All of “life’s play” in this life is based on the characters you play! All of the characters are based on the words you say!...
You cannot change your character until you change your words…
Take responsibility for each of the words you say. For their repetition and the roles they create impact others!...
You can change your characters, your words, your “lines” which are code – as easily as you change clothes…
Once you experience powerful change by becoming aware that the words you say create the characters you play -- and that the life path can change instantly, instantly, instantly with the change in words, character, embodiment: You will be forever transformed…
If you would create a new Earth, create new words every day!...
From a single point with full realization of your highest loving power, you can become every point in the universe...
-- Grandmother from Another Planet
A lost message! I had not realized that this message or article from “Grandmother from Another Planet” had not been published… Lost in the flurry of moving this month, it has been found again and I am so enjoying its message about the power of the words we say – and that what we “give out” with our words and being, do impact others…a reminder to be kind, loving, generous with the “frequency codes” we create on Earth…
The blog came when a dear friend asked about how we might understand that different people seem to respond differently to new healing processes now becoming available in new ways… It’s more spiritual than most of Grandmother’s blogs but that was the nature of the question! I greatly benefitted from it and thought I would share it with everyone.
It seems is closely related to the last message, about awareness of our words – and how we “become” as characters the words we say -- as the characters we play in the world. http://www.grandmotherfromanotherplanet.com/2022/10/17/grandmother-from-another-planet-liberating-yourself-from-exhaustion-playing-a-new-role/
Enjoy, “Grandmother on The Boomerang Principle… A Higher Dimensional View of New Healing Frequencies and Programs Coming to Earth!” Spontaneous, improvisational, unedited writing of 10-23-22, posted 11-15-22, S.H. Rodman.

“Grandmother on The Boomerang Principle… A Higher Dimensional View of New Healing Frequencies and Programs Coming to Earth!”
SHR: Grandmother, how do I understand a higher dimensional view to discern aspects of new or unfamiliar healing and balancing processes?
Each frequency input is different. Each frequency “receiver” is different. Each individual and each sourcing of frequency customization is quite different and integration into daily life is quite different. Repeating the words over and over: The words you say are the character you play.
All of “life’s play” in this life is based on the characters you play! All of the characters are based on the words you say!
One phrase repeated becomes a whole persona – and you are identified with that character. You cannot change your character until you change your words…
You cannot change your character until you change your words…
Once you understand the power of your life as the playwright, the creator of your physical abilities and mental abilities, your inter-dimensional abilities of prescience and telepathy, teleportation, empathy, compassion – it is more exciting to pursue creating new lines for your “play”!! And new characters to play!
These are “frequency generators.” They are more precisely, light generating frequency generators. Take responsibility for each of the words you say. …For their repetition and the roles they create impact others!
Take responsibility for each of the words you say. …For their repetition and the roles they create impact others!...
It is as accurate to say that “you are what you say” – as it is to say, “you are what you eat.” Light frequencies are taken in by others – the words you say affect others as if you were preparing a meal for others. Be aware that you are generating light frequency codes with every word you say. If you are watching a play on stage, it is no different. It is a lesson in “light frequency codes.” And every character you play is a lesson in light frequency codes.
Be aware that you are generating light frequency codes with every word you say. And every character you play is a lesson in light frequency codes...
We make agreements as a higher soul about the light frequency codes we will generate for others. But these are not unchanging. You can change your characters, your words, your “lines” which are code – as easily as you change clothes… Once you realize this – not just the power to change the words but the power of the realization that you are creating your characters, relationships, and even your career with the words or “lines” you are writing, speaking, “wearing” – yes, you wear your words – then all life changes! Even physical structure and potential, mental structure and potential, higher dimensional structure and potential -- all change with each character you play, each word you say.
You can change your characters, your words, your “lines” which are code – as easily as you change clothes…
All health and spiritual life force change with each word you say. You will learn to take responsibility for the words you say and the characters you play – through The Boomerang Principle…
All health and spiritual life force change with each word you say. You will learn to take responsibility for the words you say and the characters you play – through The Boomerang Principle…
That embodiment of understanding is one of the greatest healings or balancings of frequencies that you can create! The Boomerang Principle is consistent. It is the nature of soul growth in the tremendous development of empathy and higher love – living universal oneness…
The Boomerang Principle is a solution, a great empowerment as well as a problem – a graduate school lesson; and all assessment of balance or healing, wellness is ultimately based on new transformations based on The Boomerang Principle. “Life reviews” between lives – every life – you learn by experiencing the effect of the Boomerang you “threw”; whatever you “throw out” comes back to you!
If you throw out a weapon of hate and destruction, it will always come back to you – to experience and learn from what you “throw out” or “radiate.” If you throw out love and empathy and kindness, that will come back to you 10-fold…
If you throw out love and empathy and kindness, that will come back to you 10-fold…
This is a glorious balancing or healing process. Do you want to be healed? This is how to learn to be healed! To “be” healing for others!
Is not the discernment of true healing frequencies and gifts of healing what you were seeking?... It is a great lesson.
But it is difficult to enter a state of higher dimensional, loving, balancing, “oneness” frequencies and knowledge – without coming personally to this realization of the power of words and the characters you create! You must learn the power of the “light frequencies” you are generating with words, characters, dress, energy, behavior, art, dance, song – angst and anxieties, triumph and miracles!
You must learn the power of the “light frequencies” you are generating with words, characters, dress, energy, behavior, art, dance, song – angst and anxieties, triumph and miracles!...
Once you experience powerful change -- a transformation, by becoming aware thatthe words you say create the characters you play -- and that the life path can change instantly, instantly, instantly, that energy, with the change in words, character, embodiment: You will be forever transformed... And forever aware of the power of every word you say, every character created this way, and take charge of your life and service to others.
You will begin to create your own life of service to others – with full awareness of this power that you did not know you possessed! The Power of the Boomerang Principles to Heal! The Power of embodying a loving healing beyond your wildest dreams! Then you will be able to sense for yourself the power and “character” or “frequencies” of each new healing and balancing, each new creative healing process coming to Earth from everywhere in the universe! You will understand some of their surprising purposes – not the least of which is to increase your frequencies for higher dimensional soul communication with higher loving civilizations of light! – of incredible “oneness” expressions of love and knowledge, discernment!
You will be able to sense for yourself the power and “character” or “frequencies” of each new healing and balancing, each new creative healing process coming to Earth from everywhere in the universe! You will understand some of their surprising purposes – not the least of which is to increase your frequencies for higher dimensional soul communication with higher loving civilizations of light! – of incredible “oneness” expressions of love and knowledge, discernment!...
You can develop your own creative new healing practices. You can embody them, dance with them, dance with others in their new healing creations!! In the most loving and fully empathetic way! --affirmation and healing from each one, each new healing frequency!
Let me repeat this:
Every frequency has a gift of learning and soul growth for you.
Every frequency has a gift of learning and soul growth for you.
There are no exceptions.
And if you find an aspect of a healing frequency jars you or does not work for you as it does for others, it is fully within your higher soul discernment and learning to find out all about it!! What intelligence has it brought to Earth? And what lesson, just for you? What will you discover? What will you embody?
It is ultimately the embodiment of “The Discovery Mind” and the discernment of the power of the Oneness Boomerang Principle – which is the Healing/Balancing Embodiment. It is a dance with higher knowing of the higher soul’s growing power and the force of the ultimate highest love for all beings!
It is a dance with higher knowing of the higher soul’s growing power and the force of the ultimate highest love for all beings!...
Why do you think we ask you, repeat these words, this light-and-love “frequency code” mantra 500 times?! 1000 times?! It is the power of becoming loving words… The embodiment of “love for all beings” in One magnificent universe!
(The mantra: Meditate on Love for All Beings.” In this message, a new part was added: “Meditate on Love and Blessings for All Beings.”)
Every effect of every word and thought, every creation and destruction, every act of kindness and blessing – is so tremendously powerful! And you are in that power and creating that power!
Every effect of every word and thought, every creation and destruction, every act of kindness and blessing – is so tremendously powerful!...
One morning you heard the words on waking, to say “I am Power Woman!” This was overwhelming to you that you might be a “Power Woman” at your new age of 80! And yet as it came to you, you knew it to be true! That is why it overwhelmed you! You are all Power Women! Power Sisters! Power Men! Power Brothers! -- who are beginning to embody the power of new love-light frequencies as eternal being.
This is another great lesson of the Boomerang Principle! You come to the “Realization Point” that it is forever!!! A kind of “zero-point energy realization and embodiment.” “I am FOREVER! This is ETERNAL!”…
This is another great lesson of the Boomerang Principle! You come to the “Realization Point” that it is forever!!! A kind of “zero-point energy realization and embodiment”...
All of it, every atom, is a creation and a birth of new love in the Universe. You might even say, “I am New Love in the Universe!” A love that can be reborn each day in service to others, in the highest love for all beings. And it is all alive! Living Love! You will come to understand this embodiment as you come to understand the new healing frequencies and offerings coming into the universe, coming to the Earth every day!
If you would create a new Earth, create new words every day! Be patient, loving with yourself as you create this new path, the new “play”! With each new word! Add to this, “Meditate on Love and Blessings for All Beings” each day, creating new winds of service to others with power and the force of highest empathic love and light…
If you would create a new Earth, create new words every day! Be patient, loving with yourself as you create this new path, the new “play”!...
And always, I am with you, and always you are with me, and we are never separate… In the greatest love, I am your Grandmother from Another Planet…
-- Grandmother from Another Planet
Additional messages came shortly after:
- On: Zero Point Energy: “You can be very powerful from a single point… From a single point with full realization of your highest loving power, you can become every point in the universe.”
“You can be very powerful from a single point… From a single point with full realization of your highest loving power, you can become every point in the universe"...
- “Yes, you can be sustained with light.”
- Related: “Your body will tell you what it wants of eat – of food or light-and-love…”
Image Credit: Gerd Altmann from Pixabay