Don’t judge the “mood”! The moment you identify with and label a “mood” as “down” you have limited its revelations and powers. It is the “judgment of limitations” that is the problem, not the “mood energy”…
The ability to change energy is not the only skill. The ability to understand, to truly “see” the core of the energy is supremely important…
This is an act of creation. You are not trying to be a “psychic predictor” but a psychic creator, with higher dimensional understanding. The best way to understand the stories of your life is to practice creative stories in your life!...
-- Grandmother from Another Planet

“Grandmother on Your Life Is the Story You Are Telling Today: The Power of Intuitive Story Creation.”
SHR: Grandmother, how can I shift my energy mood from “down” to “up,” to be more of service to others?
Don’t judge the mood!
Right away, the moment you identify with and label a “mood” as “down” you have limited its revelations and powers. It is the “judgment of limitations” that is the problem, not the “mood energy.”
The moment you identify with and label a “mood” as “down” you have limited its revelations and powers...
The repeated motion of labelling energies pejoratively – in any way “lacking” – brings a recognizable “lack,” in your terms, to life – even though there is no such thing as “lack”! Walk outside at night and “look up with feeling,” into the stars and beyond. And tell me there resides “lack”!
Walk outside at night and “look up with feeling,” into the stars and beyond. And tell me there resides “lack”!...
It is most important to recognize energies and states, to recognize and commune with, act in community with all energies and states, understanding their strata to the core – more important than it is to shift energies and states. For if you truly understanding the panoply, the concept of “shifting” energy or “mood” will not have meaning. All are present, all are valuable, all are powerful, each is unique.
What you might consider: “Do I want to shift away from a state which is unique and therefore uncomfortable, to one which is recognizable and comfortable with others’ views of ‘comfortable states’? Before exploring the portals of knowledge in the present unique state? What is its gift? What is its mystery? Why is it before me? Who is it before me? How did I get here? Where am I travelling today?”
The ability to change energy is not the only skill. The ability to understand, to truly “see” the core of the energy is supremely important.
The ability to change energy is not the only skill. The ability to understand, to truly “see” the core of the energy is supremely important...
It is always a good idea to begin each day with a simple meditative query: “Where am I travelling today?”
It is always a good idea to begin each day with a simple meditative query: “Where am I travelling today?”...
Try 3 levels:
- Meditate on Love: Where am I travelling today? Level 1. Watch, look, listen, take note of what is perceived. Draw*, write, repeat.
- Meditate on Love: Where am I travelling today? Level 2. Watch, look, listen, take note of what is perceived. Draw*, write, repeat.
- Meditate on Love: Where am I travelling today? Level 3. Watch, look, listen, take note of what is perceived. Draw*, write, repeat.
What you are doing in this simple step is “setting intuition in motion” – not setting “intention in motion.” A higher dimensional meditative-intuitive motion of creation – recognizing the mind’s role in the creation of each teach-learn day (for all are teach-learn days) – with awareness.
What you are doing in this simple step is “setting intuition in motion” – not setting “intention in motion"...
These are unconscious activities already carried out each day. Make them conscious -- by setting your own intuition or higher dimensional creative world exploration, discoveries, “embodiments” for the day.
Now: There is a second meditative creation – one for greatly expanding your vistas and skills at visioning, understanding, and creating life: Story Telling. For a time when you can devote long meditation to this project.
- Meditate on Love, Level 1. What is the story I will tell today? (Write and “doodle.”*)
- Meditate on Love, Level 2. What is the story I will tell today? (Write and “doodle.”*)
- Meditate on Love, Level 3. What is the story I will tell today? (Write and “doodle.”*)
Begin by writing or saying aloud. Do record or “publish” in your 3D world if possible and share with others: The Story of Today.
This is an act of creation. You are not trying to be a “psychic predictor” but a psychic creator, with higher dimensional understanding. The best way to understand the stories of your life is to practice creative stories in your life! Draw* art from the story at the end. This is a strong “imagination exercise” when done fairly often. It is a different kind of higher dimensional self-teaching-learning.
The best way to understand the stories of your life is to practice creative stories in your life! Draw* art from the story at the end...
All – All – All have higher artistic skills of various multidimensional kinds. Begin to draw* them, “story tell” them into your life in this way. Then watch what starts to happen to you in your life “energies” and understanding, when you do this.
With great love for all the stories of your life, for all the beautiful mysterious “moods” of your life – for you, for the beautiful dreamer and creator of lives – I am Grandmother from Another Planet.
-- Grandmother from Another Planet
* ”Draw” should include free-hand (pen/pencil and paper pad) “doodling” in these and other “Grandmother” exercises. This emerged as an instruction in our Paranormal/ET Roundtable and things changed! A revelation! Everyone could doodle easily and make new discoveries in the patterns – no rules! No worry about ability to “draws”! – S.H. Rodman
With Additional “Grandmother Message Comments in Red”
S.H. Rodman
In this case I actually DID the exercise Grandmother outlines: Meditate on Love: Where am I travelling today? Level 1. Watch, look, listen, take note of what is perceived. Draw*, write, repeat.
I did 3 Levels. Here are my results/answers, done DURING the incoming intuitive writing state.
Level 1: “Across the Earth – from the picture at age 5 – 7 (?) – Seen from the back of my head, looking out before at a valley vista, from a cliff in the mountains of Colorado: ‘I see far…’” I suddenly wanted to travel “far” in cosmic meditation, which of course changed my “mood” immediately! But the “source” for this was in deep meditation not a third dimensional exercise.
Level 2: “I see Round Jars – some clear, some brown, some blue or green. Color Energy Patterns and Art.” [For some reason, I “saw” a pursuit for multicolored round glass jars. And this translated into: That I would soon learn lessons about the colors in energy patterns – and that these form a kind of interdimensional “art.” And to understand them and work with them as “art” as part of a higher consciousness creative ability.]
Level 3: “Reality Art Workshop.” I then got from Grandmother:
GRANDMOTHER: “The House and your reality are turned into bright ART, each step an Art Step of colors and joyful design. A ‘Play House.’”
After getting this message it came to me: “Toys in the House. Or Interdimensional Toy House.” Now what toys would that be? I have many crystals and wrapped rocks, gifts of cosmic art. Oracle Cards? What interdimensional Toys or games are there which are “in tune” with the loving Grandmother messages? What could I have/create?? This is an example of how a “Grandmother Message” can change my life and space often! You can try this also – seeing what comes if you meditate with sound and using hand writing/paper/pen to inquire of “Your Inner Grandmother”!
This “Play House” Message answered a question I had about the “theme” which would be most beneficial in recreating my living and work spaces for higher dimensional projects. The idea of turning the “design” of your space into a “Reality Art Workshop” caused me to see the project differently, and with more joy.
Also: The idea of a “Play House” reminded me of my youth in west Texas, when we would build “tumbleweed playhouses” quite extensively in the brush areas by mesquite trees and cactus. They were quite sturdy and could be quite creative – lots of fun – no rules… -- S.H. Rodman.
Grandmother said: “There is a second meditative creation – one for greatly expanding your vistas and skills at visioning, understanding, and creating life: Story Telling.”
This message then came from Grandmother, related to work we are doing in the weekly Paranormal/ET Roundtable -- deep channeled meditations to discover and communicate with “parallel lives” in “parallel realities.” This has proved quite extensive.
Grandmother’s Message: “Write the stories of your ‘parallel lives.’ Let their stories expand in the words…”
This led me to wonder: Might some published novels, stories, plays, music, poetry, indeed, be stories of parallel lives or past life worlds?
An interesting longer-term assignment might be to write a short story by “tuning into” the “channel” of a “past life” -- by going into deep meditation with sound and beginning to write the story of the “past life” which emerges in meditation. I did this in one session. Interestingly: It prompted more such “stories from beyond” to emerge and I saw that a whole book could be done in this way…!!!
-- S.H. Rodman