As an Actor learns and grows from each Character played, so the higher light soul self learns and grows from each life – character and mission – lived. Each life is a “Play” as much as a Character…
Now, new varieties and levels of cross-time-space communication are possible, working on missions with past and future “lives” as new adventures, a new university of the higher light soul!
The point is not past life memories and documentation. It is past life intelligence…
It is such a much more expanded and inclusive description of what a “life” is, that it may seem shocking -- but all new truths of the soul revealed over time by all souls are shocking!
Properly understood, all who write plays, all who “channel” or create poetry and books and art and music – integrate all of this “channeling” of soul growth “identities” into this life.
-- Grandmother from Another Planet
A very different message about the power of higher consciousness self-development in the context of past and future lives – as part of our higher dimensional intelligence and communication, beyond time and space. Even part of our daily lives! Truly “Thinking Way Seriously Out of the Box” and helped me greatly this week. Very unusual view of reincarnation, especially interesting for the creative mind of every playwright, author, poet, channel, artist… Are "playwriting" and "acting" and "authorship" somehow multidimensionally-connected with reincarnation? “Grandmother from Another Planet on the Power of Past and Future Life Intelligence,” Written 3-29-22, posted 4-1-22. Spontaneous, improvisational, unedited meditative writing. S.H. Rodman

Grandmother the Power of Past and Future Life Intelligence
The point is not past life memories and documentation. It is past life intelligence. Lessons learned and taught -- and interdimensional soul-self community, communication. Learning from higher soul intelligence communities and continuous soul growth. All lives grow and learn-teach, reincarnate creatively and continuously – forever. This gives whole new meaning to the word “forever.”
The point is not past life memories and documentation. It is past life intelligence...
“Forever” is an issue of “identity” and integration, oneness and limitless love and creativity, interdimensional, boundaryless time and space as being.
The notion that “you” are one being or controllable in any true multidimensional sense is a trick and a lesson. You have only to wake up and your communication through the heart with your higher loving soul is constantly flooding you with symbols and signs of awakening power.
You learn great lessons within the restrictions of the third dimensional life and polarities – but their purpose is to expand soul growth as a higher soul self of light and love across all time and all “lives” and lessons lived.
As an Actor learns and grows from each Character played, so the higher light soul self learns and grows from each life – character and mission – lived. Each life is a “Play” as much as a Character.
As an Actor learns and grows from each Character played, so the higher light soul self learns and grows from each life – character and mission – lived. Each life is a “Play” as much as a Character...
(A message for me personally, with many years in theater -- but it prompts us all to think about how our life works and destinies have wonderful purposes of learning for us, no matter how unusual! In a way, Grandmother from Another Planet and all of the books I’ve brought in in such adventures with “guides” – is theater, bringing in characters from other dimensions, “plays” from other dimensions, and even music from other dimensions. -- SHR)
For you, Acting and Theater and Playwriting were the perfect “Major” for your life on this mission – and still they “play” out!!
Now, new varieties and levels of cross-time-space communication are possible, working on missions with past and future “lives” as new adventures, a new university of the higher light soul! This includes interpretation as well as communication. In a way, “Grandmother from Another Planet” is now a part of this life and its mission for you. It was always resident and was always available and developing with soul growth – into “new territories of being…”
Now, new varieties and levels of cross-time-space communication are possible, working on missions with past and future “lives” as new adventures, a new university of the higher light soul!...
Properly understood, all who write plays, all who “channel” or create poetry and books and art and music – integrate all of this “channeling” of soul growth “identities” into this life. As you call this life, “Sandra” (my name) – also Grandmother from Another Planet, Oron, the Incan-Lemurian Guide, and Blue Sphere Peoples, Arcturian Teachers – past life teachers whose messages you have published, Junas and Pi Lee – like characters in a great “play” of life -- all are part of this life now! Do you see? In the same way you become part of other “lives” when you play new roles in higher dimensions and different incarnations! This is true of everyone.
Properly understood, all who write plays, all who “channel” or create poetry and books and art and music – integrate all of this “channeling” of soul growth “identities” into this life...
It is such a much more expanded and inclusive description of what a “life” is, that it may seem shocking -- but all new truths of the soul revealed over time by all souls are shocking!
It is such a much more expanded and inclusive description of what a “life” is, that it may seem shocking -- but all new truths of the soul revealed over time by all souls are shocking!...
You begin to see it when you are ready. In a way, the little “movies,” the stories and characters of this and other times, of different places in this life – are all one flowing eternal life of the higher light soul. “You” are in all of these, and all of these are in “you”!
When you say, “I am You and You are Me” to another being, you are saying that you are part of all the lives and creations of this being, and this being is part of all the lives and creations of “you.” “You” are one -- in the greatest love and creation, all lives, all roles.
When your teacher, Oron, said to you, “Every thought that you have is part of my thoughts, every thought I have is part of your thoughts” -- this is literally true.
(Powerful food for thought, playwrights, authors, powers, “channels”… Grandmother once said: “’Fiction’ is very important! It is the opportunity to create channels for ‘seeing’ beyond the current limits of measuring and reporting out in any civilization. But I will tell you that nothing is fiction! The moment you create an imagination, an imaginary world, the moment you hope and dream, you have already created those worlds in some senses of dimensions and planes of existence.” “Grandmother on ‘You’ as Science Fiction” - http://www.grandmotherfromanotherplanet.com/2019/01/05/grandmother-on-you-as-science-fiction/
With greater and greater love for all beings with whom you share all the stages of oneness, you will come to see this reality -- this truth of multidimensional “being”; this force of oneness “being”; this love of all beings as one…
And so, begin to communicate with each “past and future life” as one with your life; each story as your story: With each “guide” and “teacher” as part of your soul and being, as you are part of their soul and being. And daily co-create, commune, communicate together with great love and light, as you begin to “see together” in love – with your teachers and guides and past and future lives and higher soul, new higher realms! And All That Is Love…
And so, begin to communicate with each “past and future life” as one with your life; each story as your story...
(An additional message was given at the end, when two dear friends’ pets passed beyond at this time -- in a way a tribute to their beautiful cats, Pearl and Ginger, who passed beyond on the same day: -- )
“All pets, especially ‘familiars’ (interdimensional incarnations) or those animal guides who assist in soul growth -- are part of the lives of third dimensional and higher dimensional light beings – and continue to grow with you and guide you in soul light growth even after “passing beyond.” They are with you in this life, wherever that is, and beyond this life, wherever that is, as you are with them in their lives even as they pass beyond. Continue to communicate with them as they continue to communicate with you, as part of your life. You are always part of their lives and future lives and incarnations in any dimension. Do not forget this!!”
With great love for you and all the beings that live all of the lives of oneness, I am Grandmother from Another Planet.
-- Grandmother from Another Planet
Author’s Notes on the Power of Past and Future Life Intelligence: Is This Part of Our Reality?
I decided to publish for everyone what began as personal message for me – no matter how unusual. It is definitely an unusual “Grandmother” message about a very different cosmic view of the idea of multiple lives and incarnations, from an extraterrestrial view of a much older civilization and development of higher loving consciousness. And the power in “past and future life intelligence,” understood, becoming part of our daily lives and education, soul growth…
Might we find more memories in deep meditation? Greater remembering and consciousness of multiple lives? Might experiencing greater conscious communication and meditative knowledge of our “higher selves” and creative intelligence across many lives and roles – be of greatest importance as we create new societies in these times??
This is a message of special importance for every author, playwright, poet, actor, meditative writer or speaker from an interdimensional perspective, even writers and researchers focused on reincarnation and spiritual growth! For it presents a different idea of the possibility of multiple life incarnations as well as interdimensional “guides” and “teachers” whose voices and messages we may write – as PART of us literally – of past and future “lives” as a possibility for our communication in higher realms.
It seems impossible but in my deep meditative adventures I have had the experience of two wonderful “past life” teachers bringing messages, not just memories, have had them teach a portion of classes that were popular.
Is it possible to have memories and communication with such “past lives”? What is that psychology? Can we expand our own higher creative intelligence in this study? Is there great personal power in this self-development? Is this a form of higher dimensional intelligence and communication? A new kind of field of understanding the “higher soul self” from an extraterrestrial, non-Terran point of view?
S.H. Rodman
Image Credit: Geralt at Pixabay