If you are questioning the fundamentals of your whole life on planet Earth and in this galaxy, that is a profound inquiry and can lead to profound transformation…
It is your own speaking of your greater discovered truths and freeing your dreams to be lived for real – enabling a life of dreams and greatest wishes, creating new worlds – that calms and re-orients…
Meditating on the deepest love for your life and your freedom to create, your enormous opportunity to love and serve all others – is finding your way home in all storms!...
When turmoil is at the highest, and you seek strategies and solutions – seek even higher truths and revelations of your being, greater truth and greater love. Love IS the greater truth!...
A powerful life in every storm is this life of bringing love, speaking love and kindness for all others – that rides out every storm and acts as a bridge…
Let each moment be a monument of unconditional love and kindness as you face turbulent days, and you will find even greater revelations, greater truths about who you are and where you are – to speak together in love...
The greatest love and kindness is the greatest university, the greatest firm foundation in turbulent forces and storms – it is an eternal Home…
All problems are solutions in disguise…
-- Grandmother from Another Planet
This message came when I asked for guidance in these turbulent times and with all I have taken on -- not sure what to do next... A great comfort to me to rethink how I could focus on kindness and love for others as a guide, a foundational "rudder" for calm in the storm regardless of all else that is happening...
Below is the transcript of "Grandmother on The Greatest Truth: How to Get Home in a Turbulent Storm,” spontaneous, improvisational, unedited writing of 9-22-22, posted 9-25-22. S.H. Rodman

“Grandmother on The Greatest Truth: How to Get Home in a Turbulent Storm”…
The Force of the Greater Heart’s Love...
SHR: Grandmother, after huge changes in life, how do we calm and re-orient smoothly, re-create relationships, build bridges, create a spirit of seeking common ground?
Each day interrupts the routine of the previous day and changes its best laid plans. You are constantly adjusting in small to large increments. Sometimes there are bursts of high energy creativity.
It is now a question of degree and scope of change. More importantly, change of fundamental beliefs about what your world is and your role in it. You are questioning your beliefs about the world and who you are. The centerpiece is: You are questioning who you will become. And when.
You are questioning your beliefs about the world and who you are. The centerpiece is: You are questioning who you will become. And when...
If you are questioning the fundamentals of your whole life on planet Earth and in this galaxy, that is a profound inquiry and can lead to profound transformation.
Think on this: It is more important that huge life change, world change reveals new truths, exposes hidden secrets about your life and life on Earth – than that the world changed or your life changed. This state you call “huge change” is as much huge revelations…huge exposures of underlying fabrics of your life and belief systems.
This state you call “huge change” is as much huge revelations…huge exposures of underlying fabrics of your life and belief systems...
You wanted to have much greater, more spiritual understanding of your life and goals. But how will you enter this state of greater understanding and more accurate, deeper vision, if you do not experience the huge revelations of speaking more truth from the heart? It is your own speaking of your greater discovered truths and freeing your dreams to be lived for real – enabling a life of dreams and greatest wishes, creating new worlds – that calms and re-orients.
With tremendous love for your own life and the lives and souls of all beings, you set a new path that is quite stable despite turbulence! There may be turbulence. There may be upheaval in path of revelations and coming to know deeply your own greatest truths. But you will always know when you are and who you are, even in the wildest storm; in the most ferocious winds, the goals and dreams of speaking your greater truths with increasing love and cherishing of your life and love for all others is a firm rudder.
With tremendous love for your own life and the lives and souls of all beings, you set a new path that is quite stable despite turbulence!...
Meditating on the deepest love for your life and your freedom to create – which is always with you – your enormous opportunity to love and serve all others – is finding your way home in all storms! It is a full concentration of your greatest heart and soul and creative spirit on the love and cherishing of all life’s dreams and the truth of an eternal love within you, which you cannot stop… It is concentrating on the core, the heart of all life, a beautiful star created by an infinite number of hearts all being freed from within, with growing universal unconditional love which is pure life and light of the soul’s dreams – that which you pray for the most for yourself and all others -- that almost indefinable love of being, being together, being One that is an eternal and infinite foundation of being!...
When turmoil is at the highest, and you seek strategies and solutions – seek even higher truths and revelations of your being, greater truth and greater love.
Love IS the greater truth! The greater foundation you seek to stabilize turbulence is actually greater love -- unconditional, unlimited by boundaries of time, space, and identity. The degree to which some of the turbulence you see is turbulence of identity -- is great.
Love IS the greater truth!...
Love is not only the greater truth, it is the greater identity! This powerful force of eternal, unconditional love is always greater than the wildest storm, and even those storms are a deep expression of universal love of life and greater energies of creativity…
Love is not only the greater truth, it is the greater identity!...
The truth of the greatest storms is always a force of greater love revealing itself unconditionally, beyond comprehension. And as storms increase, you will be increasingly driven to speak these greater truths of love and cherishing every life, every moment of your life – all stronger and stronger desires to deliver greater kindness to all others in each moment.
A powerful life in every storm is this life of bringing love, speaking love and kindness for all others – that rides out every storm and acts as a bridge, a common ground where you seek to build new worlds and relationships.
It is the simple truth of profound love, the simple steps of eternal love and kindness expressed in every moment, that is the “GPS” you seek in turbulence.
It is the simple truth of profound love, the simple steps of eternal love and kindness expressed in every moment, that is the “GPS” you seek in turbulence...
The Meditations on Love for All Beings – are to increase the force and energy of this great powerful life of love within us. But it is the simple acts of unconditional love and kindness – unexpected love and kindness in every moment – that are the greatest meditations on love for all beings, all life!
But it is the simple acts of unconditional love and kindness – unexpected love and kindness in every moment – that are the greatest meditations on love for all beings, all life!...
Let each moment be a monument of unconditional love and kindness as you face turbulent days, and you will find even greater revelations, greater truths about who you are and where you are – to speak together in love.
Let each moment be a monument of unconditional love and kindness as you face turbulent days...
Speak together in love not in hatred. If you would see, see with that light! See with that heart -- and know all now hidden from you! The greatest love and kindness is the greatest university, the greatest firm foundation in turbulent forces and storms – it is an eternal Home… And there in that heart is always peace, and you are forever calm and oriented in the love and cherishing that you give to others. That is the common ground and Home for all life in the Universe…
-- Grandmother from Another Planet
S.H. Rodman...
Grandmother messages on this turbulence continued later:
“The power and revelations of loving the turbulence and its greater truths – the ultimate home in any storm – is still the greatest unconditional love and kindness from the deeper heart.”
“All problems are solutions in disguise."
"All turbulence is revelations of greater truths in wild disguise. And holds the foundation of peace.”
-- Grandmother from Another Planet
S.H. Rodman
Image Credit: Fine Mayer from Pixabay