Greetings from Grandmother from Another Planet. “Which planet,” you ask? Let me get my map… Ever feel like you can’t find your map? Like the world has changed and you don’t have a map?
This miracle of “seeing” is always available to you.
Walking in unseen maps, walking unseen roads of light, and you are so grateful…
Ask every day in this higher frequency meditation sound: “Where’s my map?”
Could it be that you are asleep in a higher world, without a map?
“Wake up!” “Be love!”
-- Grandmother from Another Planet
Can higher frequency sound meditations in deeply relaxed states enable us to “see” far beyond our current location, plane, identity – far beyond this time, far beyond this dimension? Understand in some vaster, higher creative intelligence what is happening now and how we can transform this world by seeing beyond the world and this time?
Enjoy, “Grandmother on Where’s My Map? Seeing Invisible Places, Hearing Unheard Symphonies” – automatic improvisational writing of 2-7-22, Posted 2-13-22. S.H. Rodman, Grandmother from Another Planet…

“Grandmother on Where’s My Map? Seeing the Invisible Places, Hearing the Unheard Symphonies”
SHR: Have we been here before? Will we be here again? Are ancient worlds still present somehow in today’s chaos and change? Did they seed this change? Can I see what’s happening in higher realms of vision? How can I see? What place is this? What plane is this? What time is this? Where am I?...
Greetings from Grandmother from Another Planet. “Which planet,” you ask? Let me get my map… Ever feel like you can’t find your map? Like the world has changed and you don’t have a map? Welcome to the Graduate School of “seeing” the maps of your life, your lives, in higher frequencies.
If you want to “have higher vibrations,” you’re going to have to “be” in states of higher frequencies at this time.
If you want to “have higher vibrations,” you’re going to have to “be” in states of higher frequencies at this time...
Those exploring mental frequencies at this time are doing so with what you may think are amazing sound and music “frequencies.” You feel amazing when you’re in them. Examples:
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KcU6w1Pr5gc
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b7JS0O3pFS8&list=PLCr3LsaA-XGciBkI-x4sEbKPDFzQMqz5S&index=22&t=473s
You might feel amazing and blissful enough to be in them for a while, still in bliss. Learning to be still, to hear, to see in bliss is a life lesson.
After a while of this, being in this bliss every day, you will begin to see a different world: New maps, new lives you would like to live -- and realize you do not have to pass away and be reborn but metaphorically, and in higher realms of thought, for this miracle…
This miracle of “seeing” is always available to you.
- Seeing where you are faster…
- Meditation in higher frequencies is seeing the invisible… Seeing what is invisible in your world…
- Meditation in higher frequencies is hearing differently…
- Meditation in higher frequencies is hearing the voices and music others do not hear in your world…
- Meditation in higher frequencies is “being” different, being reborn anew each day, as is everything in your world…with awareness of this miracle…
This miracle of “seeing” is always available to you...
Each day, each week, each month, each year, you become new in your heart and soul, in creations and nature, in the universe…aware anew that you are able to see and hear and walk in unseen maps, walking unseen roads of light, and you are so grateful…
I invite you to try this adventure in free awareness of all-that-is, even if just for a week – reaching higher frequencies “in the zone” of seeing and hearing what was invisible and unheard as if it were fully within you, in joy, as if you were fully part of this wondrous vision, this wondrous symphony of life -- creating, rebirthing, re-new-ing together…
Ask every day in this higher frequency meditation sound: “Where’s my map?” Meditate asking for a new spirit-awakened “seeing,” awakened “hearing” of a world you are part of but are not aware, that you live in and help create its love…
Could it be that you are asleep in a higher world, without a map? And wait only for great love to wake up?
Could it be that you are asleep in a higher world, without a map? And wait only for great love to wake up?...
Meditation in higher frequency sounds of love in the universe, the sounds of your true being…your true world…is being in states of awakening love. “Wake up!” “Be love!” “Where is my map?”
“Wake up!” “Be love!” “Where is my map?”...
Trust me, with love, to try this and as always, we begin creating love and light as your place of meditation. Sometimes the simplest words spoken in your mind create the greatest state of love, seeing, hearing, bliss.
- To be in this state, be in the sound, one with love and light.
“I am love, I am light, I am forever, I am one.” (Say 3 times)
“We are love, we are light, we are forever, we are one.” (Say 3 times) - In your mind, say in this sound:
“Meditate on Love for All Beings, Level 1…”
“Meditate on Love for All Beings, Level 2…”
“Meditate on Love for All Beings, Level 3…”
“Meditate on Love for all Beings, Level 4…”
“Meditate on Love for all beings, Level 5…” - Meditate upon the Quest for your Map; the Map for your Quest…
In your mind, say:“Meditate on Where is my Map? Level 1…”
“Meditate on Where is my Map? Level 2…”
“Meditate on Where is my Map? Level 3…”
“Meditate on Where is my Map? Level 4…”
“Meditate on Where is my Map? Level 5…”Ask yourself: What do you see and hear now? Where are you?
- Then: A Journey: Take a few moments – Meditating in your Map – in your higher frequency sound and state of love: What would you like to ask? Ask any question on any day. Where am I? Who am I truly? Listen, see, find the new Map…
- The journey is yours…
Be the new Map… This is where your Map is… Meditation in higher frequency sound is more possible in many varieties in your time.
Be the new map...
Be thankful for this “dance” with highest frequencies, this “dance” with sound and seeing.
- Say “Thank you!” when your heart fills with love and gratitude – for that is what it does in this new world of being.
- Say “Thank you!” renew each day.
- Say “Thank you!” as all the beings that you are, all the art and words and love that you are, all the lives and roles that you are!
- Say “Thank you!” as all the beings that you are in states of “oneness” and symphonies of love in the universe!
- Creating the greatest mystery, new things to have, new people to be…
Where’s my Map?
With great love for you and all the beings that you are, all the places in time, all the places in the universe that you are simultaneously, I am Grandmother from Another Planet…
-- Grandmother from Another Planet
Image Credit: Gordon Johnson from Pixabay