Love the Impossible Task, Projects! Love, love, love. Then more love! Get into it! Enjoy it. Dance to it. Make it an art, a creative performance!...
The more items you list – start with 5 alternatives – the more the “Exhaustion Energy” is transformed before you start…
If you want a new outcome – not “exhaustion” – you require only the choice to try something new, something requiring bravery and exploring the new: In fact, a new identity!...
You start the “exhaustion” just thinking about the mission, the task! Now, you are focusing on creative options for new solutions, resources, help – thus, new energy…
You have chosen to play the role of “Exhaustion” and set it up from the beginning…decisions, costumes, choices of demeanor or relationships – to “be” Exhausted! -- “Hello, I am Exhausted!”… The purpose of this creative list-making is simple self-teaching, play, self-affirmation. You realize – as the list-making is a meditative exercise – that you do have other choices of roles!...
The more you give, the more you receive. “Hello, I am Energized! I am Happy!”…
-- Grandmother from Another Planet
A little sense of humor was what I needed – this message sparked a whole turn around in my energy even at 80, while packing and moving! I realized we may be turning our overriding, addictive emotions and self-talk into “identities”!! We introduce ourselves to others as a “character” – often based on repeated words! I stopped saying, “I’m exhausted” even when I felt tired – and started thinking of more creative ways to get help. Now I’m saying, “I’m stronger! I’m stronger!” I am, and I realized, just from the imagery of this message, that I was already creating a new character! Try it!
Enjoy, “Grandmother from Another Planet: Liberating Yourself from Exhaustion! Playing a New Role!” Spontaneous, improvisational, unedited writing of 10-11-22, posted 10-17-22. S.H. Rodman.

"Grandmother from Another Planet: Liberating Yourself from Exhaustion! Playing a New Role!"
SHR: Grandmother, what to do about exhaustion??
Don’t do it!
Or meditate on your choice to use “exhaustion” -- working excessively beyond the limits of healthy physical/mental energy – to succeed in something when you have doubts or fears about your ability to succeed under pressure!
Exhaustion is a strategy, a choice of experience; there is a certain reward, a satisfaction in exhausting yourself for a higher “cause,” a principle you cherish, an outcome you fear if you rest or delegate or consider other options! It’s for getting to know yourself! What is truly important to your mission; for understanding your mission!
Meditation: What is missing? Often it is relationship issues, fear of teamwork as opposed to individual nose-to-the-grindstone habits of work or limits on how to set up teamwork or inspire people to help you, to join together…
An identifiable, clear task is a great learning tool. Three steps:
Love the Impossible Task, Projects! Love, love, love. Then more love! Get into it! Enjoy it. Dance to it. Make it an art, a creative performance. Find a “groove”…
Write/sketch a List of all the options for getting help and completing the task easily, including a list of people who can help. This will be a major education… You will be quick to omit some options as “the cost is too high.” Do not omit those options. Your fonder desires… Instead add possibilities for help getting there!
The more items you list – start with 5 – the more the “Exhaustion Energy” is transformed before you start. Yes! You start the “exhaustion” just thinking about the mission, the task! Now, you are focusing on creative options for new solutions, resources, help – thus, new energy.
You will realize pretty quickly that “exhaustion” is often connected to “xenophobia” – and a desire to stay isolated and alone with your misery, or not to look for technologies or new untried methods others use to “get it done” without exhaustion.
If you want a new outcome – not “exhaustion” – you require only the choice to try something new, something requiring bravery and exploring the new: In fact, a new identity!!
You will realize as you do this practice of self-teaching, self-knowing, that “Exhaustion” has become your identity!! That’s why you choose steps to exhaustion and don’t even list creative and even profound or playful alternatives which abound!
Do you see? You have chosen to play the role of “Exhaustion” -- and set it up from the beginning…decisions, costumes, choices of demeanor or relationships – to “be” Exhausted!
“Hello, I am Exhausted!”
The purpose of this creative list-making is simple self-teaching, play, self-affirmation. You realize – as the list-making is a meditative exercise – that you do have other choices of roles! Lessons to learn. Ways to be of service to others. Being “Exhausted” is not service to others… Even if you exhausted yourself because of service to others! There are other choices. Other roles you can play. Learn to involve others with such love and joy of being together that you have more hep than you need! Love all beings! Love them when they help you! Give extra love and affirmation! Adore them! Take them into your heart, so great is your love for their generous spirit and help!
All life is a kind of self-teaching course in playwriting… Always, always, always analyze the role you are playing – and all the other roles you might play to achieve new accomplishments and successes – new happier relationships, transforming xenophobia into a love of new adventures and new discoveries! New people and skills to love! New ways to love and be creative to play in a universe of love and energy!
There is such abundance of love and light and energy in the universe, you need never be short! How do you get it? Give love, share your light for others and do ask their hep when you need it! And help them when they need it! Especially in teamwork! The more you give, the more you receive.
“Hello, I am Energized! I am Happy! I am One with All Beings!”
Step Three: The Calendar Strategy.
Put some of the new options and reaching out to others for assistance and teamwork On the Calendar! Put relaxation, meditation, play, walking in nature, on the Calendar! Put the time to complete the mission with help and a new identity on the Calendar! And most important: Put Love on the Calendar! Love the task! Love your new energized identity – as much as you loved the old Exhaustion identity.
Love and affirm all beings and all Miracles that hep you! Because with enough love, they are going to come!
With great affirmation and love for your journey to the spirit of highest energy, love, and light, I am your Grandmother from Another Planet…
-- Grandmother from Another Planet