There is surprising joy and a portal of creativity which opens when a group of Grandmothers comes together to solve a vision that is a mystery to them, and they commit to solving it themselves…
Grandmothers’ intuition, to begin with, is quite powerful and free in a time of greater visioning “sight” with age; it is increased…
When they come together and seek and share “star” knowledge, knowledge of the stories of ancient Grandmothers who crafted them for good revealings at this time, then pay special attention…
Whatever character you’ve chosen for this life drama, whatever your age, you will want to know about the circles of Grandmothers suddenly solving big problems and looking up at the “stars,” conversing with the “stars,” “seeing” what might be written there in the banks of “star knowledge”…
-- Grandmother from Another Planet
SHR Introduction
An allegory about circles and the power of senior Grandmothers with “star knowledge” – higher wisdom, greater love, elder knowledge, creativity, compassion, intuitive intelligence.
A powerful vision for our times – definitely “Thinking Way Seriously Out of the Box,” Grandmother’s tag-line. The power of affirmative, loving, committed groups of senior women of higher wisdom, experience, love, compassion, creativity and intuitive intelligence, focused on solving family, community, world, and even interplanetary problems. Offering new creative-intuitive strategies, solutions, commitment in any field?
An unusual new idea came to mind as I transcribed these words:
What if you had a circle of “star Grandmothers who acted as consulting advisors or roundtables – at NASA or any agency considering contact with extraterrestrial intelligence and planning for future intergalactic communication and inter-society cooperation across space-time?
In general, there are fewer women in the space agencies of any country. And certainly higher creative-intuitive intelligence, experience, compassion -- would not ordinarily be a required element in most senior advisory work teams. What if they were?
But bringing in a group of focused affirmative, committed elder women of higher intuitive-creative-compassionate wisdom and experience, women of many cultures and fields of thought, meditation, women knowledgeable about ancient cultures and particularly higher intuitive intelligence -- might they offer views and strategies for inter-star-civilization communication, more benevolent, creative, unique, and empathetic communication? Especially with telepathic civilizations? She even raises the idea of Grandmothers who actually study “the stars,” ancient Earth civilizations, cultural knowledge of star civilization contact -- as “special knowledge.” She calls them “Star Grandmothers…”
Might such groups offer unusual long-term thinking and listening across time and space? Would this be true as well for any humanitarian agency, peace agency, problem-solving agency of any kind or community? What if these elder women also were senior meditators and peace makers, senior creative artists and communicators? What kinds of amazing new ideas and results might emerge?... How might the future be changed?... The evolution of societies? Peace on Earth? Healthier, happier life on Earth?
But she’s also raising a mysterious idea: Are there Circles of Star Grandmothers already on Earth? Who actually study the stars and constellations, intuition? Perhaps astronomy, astrophotography, astrologies (there are many of different cultures), crystalline structures.. She even mentions wearing “crystal starlight” – would extraterrestrial or advanced civilizations use crystals differently or have different kinds of crystals, light, uses of crystalline structures? She asks more than once – where would you find such Circles of Star Grandmothers? Who would call them together? And she asks: “Where are all the Star Grandmothers going? Can you discover their secret? Who has landed? What have they seen?
Intriguing! Grandmother’s messages are usually very accessible for modern day understanding – but is our own “starry intuition” and higher knowledge, our own higher intuition actually increasing on Earth? As we are faced with greater “chaos and contradictions” – to respond in new and unique ways to a very changed world? Intriguing food for thought and expanding the mind…
(See also: “Grandmother on the Power of Chaos and Contradictions to Spark Breakthroughs to Higher Dimensional Creativity” -- http://www.grandmotherfromanotherplanet.com/2023/01/16/wow-grandmother-on-the-power-of-chaos-and-contradictions-to-spark-breakthroughs-to-higher-dimensional-creativity/ )
Read with a creative and open mind! “Grandmother from Another Planet: The Power of Circles of Star Grandmothers -- an Allegory.” Spontaneous, improvisational, unedited writing of 3-15-23-23, posted 3-21-23, © S.H. Rodman.

“Grandmother from Another Planet: The Power of Circles of Star Grandmothers -- an Allegory.”
SHR: Grandmother, do you have a message today?
There is surprising joy and a portal of creativity which opens when a group of Grandmothers comes together to solve a vision that is a mystery to them, and they commit to solving it themselves. A Grandmothers’ Circle, if you will. However, if the Grandmothers have “star knowledge” (higher empathy, wisdom, creative intuition) and they vow to bring in a new vision to unravel the mystery, then this is intensified “star knowledge.” Intensity or frequency focused on rebirth, new creations, and “seeing” in the stars… (“seeing” the future). This is the Star Grandmothers’ Circle.
There is surprising joy and a portal of creativity which opens when a group of Grandmothers comes together to solve a vision that is a mystery to them, and they commit to solving it themselves...
Is this not an unusual idea? Where would there be a Star Grandmothers’ Circle, and why would this be important to contemplate for planet Earth?
Quite simply, Grandmothers’ intuition, to begin with, is quite powerful and free in a time of greater visioning “sight” with age; it is increased. Multiplied by the geometries of the circle, and the focus, and a group of Grandmothers with “star knowledge” (higher empathetic intuition). Elder wisdom, even “star wisdom” at some point in life – can become a singularity of focus in itself!
Grandmothers’ intuition, to begin with, is quite powerful and free in a time of greater visioning “sight” with age; it is increased...
But where might one find circles of Star Grandmothers “ganging up” to solve a big visionary problem to reveal a planet’s true “star” heritage? Where would you find that? And what does it have to do with your own evolution? Increasing your knowledge of the “stars” and questions about your own heritage over eons and even galaxies?
Circles of Grandmothers join often – though you might not see that these are Grandmothers’ gatherings at first. You might see committees or circles or community projects but they are often Grandmother-led. Pay attention when they come together as a circle of Grandmothers with awareness and intention to solve something quite large and impossible.
Pay attention when they come together as a circle of Grandmothers with awareness and intention to solve something quite large and impossible...
But when they come together and seek and share “star” knowledge, knowledge of the stories of ancient Grandmothers who crafted them for good revealings at this time, then pay special attention. You’ll want to find out all about that. Especially if they study ancient or “star” knowledge and focus on understanding together what the evolution of the star --the sun, in this star system -- truly is and what it is about to become.
You’ll want to find out all about that. Especially if they study ancient or “star” knowledge and focus on understanding together what the evolution of the star --the sun, in this star system -- truly is and what it is about to become...
When Grandmothers pay attention to the “stars” and constellations and the ancient knowledge of starry mysteries, something is up. And when you find – and you will – circles of starry Grandmothers wanting to go off together to study the ancient sites and records, even the Akashic Halls of Records and Studies together, something very significant is about to change, to evolve in your time zone. Something which “changes everything.” And if there are “landings” (what am I taking about? I believe you know) – the circles of Star Grandmothers will know first. They will tell you about it…
When Grandmothers pay attention to the “stars” and constellations and the ancient knowledge of starry mysteries, something is up...
When you find circles of starry Grandmothers wanting to go off together to study the ancient sites and records, even the Akashic Halls of Records and Studies together, something very significant is about to change, to evolve in your time zone...
If there are “landings” (what am I taking about? I believe you know) – the circles of Star Grandmothers will know first. They will tell you about it…
Whatever character you’ve chosen for this life drama, whatever your age, you will want to know about the circles of Grandmothers suddenly solving big problems and looking up at the “stars,” conversing with the “stars,” “seeing” what might be written there in the banks of “star knowledge.”
You will want to know about the circles of Grandmothers suddenly solving big problems and looking up at the “stars,” conversing with the “stars,” “seeing” what might be written there in the banks of “star knowledge”...
You will want to know who called them together and where they might be going, looking up all the time, watching the stars. They may even wear bits of crystal “starlight” and see much more in your heart, a much greater story for your life, than you see! Now where would the Circle of Star Grandmothers come together and solve great planetary problems? Here and elsewhere? You may be very surprised!
This won’t go like you think it will go. Pay attention to the Circles of Grandmother, the Star Grandmothers who seek you out with great love. And say, “Look! Look!” What are they pointing toward? Where are they standing? Why do they want you to “see”?
Pay attention to the Circles of Grandmother, the Star Grandmothers who seek you out with great love. And say, “Look! Look!” What are they pointing toward? Where are they standing? Why do they want you to “see”?...
How much more love do they ask of you for the beautiful Earth, the stars there where you didn’t before see them. Now they appear! (They’ve changed…) What are the Grandmothers asking you to “see”? You’ll want to drop everything and find out what is going on!
Where are all the Star Grandmothers going? Can you discover their secret? Who has landed? What have they seen?
Where are all the Star Grandmothers going? Can you discover their secret? Who has landed? What have they seen?...
So, looking forward to your next great discovery as you try to find out the secret of the circles of the Star Grandmothers, loving your heart and singing your praises, I am your Grandmother from Another Planet. Solve the mystery!
-- Grandmother from Another Planet
How many “Star” Grandmothers do you know? Grandmothers’ “Circles” projects? Are you a kind of “Star Grandmother”? An allegory – yet friends mentioned to me on reading this, that they know other elder wisdom women forming “circles” of older grandmothers to study together, intrigued with the secrets of higher consciousness, ancient civilizations, archaeologies, astronomies, ancient cultural/philosophical/arts studies, higher intuition, meditation, advanced consciousness… What is the “secret,” the “mystery” that Grandmother refers to?
Image Credit: PTNorbert on Pixabay - https://pixabay.com/photos/star-trails-astronomy-wallpaper-2234343/