You make it a “gift” of a day by giving gifts of simple affirmation and appreciation for others. You begin to create an “aura” around the day -- of open-hearted reaching out, respect, appreciation for the struggles of others in these days…
These “fields” of gratitude become gifts of “the presence of the open heart,” to others. This is the basis of a life of building “the bridges beyond”…
Division comes from the fearful heart, the closing off of generosity and listening. So, the bridges can be built of opening the higher heart of loving recognition of “you in the other, the other in you”…
Divisions fall away as glowing footsteps of open-hearted affirmation and giving from the soul approach and reconcile doubt and cynicism...
Kindnesses last forever, and so to give them without condition is the ultimate celebration of new life rendered with new “seeing” and reaching out into the stars…
The open heart of kindness, one kindness at a time, begins to glimmer, and all will know that this is a place of the greatest heart and welcome, a community of gifts and discoveries of the unknown universes of the eternal heart…
-- Grandmother from Another Planet
This may be an extremely powerful “cosmic time” – far greater than we think… Beyond gift-giving, the message is the gifts of the open heart, the small acts of kindness, affirmation, recognition of others every day, enable us to contribute by creating an “aura” around these days of division, through continuing to give acts of kindness and affirmation every day… There lies deep in the message something that touched my heart: These acts create days with such auras of light that they can be seen from everywhere else in space… They are not isolated, and on any day, we can reach out across the cosmos with glowing acts of simple kindness. And these will not ever, ever be forgotten…
Enjoy “Grandmother from Another Planet: The Glowing of the Open Heart Is the Greatest Gift of All.” Spontaneous, improvisational, unedited writing of 12-23-22, posted 12-23-22, S.H. Rodman.

“Grandmother from Another Planet: The Glowing of the Open Heart Is the Greatest Gift of All”
SHR: Grandmother, do you have a message for us today, December 23rd?
Opening the heart to the possibility of much greater blessings in the world, much kinder moments with greater loving empathy and understanding for the lives that others choose to explore, you come upon the possibility that all days can be spent in blessings, are sacred and special to others, if great kindness, recognition are shown for others.
You come upon the possibility that all days can be spent in blessings, are sacred and special to others, if great kindness, recognition are shown for others...
You make it a “gift” of a day by giving gifts of simple affirmation and appreciation for others. You begin to create an “aura” around the day – of open-hearted reaching out, respect, appreciation for the struggles of others in these days, trying to be of help in the small ways of affirmation and deeper caring; the truth of caring – that matters always.
You make it a “gift” of a day by giving gifts of simple affirmation and appreciation for others. You begin to create an “aura” around the day..
Your day begins to “glow” with small gift-giving and acts of affirming, unconditional gratitude, taking out moments of appreciation in your day for others, for their contributions and exciting creations. When you notice the great effort, the great contributions and creations of joy that others are making, this “aura” of appreciation and open-hearted radiance, expansiveness, seeing beyond the “rings of the self” to the intersecting “rings of others” – this “aura” begins to surround you and liberate your perception into freer, boundaryless times, of giving that acknowledgement and appreciation to others that they so long for.
Your day begins to “glow” with small gift-giving and acts of affirming, unconditional gratitude, taking out moments of appreciation in your day for others..
These “fields” of gratitude become gifts of “the presence of the open heart,” to others. This is the basis of a life of building “the bridges beyond,” seeing into what might be possible when every day is gift-giving day and every moment features the afterglow of generous affirmation that travels all the way to a “truth center” in the heart of another… More gifts are given as a path of understanding, beyond your worlds of need, to others -- that can become the foundation for bridges between opposites, between those who do not yet open a heart of light, forgiving understanding and recognition for others in moments of deepest pain.
What might be possible when every day is gift-giving day and every moment features the afterglow of generous affirmation that travels all the way to a “truth center” in the heart of another…
Giving overrides the pain with new “auras” of discovering how to give with a kindness more than currency, with recognition and grateful appreciation more than with returning gifts of equal perceived value… It is the affirmations more than the reciprocity, the community that is giving -- that matters in the darkest days or in divisions.
It is the affirmations more than the reciprocity, the community that is giving -- that matters in the darkest days or in divisions...
Division comes from the fearful heart, the closing off of generosity and listening. So, the bridges can be built of opening the higher heart of loving recognition of you in the other, the other in you, recognizing and opening the heart to others in gratitude, beyond giving.
Division comes from the fearful heart, the closing off of generosity and listening...
The higher gifts of “connection” make sacred days, not dates of the calendar but dates with destiny, as the heart opens in kindness. So long withheld, its gifts are resplendent in new times and open hearts that decorate a day like no ornament…
The higher gifts of “connection” make sacred days, not dates of the calendar but dates with destiny, as the heart opens in kindness. So long withheld, its gifts are resplendent in new times and open hearts that decorate a day like no ornament…
The open-hearted glowing becomes a gift of being, a gift of kindness, a gift of community where before there was the division of closing hearts and so little kindness that little real communication or contact happened.
It is the gifts of love and kindness of the open heart – these days glow with their own light, like a thousand holiday trees… The ultimate bridge, the ultimate gift, the ultimate community is built with the opening of the heart beyond all reasonableness, just when least expected.
The ultimate bridge, the ultimate gift, the ultimate community is built with the opening of the heart beyond all reasonableness, just when least expected...
Divisions fall away as glowing footsteps of open-hearted affirmation and giving from the soul approach and reconcile doubt and cynicism...
Divisions fall away as glowing footsteps of open-hearted affirmation and giving from the soul approach and reconcile doubt and cynicism...
The open heart of unconditional love and affirmation creates the most holy and sacred of days, and powerful bridges of kindness that are not forgotten. Kindnesses last forever, and so to give them without condition is the ultimate celebration of new life rendered with new “seeing” and reaching out into the stars…
The open heart of unconditional love and affirmation creates the most holy and sacred of days, and powerful bridges of kindness that are not forgotten...
When the heart opens, the truths of the cosmos and your glowing, starry “being” open. Even doors long closed lose their encumbrance of doubt. The open heart of kindness, one kindness at a time, begins to glimmer, and all will know that this is a place of the greatest heart and welcome, a community of gifts and discoveries of the unknown universes of the eternal heart.
The open heart of kindness, one kindness at a time, begins to glimmer, and all will know that this is a place of the greatest heart and welcome, a community of gifts and discoveries of the unknown universes of the eternal heart...
With great love for you and gratitude for your great kindnesses and opening hearts of discovery and love of eternal adventures of the open-hearted soul, I am your Grandmother from Another Planet.
-- Grandmother from Another Planet
Image Credit: Gerd Altmann from Pixabay