Simply put, chaos can be at the center of the greatest bursts of creativity, switching direction, a state of life-review and new identity!
Great opposing contradictions are always engines of new creation, new identity, "flipping" identity, when the new way becomes clearer as dueling contradictions force layers of old "cover-ups" to be peeled back…
To "reveal" is to "re-know" a thing, a place, a time, as an uncovered discovery, a growing emergence of that which was hidden but is no more...
You will not recognize yourself with greater freedom! Feeling suddenly "free to go" where you have not gone before!...
Can you be creative with those of other star systems, planets, times, birthrights, across the universe?...
The open heart which springs up, letting go of the clamoring chaos and contradictions -- will transform all planes and dimensions of light, the ability to love one another and create that which has never been seen before…
-- Grandmother from Another Planet, S.H. Rodman
This blog message was part of a late-night adventure which seemed to involve high synchronicity and poltergeist! It was so unusual that I noted between the lines of text received, when an "event" happened or something dropped, moved, or happened which was "impossible"...as it did seem related to the material. For me, this kind of "high synchronicity" event always emphasizes: This is important! Pay attention! Especially when an object falls!
There is an implication from the message that the extreme chaos and contradictions we face right now are, in fact, great "engines of creation" as older concepts and unaware beliefs fall away in the face of unprecedented global turbulence -- and we find ourselves determined now to create something new! Something better! Something surprising!
Enjoy “Wow! Grandmother on the Power of Chaos and Contradictions to Spark Breakthroughs to Higher Dimensional Creativity.” Spontaneous, improvisational, unedited writing of 1-4-23, posted 1-16-23, S.H. Rodman.

“Wow! Grandmother on the Power of Chaos and Contradictions to Spark Breakthroughs to Higher Dimensional Creativity!”
SHR: Grandmother, how do we become more creative during chaos and contradictions?
Simply put, chaos can be at the center of the greatest bursts of creativity, switching direction, a state of life-review and new identity!
Chaos can be at the center of the greatest bursts of creativity, switching direction...
And great opposing contradictions are always engines of new creation, new identity, "flipping" identity, when the new way becomes clearer, as dueling contradictions force layers of old "cover-ups" to be peeled back…
(While typing this phrase, “peeled back,” my notebook bearing the message fell to the floor with a stack of folders and papers under it. The instantaneous fall somehow “peeled off” the page from the notebook in a perfect tear, a perfect “peeling off” of the page with the message. Then, when I picked all of it up, the page had “disappeared” and I saw only a perfect tear and couldn’t continue transcribing. I looked through all the papers and folders and finally found this page stuck between several at the bottom??! In one second? A perfect tear that I couldn’t do with intention myself, and it appears elsewhere in the stack? In one second??? Poltergeist? But wait – more happened – below! This is becoming a message with a life of its own. How many things in our lives are this way?)
Great opposing contradictions are always engines of new creation, new identity, "flipping" identity, when the new way becomes clearer, as dueling contradictions force layers of old "cover-ups" to be peeled back…
Chaos and contradictions are almost an "alarm bell" for rebirth of creativity, reinventing life, revising goals, almost overnight! But there is an interim "power step"! You must take on the mantle of strategic, creative "inventor" or "innovator" of new solutions, even new societies!
You must focus on creating something profoundly, regeneratively new and assume that you have both the right and the ability to create in this new space of contradictions, chaos revelations, unwrapping, unveiling, letting go of the "cover ups" you have defended and held onto for so long that the "cover" have become your identity.
You must focus on creating something profoundly, regeneratively new and assume that you have both the right and the ability to create in this new space of contradictions, chaos revelations, unwrapping, unveiling...
Chaos and Contradictions...New Revelations and Resurrections, Transformed Ideas and Energies...now emerging in new form to transverse, to rise above cold chaos and splitting contradictions...
To "reveal" is to "re-know" a thing, a place, a time, as an uncovered discovery, a growing emergence of that which was hidden but is no more... As set history shatters in the face of regenerative chaos and revealing contradictions, you can see wisdom in new societies and relationships in which the "cover up" is dispelled, dissolved, falls away in the chaos...becoming fodder for new soils and new blooms, bursts of light changing colors, names, countries, dimensions.
To "reveal" is to "re-know" a thing, a place, a time, as an uncovered discovery, a growing emergence of that which was hidden but is no more...
(Interesting reference to colors and dimensions changing. Perhaps our perception, “seeing” of a wider range of colors might increase with higher dimensional meditation? Will we redefine the meaning of “colors, names, countries, dimensions”?)
As set history shatters in the face of regenerative chaos and revealing contradictions, you can see wisdom in new societies and relationships in which the "cover up" is dispelled, dissolved, falls away in the chaos...
You will not recognize yourself with greater freedom! Feeling suddenly "free to go" *** where you have not gone before!
(** Poltergeist moment?! At this exact moment—3 asterisks ***, just after "free to go" -- the Stack of 2 Boxes on which the notebook sits, MOVED!! At least 1/4 inch. And shook!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! With no apparent cause!! But I was almost a foot away!! What caused it? Is “Feeling suddenly ‘free to go’” a powerful concept for us?? Was it higher vibrational energy in the room as I was transcribing the message of empowerment, late at night? )
Feeling "free to go" where you have not gone before is the seed of creativity, freedom to create across the universe in any direction!
Feeling "free to go" where you have not gone before is the seed of creativity, freedom to create across the universe in any direction!...
If you would like to create new relationships, can you see the dissolving of the cover ups which pressured the release?...the chaotic explosions and disagreements, the contradictions which covered the true interdimensional identities of creative heritage, ancient lineages, which were playing out the long written dramas, plans for exposing the deeper, disguised family histories of juggernauts of star systems, interplanetary transporting and transforming new elements, planets, plans, elaborate plots for mastery of the highest loving creative movements ever seen on Earth? Vast re-creations, energy pools, resurrections and reforming of old ideas into new message of eternal family, joy, waiting for joined creativity, as old cover ups and disguises bolt… (Or melt? belt? Word unintelligible! Leaves the door open for our own interpretation and creativity!?)
Never underestimate the power of chaos and contradictions to turn over the old soils, to plow the old masks and roles in order to be free to create new gardens, love together, that which can be a new planet of soul light, soul creating, soul families…
Never underestimate the power of chaos and contradictions to turn over the old soils...
You will see marriages of uncovered ideas that astound you -- see old, ancient families come out of ancient shadows and join with newly exposed planes of possibility, playgrounds of creativity even in the stars!
(Will we at some point be able to work together on “creativity” or “arts” projects with those from much older interstellar civilizations? Is that in our future? Joint interplanetary creativity, art shows, films, plays, dancing, music, poetry, fiction? Is that, too, in our future? How do we train for that!?)
You will be amazed at what falls away as chaos and contradictions crack the old boundaries of creativity and “let the cat out of the bag.”
Nothing will be hidden from this dropping of the curtains, lowering the veils, revealing the true spirit of light in creativity yet undiscovered! Can you be creative with those of other star systems, planets, times, birthrights, across the universe?
Chaos and contradictions hold the birthing water for the new times. And creations will flow from family to family, planet to planet, which before you did not know as your family…
The open heart which springs up, letting go of the clamoring chaos and contradictions -- will transform all planes and dimensions of light, the ability to love one another and create that which has never been seen before. This will be the new home of creativity after the old dissolves in the chaos of contradictions…revealed in a vast creativity suddenly free – star system to star system, forever reaching out to you. You will greet this old friend as no family you have ever known, and stars will seem everywhere gathering! You will see!
The open heart which springs up, letting go of the clamoring chaos and contradictions -- will transform all planes and dimensions of light, the ability to love one another and create that which has never been seen before...
With the greatest love for you in this great time of chaotic contradictions as well as the soul of creativity which is suddenly freed, so full of love that it cannot be contained, I am your Grandmother from Another Planet.
-- Grandmother from Another Planet