding, and higher creative-intuitive mental practice to prepare for communication, even telepathic, with extraterrestrial civilizations millions of years old? What shifts and development of higher creative-intuitive human intelligence/minds do we need?
This Grandmother message from came late in the day before Solstice 2021, after a morning meditation in which guidance was given to repeat the meditation of "Meditate on Love for All Beings," -- at least 100 Levels!! I did 125 Levels!! It seemed important on this day before 12-21-21... I did wonder what Grandmother message might come later... It was this. A beginning practice for Extraterrestrial Communication with benevolent civilizations perhaps a million years old?(How did that Meditation go? I used this sound and then repeated the words at each level silently in the mind:
- Meditate on Love for All Beings, Level 1 (Pause)
- Meditate on Love for All Beings, Level 2 (Pause)
- Meditate on Love for All Beings, Level 3 (Pause) -- and so on through Level 125!
But any number of levels -- even 5 -- are a wonderful meditation!
For December Solstice, enjoy this message: “Grandmother on ET Communication: Open Doorways in Higher Creative Mind & Heart to Create New Earth, New Bridges, New Cosmic Civilizations,” Recorded 12-20-21, Posted 12-21-21…

Click Audio Player to Play “Grandmother on ET Communication: Open Doorways in Higher Creative Mind & Heart to Create New Earth, New Bridges, New Cosmic Civilizations” – Recorded 12-20-21, Posted 12-21-21, 18 minutes, 47 seconds.
“Grandmother on ET Communication: Open Doorways in Higher Creative Mind & Heart to Create New Earth, New Bridges, New Cosmic Civilizations”
SHR: Grandmother, is there a message that you have for us today, 12-20-21, the day before 12-21-21, which is supposed to be a very special day...?
Greetings. Yes, I do have a message, and it pertains to the relationship between the opening of new doorways with mind, consciousness, and creativity -- and opening up to new identities. which leads to forming new bridges, relationships, creative projects and paradigms or belief systems which emerge from these new openings.
So, let us look at it again: Opening doorways... When you are thinking, you are not necessarily thinking about "opening new doorways in your mind." You are not thinking about "visioning" something new. You are not thinking about “a new identity.” This is because of your focus.
If you desire to open new creative doorways in the mind, if you desire to explore new identities so that you might create more "bridges" with other human beings on Earth at a time of great conflict, then you must focus on this with a great deal of love.
You must also open your mind to a creativity which crosses time and space, which allows for the possibility of a different timeline and paradigm than that which you have been thinking about for all of your life. And that is what is required. You might call it "new seeing," "new listening," "new feelings," "new perception," a new "sense" of what art and creativity are in higher dimensional cosmic realities which might be a normal perception in, say, a civilization in another star system which is a million years old.
You must also open your mind to a creativity which crosses time and space, which allows for the possibility of a different timeline and paradigm than that which you have been thinking about for all of your life…
The perception is necessarily very different -- the same way your perception is very different than human perception thousands of years ago. And that does not necessarily mean that it is more advanced. It is just that it is a particular kind of flavor, or there are particular parameters with your perception. Well, that is necessarily true when you begin to interface with human and other civilizations which are millions of years old. (Who's to say we don't already, in dreams or visioning, in secret space/paranormal programs globally?)
This is why it is so important to begin a practice of opening the mind, the creative mind, the creative heart! You must put your heart into this! You must put your love into this opening of doorways and opening to new identities. Do you see?
You must put your heart into this! You must put your love into this opening of doorways and opening to new identities…
Imagine an Earth, even with all that you have experienced in the last several years, in which 8 billion people all simultaneously opened their minds to new creative ideas, opened their hearts to new identities and belief systems and new possibilities in which rule #1 was, you must build bridges to others with different beliefs, cultures, racial identities, and societal experiences!
What if that was your assignment? And it was quite serious? And you really do have to come up with a creative higher-dimensional solution? By that I mean a creative solution which "taps" your own higher creative intelligence, your "soul intelligence," if you will.
What if that was your job and your life depended on it? In a way, your life has depended on this every day of your life!
You have always had to come to terms with a strange, innate desire to open new doorways, to open to new identities and explore them. You are familiar with this. You are simply not familiar with, nor have you been pressured by situations with such a scope of change and conflict and differences for you to consider, as you must open your mind and open your heart...
Ultimately, you are a member of the Universe -- the society of this Universe. You are a member, no differently than a member of a civilization which is millions of years old -- higher dimensional civilizations and entities which you think of as "angelic." You are still a member of this Universe. All life is a member of this Universe. You are a Universal civilization.
Ultimately, you are a member of the Universe -- the society of this Universe. You are a member, no differently than a member of a civilization which is millions of years old…
And there is absolutely no limit on the degree to which you can open your heart with deep love for all beings, open your creative mind to new ideas which enable you to explore far beyond the time and space of your memory. And there is no limit on your ability to build bridges -- even with other civilizations, even with those in other cultures.
There is absolutely no limit on the degree to which you can open your heart with deep love for all beings, open your creative mind to new ideas which enable you to explore far beyond the time and space of your memory…
And I would say to you, at this time, building bridges with those who are in other cultures and especially those of very different belief systems about your societies and your political organizations and your health organizations and your space organizations -- that is a wonderful precedent, a wonderful practice, a wonderful experience of mind opening and heart opening to practice for interdimensional "contact" with those of much older (extraterrestrial) civilizations. You have to begin somewhere...
I would say to you, at this time, build bridges with those who are in other cultures and especially those of very different belief systems about your societies and your political organizations and your health organizations and your space organizations…
There is always the possibility that you are an extraordinary being of "ancient and future heritage," across time and space! All past, present, and future is known in at some level, if you could reach that level in your creative consciousness in your meditation. You are a vast being. And it is perhaps the discipline of deep meditation and deep experience of loving all beings that is a "doorway" to open to "how to build bridges."
There is always the possibility that you are an extraordinary being of "ancient and future heritage," across time and space! All past, present, and future is known in at some level, if you could reach that level in your creative consciousness in your meditation…
In a sense, you must be willing to become "one" with those of another culture, those of another history, those of a very different appearance, age, and language and even very different "form" -- in order to reach a stage of awareness of your own higher intelligence so that you can communicate with those who have a different view of loving all beings and of "existence" in the Universe in which all life, all being, all energy, matter, and form are truly "one." And it is only your understanding and the opening of your mind and heart which lead you to be able to converse with those in any culture, time, or space about all of the things that concern you, about all of the things that excite you, all of the things that you want to know more about, all of the travel that you want to do in the Universe!
You might want to take a great picture of a beautiful Nebula or a beautiful Galaxy. But a part of you that wants to take that great picture actually want to go there! Actually knows that you can go there. That perhaps you have been there, and perhaps you will be there in the future at levels of the physical Universe or physics in advanced civilizations such that you perceive that at any moment you could be anywhere in space or time.
You might want to take a great picture of a beautiful Nebula or a beautiful Galaxy. But a part of you that wants to take that great picture actually want to go there! Actually knows that you can go there. That perhaps you have been there…
- At any moment you could be anywhere in space or time.
- At any moment you could be anywhere in space or time -- which means that you could be any identity in space or time.
- And you could experiment with and explore different belief systems, different heart openings, different creative mind openings in space and time! Do you see?
And that practice of discovery is how you reach a stage where it is natural and normal to reach out to communicate with those who have experienced this for millions of years, many, many life and soul experiences across the eons, including, even though this word is strange to say, a "memory" of the future... But truly, a "memory" of the future!
That practice of discovery is how you reach a stage where it is natural and normal to reach out to communicate with those who have experienced this for millions of years…
You are capable of creating both the past and the future! You might think you have a "historic" past. But you can also "create," in circumstances in which time and space are simply not meaningful in the way that you define them, such that creating "the past" is no different than creating "the future"! Do you see?
You are capable of creating both the past and the future!...
All of this revolves around a willingness to open your creative mind, which must be done with much deeper love and acceptance and excitement about all beings and opening your heart such that you feel "one," you feel sisterhood and brotherhood with every kind of life and all beings. To the extent that you begin to almost "align" with the "doorways" and the "portals" and the "openings" which build true bridges, which are unprecedented, which are so innovative that they redefine the concept of "innovation." They are so creative that they help reveal the very essence of "Creation." That is who you are...
You begin to almost "align" with the "doorways" and the "portals" and the "openings" which build true bridges, which are unprecedented, which are so innovative that they redefine the concept of "innovation”…
And, at this time on Earth, in the midst of such great change and examination of all of your beliefs, examination of all of history, opening of new doorways across all cultures and all possibilities of reality -- I suggest that your deep meditation on love for all beings in this cosmos is a very good place to begin.
While I have suggested this before, I would now like you to begin a process of contemplation and meditation upon those doorways that you would like to open most. With great love, I ask this. With great interest in what your ideas are, and what your heart wants to unfold!
It would be a great honor to the Cosmos and to beings of every kind of civilization if you would begin to write down, to think about, to draw -- what doorways would you like to create with your creative mind? What new ideas?
What heart opening do you think now impossible -- but which in future you might say, "You know, perhaps with enough love, perhaps with enough growth and compassion, forgiveness and excitement and a sense of being an explorer in higher dimensions of light and love -- what identities do I really want to explore??" And write this down and draw it, sing it, dance it!
If you devoted an hour of your time at some point to doing this, just this one Meditation on Love -- love of the opening of the creative mind – “What ideas would I like to create or open to?” Opening of the creative loving heart? What is the boundary that I would like to go beyond in space and time and open my heart completely? Is there a deeper love that I would like to experience which would redefine me? Which would enable me to help redefine my society, our relationships with other interplanetary and interstellar civilizations?
This is a kind of special, spiritual, devout commitment -- of perhaps an hour of your time to begin to explore a "future" in mind and heart, which as they come together, could enable you to be a being beyond your wildest dreams, and truly a Cosmic Citizen. Truly a Cosmic Member of every kind of sisterhood and brotherhood of love, which seeks to know the highest realms possible for the open heart, the open mind, the creative civilization reaching out across time and space...
You are a member of these civilizations. And it is your time, as you go through the processes of new creations, healings, exploration of new wisdom and new human spiritual intelligence.
You are a member of these civilizations. And it is your time, as you go through the processes of new creations, healings, exploration of new wisdom and new human spiritual intelligence…
I will repeat: Human spiritual intelligence. Higher dimensional intelligence. Not mechanical or artificial intelligence; human spiritual, open-hearted, open-creative-mind intelligence, exploration, and innovation. I would like you to take an hour. How valuable would that be?
I will repeat: Human spiritual intelligence. Higher dimensional intelligence. Not mechanical or artificial intelligence; human spiritual, open-hearted, open-creative-mind intelligence, exploration, and innovation…
Can you spare an hour for the creation of a New Earth?
Can you spare an hour for the creation of a New Earth?...
With the greatest love for you and the greatest admiration, that you have chosen to be here at this time, of the greatest opening of the creative mind and the creative heart, the greatest revelations of history: This is your time. And with great love I express my admiration and affirmation and applause for your choice to be here, to create at this time.
I love you, I am part of your Cosmic Family and you are part of my Cosmic Family -- I am Grandmother from Another Planet.
*I am part of your Cosmic Family and you are part of my Cosmic Family…
-- Grandmother from Another Planet
Image Credit: Comfreak on Pixabay
Email me directly Sandra@Rightbrainaerobics.com... -- S.H. Rodman
Yes, I'm on Twitter -- @SHRodman -- and I do post new "Grandmother" messages to Twitter.