As you become the light, you are dreaming -- the people who are also dreaming in love, dreaming in light, see “the event” -- the appearance of your dream. And you will see their dream as light as well. Shift your own state to see new light-love, and sound-vibrating “harmonies of seeing,” and you will start to “see” the light-love dreams of others. Thus, you find them by their “dream lights,” showing a path to unexpected higher love, blessings, caring for others, shining lights of healing far and wide…
Seek the dream and the dream will seek you.
-- Grandmother from Another Planet
An extraterrestrial or higher frequency view of “dreaming together”? – which surprised me, as I would not think of finding new friends through dreaming! In this Grandmother message, there is the suggestion that if you meditate on higher dreams – and she gives an examples of meditations just before sleep, and setting “Dream Time” meditations before sleep…that you own focus or emanation of light in dream states will be seen by others who are in that same state during dreams. And somehow you find each other creatively in 3D or other realities or planes and enjoy new partnerships of light.
It sounds wild – but would not more ancient civilizations in the stars, planets, perhaps millions of years older than our own, have a kind of wild, dreaming consciousness and relationship with creative realities, compared to ours? Would not “dreaming together” be seen as very different, and perhaps bring people together in unimaginable ways?
I love her question, “Are you a dream?”…by someone in higher dimensional states? Profound food for though. And if we dream other beings, are we tapping into other realities where they truly exist?
As a playwright I often wondered if the characters who sprang up and spoke on their own (sometimes continuing to give lines or messages long after the play had ended) – were not “real” somehow, eventually, going off somewhere on their own. For example:
Here are some quotes from “Thurber Mills,” the lead character in my musical, “Cosmic Cowboys.” ( http://parallel-universe.us/CosmicCowboys.html#OVER ) first performed in NYC in 1979 and later revised and published in early 2000’s. About Thurber Mills, who wanted to be a Cowboy and never got to be one, and his friend Hitchcock Huddleston, a “Cosmic Cowboy” (extraterrestrial light being?) who was his “imaginary playmate” as a youth. Well, I kept getting “quotes” or lines from Thurber long after the play was completed early 2000’s… Completely unexpected…a mind of his own. Still, if I sat down and tuned into “Thurber’s world” – likely he would have more to say even now. How “real” are the characters we create in our stories and dreams??
“I like Stars pretty much. It’s when they like YOU that you have to watch out… 😊 “
"Think about it this way. Stars are people too...
Or you could think about it this way: People are Stars, too. That's how Stars see it."
“You look up and see Stars. How would you like it if Stars looked up and saw you? Wouldn't you want to be pretty shiny? All in all, it's pretty much the best way to be, if people are going to look up at you all the time..."
(This is very close to what Grandmother describes in this message as “Dreaming Together” as light beings in Sleep Time… Somehow we’re “shiny” in our dreams, and other light beings see us there and connect with us through light and consciousness – with the possibility of actually meeting in this dimension at a later time!)
From: http://parallel-universe.us/CharactersCC.html
Enjoy “Grandmother on Dreaming Together: How to Meet those Who Dream the Same Dreams You Dream. Are You a Dream?” – Improvisational, unedited or automatic writing of 2-20-22, posted 2-24-22. S.H. Rodman.

“Grandmother on Dreaming Together: How to Meet those Who Dream the Same Dreams You Dream. Are You a Dream?”
Grandmother, how can I find people who dream what I dream? Who see invisible things, too, and want to create what has never been created before? A different kind of art, art of light and love – light and love as art? Like the paintings of big blue spheres…
(I’ve had Big Blue Spheres of Light and Love come in deep meditations, as well as admiring paintings of big blue bubble spheres in a TV series I’m watching.)
Gradually you become that which you dream of, create that which you desire in your truest heart. As you become this creation, you are embarking on the “ultimate creation of ‘you,’” a creative journey deep into Light…the unseen even yet uncreated new lights, the future of light with the greatest of deep love driving its glowing…light springing from Nothing to Everything…
Gradually you become that which you dream of, create that which you desire in your truest heart...
As you become the light, you are dreaming -- the people who are also dreaming in love, dreaming in light, see “the event” -- the appearance of your dream. And you will see their dream as light as well. Shift your own state to see new light-love, and sound-vibrating “harmonies of seeing,” and you will start to “see” the light-love dreams of others.
Thus, you find them by their “dream lights,” showing a path to unexpected higher love, blessings, caring for others, shining lights of healing far and wide… You will “see” them.
Part of your question, your quest, that I see “shining,” is the strong desire to communicate directly, to be with “like minded” people, focusing on, creating new light-love paths.
Look all around your world. The more you focus on deep light-love states which lead to greater and greater service to others, healing, creativity – the more this continual focus becomes a light beam, literally – which will be recognized as “light” by those who dream what you dream – wherever they are in the world.
The more you focus on deep light-love states which lead to greater and greater service to others, healing, creativity – the more this continual focus becomes a light beam,..
Learn new languages and you learn new light…
Learn new languages and you learn new light...
Now, begin the Light Dream Journey, too. Meditate on light and love, as we have said. But just before dreaming! Make this part of your Sleep/Dream Time preparation. As you prepare, so you “see.”
Say this as you prepare in deep sound:
(Suggested Theta sound link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KcU6w1Pr5gc )
- I am Love, I am Light, I am Forever, I am One. (Say 3 times in your mind, with a pause between each mantra sequence)
- We are Love, We are Light, We are Forever, We are One. (Say 3 times in your mind, with a pause between each mantra sequence)
- We dream the love and light, the sights and sounds of new worlds.
We dream together in love.
We see together in love.
We create together in love. (Say 3 times in your mind, with a pause between each mantra sequence)
When you wake, begin to create. Any kind of creation. Draw, write, sing, dance. Create anew, one new “creativity light beam” upon waking, after having set a dream intention of dreaming together with those who dream the dreams you dream – and this will lead you to unexpected meetings and friends who appear unexpectedly and many want to work together on new projects of caring, “seeing,” communicating without boundaries, from the deepest heart. For there they reside. And from there the dreams flow into this reality as new light blossoms. So will you blossom, dreaming the light dreams, becoming a world where all see in dreams, all dream of seeing from the truest heart…
(This section seems to fit well with the month of writing, 2-2022, the month of 2-22-2022 meditations on the power of “2”…partnerships, love, service to others, caring for others, deeper spirituality)
Are you a dream? – that someone of light in higher loving realms is dreaming? So will you dream and create together.
Are you a dream? – that someone of light in higher loving realms is dreaming? So will you dream and create together...
Dream Time: Make this special time of focus if you would have all these dreams come true.
Seek the dream and the dream will seek you. You never know who it will be.
Seek the dream and the dream will seek you...
With great love for all your dreams, with great love for you in every realm, I, too, am a Dreamer – I am Grandmother from Another Planet.
-- Grandmother from Another Planet
NOTE: This message seems to imply that if we consciously dream, meditating on love and light before sleep and setting a dream intention – that our dreaming can radiate light events such that others with similar meditative or light-mind state can “see” or connect with – thus forming consciousness "networks" that can also play out in everyday 3D reality and beyond… And we might, indeed, come to meet these beings with whom we “Dreamed Together” as light – in an everyday reality event later! – S.H. Rodman
Image by Сергей Ремизов from Pixabay