The time is always appropriate for the greatest cultivation of highest imaginative journeying which is both empathetic and engaging -- exciting to senses which are too long held in reserve in a frequency which is changing...
When the temperatures and the frequencies and the winds change on the planet, the consciousness in every form begins to be altered with this change…
(Speaking of bi-locating and teleporting) You are spectacular beings of thought and change, of intuition and the kind of “creativity” which is born of love, and therefore not a manufactured, standard, rubber-stamped if you will, kind of creativity -- it is an "impossible" creativity.
You have a sense you are shifting from one “reality-plane” to another more rapidly than you would like! And you do desire more sleep and rest in order to process this change…
Be comfortable with not knowing exactly who you are or if you want to ask, "Who should I be?" you will find yourself with a number of options that weren't there 10 minutes ago! “Speed painting personalities in the cosmos!”
It's very important for you to love yourself in this role of "the cosmic dancer" who is finding new paths and creating new paths in a different star family world than was so even a year ago. …You must love yourself and be gentle with yourself and affirm yourself for the willingness to go through this great adventure!...
You must greatly appreciate that everyone else is going through this experience, this rapid change of identity and moving faster than you would like and great transformation of that which you thought could not be transformed!
-- Grandmother from Another Planet
For over a year, Grandmother's blogs have been in spontaneous, improvixational, unedited or automatic writing blogs! Today's 2-28-23 Blog is Grandmother's first AUDIO BLOG IN OVER A YEAR! Celebrations at 80! My voice is finally better! Do listen to the audio and enjoy!
My spirits were greatly lifted by this message – and my mind greatly challenged and excited with the possibility that Grandmother raises – can we with these rapid-by-the-hour changes on Earth actually start to seriously reach for higher “impossible” levels of human highest intelligence, consciousness and CREATIVITY to transmute all of the problems and rally the highest “Impossible” Creativity ever seen on Earth!? Are these the trigger times? Not for the technology advancement but the “Impossible” Creativity levels of natural highest human intelligence? Teleportation? Bi-Location? Telepathy!!
Grandmother raises issues of quantum physics – yet it makes sense and there are even links to some of today’s relevant theoretical physics theories – is this Teleportation and Bi-Location truly possible? Are these the times we’re living in?! It’s such an outrageous idea – yet what better time for global “impossible” creativity!! And consciousness change – as everything else around us is changing to rapidly!
Give it a chance – Grandmother speaking from her advanced consciousness “teacher in the cosmos” role…about the new identities and new learning that may be possible for all of us now as we enter “impossible” worlds of human highest creativity and consciousness!
PLAY AUDIO AND READ TRANSCRIPT BELOW FOR “Grandmother on Can We Learn to Teleport and Bi-locate During Rapid-Change Times? New-Identity Learning.” Spontaneous, improvisational, unedited. Recorded 2-24-23, posted 2-28-23. ©S.H. Rodman. TRANSCRIPT BELOW.
Click Audio Player to play "“Grandmother on Can We Learn to Teleport and Bi-locate During Rapid-Change Times? New-Identity Learning.” Spontaneous, improvisational, unedited. Recorded 2-24-19, posted 2-28-23, 12 minutes, 2 seconds. Listening can be a consciousness-raising exercise! © S.H. Rodman. New AUDIO BLOG!

“Grandmother on Can We Learn to Teleport and Bi-locate During Rapid-Change Times? New-Identity Learning!”
Greetings, and many salutations from the stars of imagination... The time is always appropriate for the greatest cultivation of highest imaginative journeying which is both empathetic and engaging -- exciting to senses which are too long held in reserve in a frequency which is changing...
When the temperatures and the frequencies and the winds change on the planet, the consciousness in every form begins to be altered with this change -- because form generates and impacts consciousness shifts, as much as consciousness shifts impact and generate new form.
When the temperatures and the frequencies and the winds change on the planet, the consciousness in every form begins to be altered with this chang...
You are not a solid state being. You are not solid. Your “time-stage” or plane is not isolated into the minutes and hours you describe that is capable within any few minutes or seconds of teleporting, which is actually bi-location to a different frequency state, and even physical location coordinates! This is completely possible within the structure of the geometric reality that you simply have not studied amply.
(She is saying that teleportation and bi-location are quite possible for us! But we have not studied these amply or the geometric structure of our reality in which these are possible. This new focus on the geometric structural underpinnings of reality itself is starting to be a focus in science – for example, Quanta Magazine, Theoretical physics, “A Jewel at the Heart of Quantum Physics.”) Here several physicists weigh in thoughtfully from prestigious universities globally on the original work of Cal Tech scientists on the “geometry” underlying particle physics – by associates Nima Arkani-Hamed and Jaroslav Trnka, 9-17-13, https://www.quantamagazine.org/physicists-discover-geometry-underlying-particle-physics-20130917)
Teleporting is actually bi-location to a different frequency state, and even physical location coordinates! This is completely possible within the structure of the geometric reality that you simply have not studied amply...
You have not experienced it consciously or with a focus on different states of conscious awareness or even sensory awareness because you have not received an instruction or an impulse that this is the right creative action for the right creative moment.
(She seems to say that “right time, right place” for us to have this understanding and utilize this ability, comes eventually? Just as many theories or inventions that have changed our sense of reality, coming from different teachers or inventors simultaneously, she is implying the possibility that consciously experiencing this kind of event is what is missing for us and would inform our societal, I guess, understanding of how to commonly teleport or bi-locate. As my father reported experiencing a “bi-location” experience after years of deep-concentrated meditative studies, I suspect that this exploration is possible in advanced consciousness studies but is likely just not yet often reported!)
You are spectacular beings of thought and change, of intuition and the kind of “creativity” which is born of love, and therefore not a manufactured, standard, rubber-stamped if you will, kind of creativity -- it is an "impossible" creativity. And you are capable of transporting and traversing "impossible" worlds of being. Focus on that!
You are spectacular beings of thought and change, of intuition and the kind of “creativity” which is born of love, and therefore not a manufactured, standard, rubber-stamped if you will, kind of creativity -- it is an "impossible" creativity. And you are capable of transporting and traversing "impossible" worlds of being...
You are capable of moving about in these "impossible" worlds of being -- which transform so rapidly, seemingly overnight that you barely have a moment to adjust your identity to match the new identity-frequency!
You are capable of moving about in these "impossible" worlds of being -- which transform so rapidly, seemingly overnight that you barely have a moment to adjust your identity to match the new identity-frequency!...
This is the state of the present. And the image or mirror of the very high winds in the mountains of Colorado and elsewhere is because this is reflecting consciousness in a progression (speed) which is unfamiliar, particularly in that this is more rapid a transition than most beings have experienced recently. You may have experienced them in another existence or at the beginning of time, but not in recent memory.
Therefore, there is a certain level of disorientation as these are "changing planes," if you will. You have a sense you are shifting from one “reality-plane” to another more rapidly than you would like! And you do desire more sleep and rest in order to process this change. "Well, I would love to go somewhere new today but I don't know yet exactly who I am and who would be going!"
You have a sense you are shifting from one “reality-plane” to another more rapidly than you would like! And you do desire more sleep and rest in order to process this change...
This is a very enviable position to assess for you. You don't know!
Be comfortable with not knowing exactly who you are or if you want to ask, "Who should I be?" you will find yourself with a number of options that weren't there 10 minutes ago! And this is a bit disorienting, but it is the nature of "speed painting in the cosmos." "Speed painting in the cosmos!” “Speed paining personalities in the cosmos!”
During a rapid-change growth, when a new reality must be adjusted to by the hour, it takes a while to see that your own larger cosmic structure of the higher-dimensional, communicating "self" is the new structure that you must move into and move with as this period is about these great changes! And you do not get to "stand still" in the midst of such great shifts, even if you believe you are simply an observer -- you will be moving all the time! You will be moving all the time!
Even your rests will be "moving" -- and that word "moving" has both a speed and an emotion attached to it. It will, indeed, be an emotional time, because great "letting- go" skills are required when you travel faster and you cross different time-barriers more frequently during the day – as your ability to access memories of experiences of prior years as well as prior lives and future contemplative lives and adventures and relationships...(increases).
It will be an emotional time, because great "letting- go" skills are required when you travel faster and you cross different time-barriers more frequently during the day...
So, prepare for this transitional state of a sort of high-frequency but also higher "action" -- high-action emotion and movement. For this, some "dancing" does prepare you! So I encourage you strongly in your desire to dance in a very rhythmic manner and to breathe deeply in the cosmos this new "movement..." It is like a new "movement" of the symphony! (I had been driven to exercise by dancing to rapid-change “zydeco” music!)
You are like a new "movement" of the symphony. And it's very important for you to love yourself in this role of "the cosmic dancer" who is finding new paths and creating new paths in a different star family world than was so even a year ago. That is new for you, and you must love yourself and be gentle with yourself and affirm yourself for the willingness to go through this great adventure!
And especially, you must greatly appreciate that everyone else is going through this experience, this rapid change of identity and moving faster than you would like and great transformation of that which you thought could not be transformed! Great transformation of that which you thought could not be transformed! -- That is where you are now. And that includes "you" – “the Transformer” who is transformed!
It's very important for you to love yourself in this role of "the cosmic dancer" who is finding new paths and creating new paths in a different star family world than was so even a year ago. You must greatly appreciate that everyone else is going through this experience, this rapid change of identity and moving faster than you would like and great transformation of that which you thought could not be transformed!...
With my greatest love for you, "the Transformer" who is transforming, I am Grandmother from Another Planet...
-- Grandmother from Another Planet...