Ultimately it is the limited connection with the vast nature of your own being in many dimensions which limits your ability to “see”…
The simplest exercises produce the greatest result when repeated every day…
Be the adventurer, suspect new possibilities!...
You are an extraordinary being. It is with that capacity, with that understanding, that you will begin your own new steps to “extraterrestrial” communication, understanding how to “see” beyond narrow realities…
-- Grandmother from Another Planet
Enjoy “Grandmother from Another Planet: Do You Suspect There’s Other Life in the Cosmos? Exercises for Higher Dimensional Intelligence Beyond Narrow Limit,” S.H. Rodman, 4-25-22.

“Grandmother from Another Planet: Do You Suspect There’s Other Life in the Cosmos? Exercises for Higher Dimensional Intelligence Beyond Narrow Limits”
SHR NOTE: When I was thinking that our ability to communicate intelligently with higher dimensional mind states may be critical if we seriously want to communicate with civilizations millions of years old, this “message” or lesson came through. And an implicit message that simple steps in deep meditative focus with sound can have results far beyond our imagination, and perhaps help us stretch both multidimensional and supersensory abilities. When I first tried the exercise, repeating the words “Universal Life” especially -- in meditative focus, over and over, produced highly creative visioning and unusual ideas, sensations of possibility -- what might truly be resident in our own abilities as residents of Earth, simply untrained? Even at 80, these kinds of “sci-fi” adventures in consciousness boost regenerative, young energies that exhilarate. What can we really achieve in perception and understanding – not just linear study – about the nature of the universe and its citizens?
Why would you suspect that in this cosmos -- by your reckoning an immeasurable number of stars and galaxies, so vast is the number – that there is no sophisticated life anywhere except on planet of one small star? Why would you suspect this?
Why would you suspect that if there is life everywhere, as there is life here on your planet, that you cannot see it? You cannot communicate with it? You cannot know it? Why would you suspect this?
Why would you suspect that if there is life everywhere, as there is life here on your planet, that you cannot see it?...
Be the adventurer, suspect new possibilities!
Be the adventurer, suspect new possibilities!...
A simple meditation exercise to explore the possibility of life on other planets, life in other realities, dimensions, planes, frequencies: (Repeat these words in your mind, using sound. Such as this Theta Sound. Pause between each phrase. Write by hand or free-hand draw/doodle, pencil-paper as intuition comes)
A simple meditation exercise to explore the possibility of life on other planets, life in other realities, dimensions, planes, frequencies...
Part 1 of this Meditation:
- Meditate on Love for All Beings.
- Universal Life
- Universal Life
- Universal Life
- Meditate on Love for All Beings.
- Universal Knowing
- Universal Knowing
- Universal Knowing
- Meditate on Love for All Beings.
- Universal Seeing
- Universal Seeing
- Universal Seeing
- Meditate on Love for All Beings.
- Universal Conversations
- Universal Conversations
- Universal Conversations
- Meditate on Love for All Beings.
- Universal Oneness
- Universal Oneness
- Universal Oneness
Part 2 of this Meditation:
- What is the Symbol for Universal Life? (Pause, meditate-focus. Write – free-hand draw any symbol perceived – or create a symbol.)
- What is the Symbol for Universal Knowing? (Pause, meditate-focus. Write – free-hand draw any symbol perceived – or create a symbol.)
- What is the Symbol for Universal Seeing? (Pause, meditate-focus. Write – free-hand draw any symbol perceived – or create a symbol.)
- What is the Symbol for Universal Conversations? (Pause, meditate-focus. Write – free-hand draw any symbol perceived – or create a symbol.)
- What is the Symbol for Universal Oneness? (Pause, meditate-focus. Write – free-hand draw any symbol perceived – or create a symbol.)
- What is the Symbol for Earth? (Pause, meditate-focus. Write – free-hand draw any symbol perceived – or create a symbol.)
- What is the Symbol for You? (Pause, meditate-focus. Write – free-hand draw any symbol perceived – or create a symbol.)
The simplest exercises produce the greatest result when repeated every day. They are easy to do. You will be able to do them. It is the simple meditations performed again and again in deep state of love, which are the first steps for “seeing” beyond your limits, for conversations and visions which are interplanetary and interdimensional.
It is the simple meditations performed again and again in deep state of love, which are the first steps for “seeing” beyond your limits,..
Part 3 of this Meditation
- Expand any Symbol into a Lesson. What is the Lesson or message, the “thread” of study and discovery recognition of which this Symbol is the Gateway?
- Meditate on the Gateway with love for all beings, and you will begin to discover how it opens, with the heart, to the vast civilizations of the universe, of all space and time – how it opens to the vast being that is the “Universal You.”
- In closing, Meditation with Love for the “Universal You, Levels 1 – 10.
When you have completed these meditation exercises for one week, and you have recorded your Symbols, dialogue, by hand, free-drawing and writing, then we can begin again to discuss conversations with other life, other civilizations, other dimensions of “You” in the universe, across all space and time.
then we can begin again to discuss conversations with other life, other civilizations, other dimensions of “You” in the universe, across all space and time...
Ultimately it is the limited connection with the vast nature of your own being in many dimensions which limits your ability to “see,” to communicate with other beings who are aware of their own being in many dimensions, having lived and learned on many planets in many galaxies, in many times.
Ultimately it is the limited connection with the vast nature of your own being in many dimensions which limits your ability to “see"...
You are an extraordinary being. It is with that capacity, with that understanding, that you will begin your own new steps to “extraterrestrial” communication, understanding how to “see” beyond narrow realities and on the wings of meditation on love for all beings, come to know: That is you.
You are an extraordinary being. It is with that capacity, with that understanding, that you will begin your own new steps to “extraterrestrial” communication...
This works. This has always worked. It is who you are.
With love for all of the extraordinary beings and lives that you are, across all space and time, I am Grandmother from Another Planet.
-- Grandmother from Another Planet
For all blogs/articles: Send any comments or questions -- or your own experiences of trying this meditation -- to: Sandra@Rightbrainaerobics.com
Image Credit: nini kvaratskhelia from Pixabay