Great power evolves when you create “on the fly” focusing especially on higher frequency and ranges of senses and a “discovery mind”…
You can literally declare a Discovery Day, an Imagination Day…
“Stuckness” is coming face-to-face with life itself -- and realizing that its definitions of “you,” its limits, are not real! There is no barrier, when you begin to ‘see” that the barriers are not “real.” You can “wing it”!...
You can’t try anything you have already tried before, if you are going to get “unstuck” -- if you are going to be free!...
I will tell you a secret. “Winging it” in the cosmos always, always begins with freeing your dreams! FREE THE DREAMS!...
-- Grandmother from Another Planet
Time to get SUPER creative!! That's what I concluded about my wild life -- that seems to change every few hours! You can feel "stuckness" even in a "wild" life that hits you with tsunami waves of massive change and challenges every day and doesn't stop for months. How could all of these wild things keep happening over many months, hour by hour?? Constant change, becomes a kind of "business as usual" if its repetition is unceasing... I asked for a message of guidance from Grandmother -- what to do with so many seriously tough challenges!
The guidance from Grandmother from Another Planet was much more free-wheeling than I expected! A different view, in a way, than I had been thinking, about what TRUE creativity in the Cosmos might be... After getting this message -- I started thinking about freeing "Original Dreams" of this life. My earliest dreams and wishes from the first decade of life. What were those!? My second decade of life...
I really felt energized with the concept "FREE THE DREAMS!" This resonated mightily and changed my approach to new plans for the next year as I'm also moving at 80 and starting to design new projects. "Free the Dreams" and "Winging It in the Cosmos!" were just the spark I needed!
Enjoy, "Grandmother on Winging It in the Cosmos: Free the Dreams!," spontaneous, improvisational, unedited writing of 8-30-22, posted 8-31-22. S.H. Rodman

“Grandmother on Winging It in the Cosmos: Free the Dreams!”
SHR: Grandmother, do you have a message for me today? Especially on solving very big problems!
There is great power in seeking to “Wing It” in the cosmos – to improvise with much greater confidence in the higher soul, the artistry of flight of a life of creativity. When there is no map – imagination becomes a free-flying engine of endeavor and breathtaking beauty to choose.
When there is no map – imagination becomes a free-flying engine of endeavor and breathtaking beauty to choose...
Great power evolves when you create “on the fly” focusing especially on higher frequency and ranges of senses and a “discovery mind.” If you want to “discover” what is out there and what you might be able to create now, especially if you seek something new and are frustrated with the old ways, you remove limitations purposefully.
It is in the “giving up” on frustration and disappointments as a lifestyle path – that you suddenly choose to “wing it” for a day...and try something else; to see if any boundaries will give…
You can literally declare a Discovery Day, an Imagination Day, a day without old rules that made you sad, your feet stuck to the ground in some strange way…
You can literally declare a Discovery Day, an Imagination Day...
This will happen when you have a “realization” that you are stuck in place and frustrated with previous options which no longer match your “frequency.” Yet this “stuckness” is a gift, if you can love it as an opportunity to “wing it” in the universe!
“Stuckness” is coming face-to-face with life itself -- and realizing that its definitions of “you,” its limits, are not real! There is no barrier, when you begin to ‘see” that the barriers are not “real.” You can “wing it”!
There is no barrier, when you begin to ‘see” that the barriers are not “real.” You can “wing it”!...
You can create something profound and exhilarating and magnetic which you would never have thought was “you.” You can “try on” new aspects of life, creating new characters…new identities…unapproved identities; great expressions of love and beauty and kindness which you did not know was in you, so cynical were you becoming. But you can’t try anything you have already tried before, if you are going to get “unstuck” -- if you are going to be free!
You can’t try anything you have already tried before, if you are going to get “unstuck” -- if you are going to be free!...
If you are going to step into the cosmos as a benevolent and caring creator, a master of improvisational integrations of all “super senses” which are always seeking to explore beyond, to serve beyond, to create that which has never been created before -- that is the time you have chosen! When creating what has never been created before is the only way to loosen your steps, to step out into the heavens and fly off “on a wing and a prayer”!
This is an interesting phrase of yours – “on a wing and a prayer.” And a clue. A symbol of intention. The intention to fly. To fly off! To improvise! To be free forever! And to pray for the very greatest paths, the greatest love, the greatest full-on freedom of joy! Improvising creation and mystery and glowing light “on the fly” – soaring into the beyond, freeing even the Dreams, to tell the uncompromising stories of tenderness and brilliance and “alive” healing of consciousness and conscience!
I will tell you a secret. “Winging it” in the cosmos always, always begins with freeing your dreams! FREE THE DREAMS! Create in your Dreams – set out to do it – and do it!
I will tell you a secret. “Winging it” in the cosmos always, always begins with freeing your dreams! FREE THE DREAMS!...
What does “Free the Dreams” mean? Discover that! Wing it! How do you think you can “Free the Dreams”?! Let us see what you discover!
I am always dreaming with you, with greatest love and all my heart, forever your Grandmother from Another Planet…
-- Grandmother from Another Planet
S.H. Rodman
Image Credit: 愚木混株 CDD20 from Pixabay