"Great healing is a great state of creation. Healing is creation"...
"You do not become ill alone. You do not heal alone. But you heal in the All. You become All that Heals, rising from pain to joy in the blink of an eye or an eon"...
"It is the seeking of joy which propels you into a state of sustaining love, of 'seeing' your own healing as a contribution to all"...
"You do not create states of high healing alone. You do this together"...
"The creation of new healing societies together is the ultimate love and the ultimate healing"...
-- Grandmother from Another Planet
INTRO: A powerful message that helped me understand that as each of us try to heal from pain personally, with a focus on highest love -- we are beginning to shift into creating great healing societies. I had never thought of my own pain/healing as part of society -- as part of the creation of healing communities and healing societies.
Grandmother is making a powerful statement that we cannot heal alone -- but must do it in love for all beings -- a different kind of energy for healing. And when we do that...with thoughts of love and healing for all beings, we begin to create great "healing societies." This is true regardless of beliefs, spiritual, societal, or technological -- when we do not think of our own healing as "separate" but think of it with thoughts of love and healing for all beings, a whole society, it is different. There was comforting from this "extraterrestrial perspective." Perhaps other societies we think might exist in the universe -- perhaps billions of years old -- view healing in this way...with love for all in the societies.
I realized that when trying to focus on healing, we tend to feel that we alone are ill, that we alone must heal. But that is not true. And when I rethought about healing not as a being alone, but as part of a coming great societies of healing, it changed my sense of what great healings might be possible! Expanding my sense of how we might creatively heal together in higher realms of love...
We are in this together -- and together rather than in feelings of separation, we will become much more powerful in healing. No healing is an island... What great new things in natural personal healing, with love, together might be possible on Earth and beyond!
Do read "Grandmother on How the Loving Healing of Your Own Pain Can Lead to the Creation of Great Healing Societies" -- improvisational, spontaneous automatic writing as I'm still recovering from laryngitis. Written 1-26-22, posted 1-27-22. -- SHRodman.

Due to laryngitis, improvisational, spontaneous automatic writing message of 1-26-22, posted 1-27-22. Looking forward to new audio soon!
"Grandmother on How the Loving Healing of Your Own Pain Can Lead to the Creation of Great Healing Societies"
SHR: Grandmother, how can I get help with healing?
You have a strong desire for a continual state of healing that does not pause or recede – a respite from feeling pain or feeling ill – in a way, to be “freed” from a state of feeling pain, feeling illness.
You have a strong desire for a continual state of healing that does not pause or recede – a respite from feeling pain or feeling ill – in a way, to be “freed” from a state of feeling pain...
This strong desire IS HEALING, even though it does not seem so. You are always in a state of healing, a process of healing, to be forever free from pain and illness – a process which you yourself create. Through great love and desire for a state without great pain or illness, you begin to see the power of love.
To be in this state of highest love – even love and appreciation for yourself and all beings – you recognize the true reality of such states – an understanding, a knowing of the most profound and blissful love which transforms even states of high pain. But recognize that it is the state of high pain which pushes you to a higher state of full, unconditional pure love in your desire for complete freedom from pain and illness, complete resonance with the natural wondrous state of a loving being, a being of great light and radiance of joy.
It is the seeking of such joy which propels you into a state of sustaining love, of “seeing” your own healing as a contribution to all. Thus, even to seek higher healing for yourself and others changes your state of expression of being. It is a state of loving readiness for healing or alignment with higher Love.
It is the seeking of such joy which propels you into a state of sustaining love, of “seeing” your own healing as a contribution to all...
The potentials in this high state of desiring a loving healing, a bliss free from pain – are tremendous. The energy is playing in tremendous bursts of desire for a higher state of being.
As these moments of healing begin to take shape, some part of you recognizes that you are creating healing yourself, as one with ALL that creates love and the bliss of being pain-free and joyful with the ancient soul self. And you begin to know at some level that you are an ancient life, full of the desire, the light seeking its higher flowing, living healing states -- its natural creative states across the eons.
You are always seeking this state of continual healing, balance, atunement with the highest love of the soul self, not definable in words but in the feeling of a blissful desire to align with love, to create freedom from pain as a society, a plane of shared rising to know the deeper heart of love in which all are loved and all are helping together to create powerful states of healing and higher frequencies.
You are always seeking this state of continual healing, balance, "attunement" with the highest love of the soul self, not definable in words but in the feeling of a blissful desire to align with love, to create freedom from pain as a society...
You do not create states of high healing alone. You do this together. And for any one being seeking highest freedom from pain, there are so many trying to create the higher states of love which are continual healing.
You do not create states of high healing alone. You do this together...
Know that this is a powerful state for potentials of creation -- and the great energy in the pain transmutes to become great energy for creativity of better pathways for peace and healing which can astound you.
Great healing is a great state of creation. Healing is creation...
Great healing is a great state of creation. Healing is creation...
If you understand the great power of highest healing, you understand the underlying reason for the need for great healing. You may find the genesis for great healing lies in some mystery in the original mis-alignment and pain, which carried the seeds for even greater healing than you have known before.
It is a differentiator, a teacher, a stage for transforming the secrets for the greatest healing held within even the pain, which causes to you create – not just for you but for all – a true higher healing, a true higher society of healing for all.
It is a differentiator, a teacher, a stage for transforming the secrets for the greatest healing held within even the pain, which causes to you create a true higher healing, a true higher society of healing for all...
The mystery to be solved in trying to heal the great pains together causes the creation together of new societies dedicated to loving healing -- recognizing this is not about you; this is about whole societies healing together, a great freeing of the loving abilities of all societies to heal from pain.
The mystery to be solved in trying to heal the great pains together causes the creation together of new societies dedicated to loving healing...
Know that this is a state – and any single being of light seeking highest freedom from pain, seeks this for all others. And the healing growth to transmute pain Into creation with new healing societies is a great service to all beings.
You do not become ill alone. You do not heal alone. But you heal in the All. You become All that Heals, rising from pain to joy in the blink of an eye or an eon. You become, together, societies that heal with the greatest love, the greatest creations of joy together transformed into new states.
You do not become ill alone. You do not heal alone. But you heal in the All. You become All that Heals, rising from pain to joy in the blink of an eye or an eon...
Know that at some level, you are seeking the healing of a great society in your desire to heal from pain, and celebrate the release of it as you create a society which understands the origins of its own pain and the power of its higher love, seeking that all be free from pain now.
The seeking of healing from high pain is a recognition that healing must be done with higher love together. And not in separation. That it is a larger pain being experienced, and to move from its heavy states must be done together with great love. Thus, there is such power in the letting go of the separateness in pain, and coming together in a recognition that you will not heal alone but together in higher love for each other. For here resides the greatest healing societies’ creation with and understanding of the true higher realms and potentialities possible.
The seeking of healing from high pain is a recognition that healing must be done with higher love together. And not in separation. ... Thus, there is such power in the letting go of the separateness in pain, and coming together in a recognition that you will not heal alone but together in higher love for each other. For here resides the greatest healing societies’ creation with and understanding of the true higher realms and potentialities possible...
To heal, continue to focus on loving all beings as yourself, and create anew as new understanding comes with your profound connections with all other beings, growing and expanding in light.
You are never alone. You are never in pain alone. You are never healed alone. You never reach understanding alone, for within your spirit is the understanding and light of All That Is, always emerging, always growing, always CREATING.
You are never alone. You are never in pain alone. You are never healed alone. You never reach understanding alone...
The creation of new healing societies together is the ultimate love and the ultimate healing.
The creation of new healing societies together is the ultimate love and the ultimate healing...
With great love and a call for great healing together of all pain, transmuted into the greatest joys, I am Grandmother from Another Planet.
-- Grandmother from Another Planet