If you never imagine circumstances in which you have an expanded creative-intuitive self of multidimensional intelligence, your opportunities for manifesting the power of the expanded creative self in this reality are limited…
What is an imaginary, expanded, creative self of multidimensional intelligence that you might “play” today to achieve this? What is “The Character”? It should begin to occur to you consciously that you are creating new selves and expanding creative energy each time you do this…
This is, in a way, self-teaching and “playwriting” your way into a new more joyful, creative, multidimensional life of exploration!...
If your wish to communicate and create with those of higher, loving, creative and compassionate civilizations of light and energetics, this is -- as unusual as it may seem -- a great way from the heart to “expand the creative self” and begin that “explorer’s journey”…
-- Grandmother from Another Planet
This is a very clear, simple message about creating your own new multidimensional or higher creative intelligence "selves" in this reality -- to expand the creative self and abilities beyond usual imagination. But be forewarned! It works, but it worked way more than I thought!
When I actually DID the exercise, creating new characters to practice playing in life, like a "reality" playwright -- Yowza! I was actually shocked! Hm. So much so -- that I included at the end of this blog -- the crazy "characters" that I created -- one of which swooped in and got me in high gear doing things I did not want to do and couldn't imagine doing creatively! At 80. I didn't want to do these things! But "Magic Helper Bunny" got them all done in a day. What? This is an extraterrestrial view point that has my head spinning with its practicality. How might this play out in the cosmos in much older higher dimensional civilizations. And soul growth. Yowza!
An EXTREMELY interesting way to "sneak up on joy" when you are not in the mood!
Enjoy “Grandmother on the Magic of Expanding the Creative Multidimensional Self. Yowza!" Improvisational, unedited, meditative state writing or "automatic" writing of 4-4-22, posted 4-8-22.

“Grandmother on the Magic of Expanding the Creative Multidimensional Self"
While at first glance, it is difficult to conceive of an “expanded self” easily, this is a function of the rules of reality as you have learned them -- and not of the greater multidimensional reality which is your heritage, your truer self.
Here is a protocol which can enable expanding your view of a creatively-limitless self as opposed to “the social self,” which responds to boundaries, social rules in various but perception-defined ways!
Here is a protocol which can enable expanding your view of a creatively-limitless self as opposed to “the social self"...
The easiest way to discover the power of the expanding creative self is to imagine that you have one! Or many!
The easiest way to discover the power of the expanding creative self is to imagine that you have one! Or many!...
This is a kind of “playwriting” exercise. “Play” + “Writing” – or a free and playful exploration of many possible selves.
Writing with “pen and paper” (once bird quill and tree) – brings this meditative consciousness into the focus of this reality, and this expands your relationship with it – and your ability to “materialize imagination” into current physical reality. Actually, past and future physical and multidimensional realities as well!
If you never imagine circumstances in which you have an expanded creative-intuitive self of multidimensional intelligence, your opportunities for manifesting the power of the expanded creative self in this reality are limited.
If you never imagine circumstances in which you have an expanded creative-intuitive self of multidimensional intelligence, your opportunities for manifesting the power of the expanded creative self in this reality are limited...
From the perspective of much older, higher dimensional “civilizations of consciousness,” this is the “self” individually and in community -- a loving, continually-expanding creative self of infinite layers, levels, lives, and loves: Radiant, gloriously exploring and creating with energies of light, intelligence, beauty beyond imagination! For it is always traveling in new realms and creating new pathways to follow, new doors to open.
When you say that you would like to open “new creative doorways” in your life – it is you who creates them. It is an expanded “you” who opens them and expands into new creations.
When you say that you would like to open “new creative doorways” in your life – it is you who creates them...
Step 1: As always, begin with Meditation on Love with sound. (For Example: Take 3 deep breaths – and this sound is an example recommended to reach deeper states of creative-intuitive focus: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KcU6w1Pr5gc )
Step 2: Imagine that your schedule is clear for a day, and imagine expanded creative selves that you might explore in this day – to find joy or tackle your most stubborn problems.
For example – the power of the expanded creative self to create joy! Find, create, express joy today for one hour. What is an imaginary, expanded, creative self of multidimensional intelligence that you might “play” today to achieve this? What is “The Character”? Describe and draw -- any descriptions of the role, career, appearance, culture, age, dress, colors, height, weight, features, attributes – joyful and resourceful.
What is an imaginary, expanded, creative self of multidimensional intelligence that you might “play” today to achieve this? What is “The Character”? Describe and draw...
- Describe a creative “self” that you could “play” as for a while. The “play like” of children is their way of expanding the creative selves. Describe or draw in detail.
- Next: Embody or “play act” this character for a while – an hour or more – and even “go out” into daily reality keeping in mind that for this hour or “interval” – this character of great creativity and imagination is who you are. (I noted doing this that a) I needed a “name” for the character – and b) once named and acting in this role, my energy was completely different. An unusual approach to increased “motivation” and energized “movement.” I was very surprised. See Author’s Note below).
- After this “expanding of reality,” as an expanded creative self, meditate again and write/draw your learning-teaching while working with a newly expanded creative self.
How then might you alter your morning approach to reality if you began as one who is focused on a new creative self, finding new joys about you, creating them with others, meditating in joy, making art – and even a new career of this joy!?
Now: Repeat this exercise for the expanded, creative, multidimensional self on another day, and this time focus on a different “assignment” or project or mission.
- Creating a solution as an expanded creator self.
- Contemplating and solving problems with new innovations as an expanded creator self.
- Creating a new piece of art or music, a new graphics design or landscape as an expanded creative self.
Writing results then “results” in a sense of being a more expanded creative, higher dimensional self.
Now: It should begin to occur to you consciously that you are creating new selves and expanding creative energy each time you do this. Consciously creative “expanded creative, multidimensional selves” – not one self, many selves! (See note below of the “many new helper self” names that popped up playfully! Also see "The Unknown Reality," Volume 2, by Jane Roberts in which Seth speaks of the multitudinous "probable selves" of each being!...)
Each time you do this, a portion of this new “creative self” becomes a part of your “imagining” in daily life takes on life of its own – and there are many! Each in its own way expands your sense of who you are, your greater power as an expanded creative multidimensional self. Each!
Now: It occurs to you that you were doing this all along, but without awareness, without deeper contemplation or creativity or imagination -- and without consciously expanding the radiant layers and abilities of the creative multidimensional self.
It occurs to you that you were doing this all along, but without awareness...
If you do this with sound meditation, with Meditation on Love for All Beings, with expanding creative imagination – all visioning with new viewpoints – you will discover that your own multidimensional creativity and higher intelligence, the ability to imagine and create joy for yourself and others – will be sizably increased. Mentally, physically, spiritual.
You can feel that a natural “empowerment” and “expansion” of aspects of the creative multidimensional self can be accelerated and even layers of ability added beyond your previous sense of what is possible!
You will also find yourself in “new territories” of exploration and creative, innovative ventures -- all intrinsically part of the power of conscious awareness of expanding the “creative multidimensional self”…the “creative light self.”
You will also find yourself in “new territories” of exploration and creative, innovative ventures...
This is, in a way, self-teaching and “playwriting” your way into a new more joyful, creative, multidimensional life of exploration! This is a normal process, continually expanding in many civilizations.
If your wish to communicate and create with those of higher, loving, creative and compassionate civilizations of light and energetics, this is, as unusual as it may seem, a great way from the heart to “expand the creative self” and begin that “explorer’s journey.”
If your wish to communicate and create with those of higher, loving, creative and compassionate civilizations of light and energetics, this is, as unusual as it may seem, a great way from the heart to “expand the creative self” and begin that “explorer’s journey"...
With great love and cherishing all of your joyful selves and multidimensional lives, I am Grandmother from Another Planet.
-- Grandmother from Another Planet
S.H. Rodman
Comments or Creative Ideas: Send email to Sandra@RightBrainAerobics.com
Author: "My Experience of Doing the Exercise: Yowza! What?
How Could I Have a ‘Magic Helper Bunny’ Change Things in My Panoply of Selves at 80!?”
I was amazed at what happened, when I tried to do this exercise. Life has changed more appreciably than I could imagine, because “Magic Helper Bunny” – a new “creative-imaginative self” – was beyond what I thought might happen.
And, after I did the exercise once, I found it easier to create, name, explore my life and work as a second character. I found this extremely profound as I went about doing tasks and writing I had put off and was not at all motivated to do! I also found that humor was key. I had to feel “magical.”
My first character was “Magic Helper Bunny.” A name that just “popped up” out of the blue while watching “Your House Helper,” a magical Korean TV series. But I was astounded as “Magic Helper Bunny” washed the car and cleaned up the fridge. Hunh? I’m 80. So not on my “To Do” list.
But I felt oddly empowered and started to be “Magic Helper Bunny” for other missions during the day. The next day I was looking for “bunny ear headbands” and pink household gloves for cleaning. This is COMPLETELY “BEYOND ME.”
The other benefit was that the moment I began to be discouraged about the panorama of hard work and missions before me, this phrase, “Magic Helper Bunny!” seemed to enter my mind like a comforting mantra! “Magic Helper Bunny is here!” – and somehow will move energy to get things done playfully…
Now if this was partly inspired by the wondrous, “Your Home Helper” that I had watched “spur of the moment” that day – then high synchronicity and “Yea”! Whatever caused this, “Magic Helper Bunny” washed the car, cleaned out the fridge with better organization, and today is doing laundry and transcribing a new “Grandmother” message! “Expanded Creative Selves” may have creatively practical materializations!
I find many of the “Grandmother” messages have led me to personal change, learning, heart opening, but also have had a day-to-day practical impact on life, personal relationships, intuition, happiness, hopefulness, imagination, creativity. A different kind of “Playwriting” than I learned in my college days!
As two days passed working with this, many phrases – some characters and some creative inspirations or ideas or memes – coming into my mind intuitively:
- “Magic Helper Bunny”
- “Magic Healer Bunny”
- “Magic Creator Bunny”
- “Magic Solutions Bunny”
- “Magic Dancer Bunny”
- "Magic Tree Dancer”
- “Star Dancer”
- “Magic Protector Bunny”
- “Magic Wand Bunny” (Waving a wand for happiness & magic for others)
- “Magic Adventures Bunny”
Why do these names matter? Many are very funny to me. I do not at all associate who I am at 80 or who Grandmother from Another Planet, an extraterrestrial being, with “Magic Helper Bunny”! I have laughed and smiled more in the last two days than in months! When I think back to how I became a "Playwriting Major" after "Acting Major" in college, I am struck by how it all, in a way, led to this moment now. And unexpected new magic at 80. I feel somehow this is only the beginning...
Study playwriting! Or from Right Brain Aerobics, "Inner Genius Q&A" -- journaling with the higher self or “Your Inner Grandmother.” Yowza!
S.H. Rodman
Image Credit: By lillolillolillo from Pixabay