Why did you come here? If not with a star story and a starry heart to share with families close and distant? Until you understand that sharing your original story is how you open all doors now closed, all hearts now locked away, all bridges for you to build to end the separations...
In the true star story that you came to tell, is the bridge you desire to create…so that you can once again be “one” with your whole family and old friends recently estranged…
In your willingness to tell your true story of lovingness, caring deeply for them, is the tomorrow that seems impossible…
You will have to share the original…the star story you brought with you and now seek to uncover with the heart. Tell them the true story you wish to share of deepest love and family and sisterhood and brotherhood that cannot be erased with headlines or wars; these families, these sisterhoods and brotherhoods are eternal ties…
With an ancient love in your heart, with ancient stars in your heart, share the story of love for them that matters most now…for that love and missing and desire to care for them is what is universal. That love is always the bridge which can free you to be together regardless of any “rules of the road” … You walk a higher road with a higher love than you have ever brought to bear on this…
Somewhere within you is the beginning, the most ancient love and stories of the stars, that you are here to tell…so that you can come together with all sisters and brothers. What is that story? What is that star story that binds you with all sisters and brothers – the original families of love?...
Remembering your great wish to care for, to be with your whole family, your whole ancient story of life after life, you will come to know all of your sisters and brothers again, in love, in family…
-- Grandmother from Another Planet
In this -- “Somewhere within you is the beginning, the most ancient love and stories of the stars…” -- I felt the answer I was seeking – even though it is a mystery… How is it that “somewhere within us” is the “beginning”? The star stories that perhaps we only reveal in dreams or poetry or writing stories or our highest moments of self-less love, the love of serving others…? Then I realized that sometimes it is in trying to solve a mystery like this, with such a tough assignment – that is how we might come together on Earth again in every family…as we find our own way to a truth in the stars of our own souls… A story so fundamental about who we are a the depths of human intelligence and heart, love for each other -- that it will never end… And we will come soon to know that…
Do we come together when we try to solve the highest mysteries of the soul, the highest mysteries of our life in the stars? For, ignore it or not, we live a life in the stars, together… We are living a “star story”… And there is a truth in it that could bring us back together, across the boundaries we have created… Is there a starry truth within us that could prepare us for contact with other civilizations of human loving consciousness in other galaxies? Surely, we are not alone, and that is the key. Surely there must be other planets with such rich stories 8 billion strong and more…!
Is there a starry truth within us that could prepare us for contact with other civilizations of human loving consciousness in other galaxies? Surely, we are not alone, and that is the key. Surely there must be other planets with such rich stories 8 billion strong and more…!
Perhaps all my writings of 80 years have been about the seeking of the true “star stories” that brought us here. Even my father, building his own telescopes, building a small observatory in the back yard -- perhaps he, too, was seeking his own true “star story”…as he was out there every night for so many hours. My mother would say, “What does he do out there for so many hours?”… He was looking into the stars...seeking something...
Now here I am at 80, and I’m looking into the stars for the answers to these deeper mysteries, too. In a way, “Grandmother from Another Planet” is my way of looking for my “true star story”!
Enjoy, “Grandmother from Another Planet: How We Can Come Together Again as Families from the Stars, Despite all Discord.” Spontaneous, improvisational, unedited writing of 4-18-23, posted 4-24-23, © S.H. Rodman.

“Grandmother from Another Planet: How We Can Come Together Again as Families from the Stars, Despite all Discord”
SHR: Grandmother, how will we come together again as families from the stars?...
As in your youth, as you prepared for the language of “school,” learning to read and “attend” or pay attention to the cultural event of “school days,” so now prepare your heart and mind to explore a vaster meditative, higher dimensional “school of discovery”…
So now prepare your heart and mind to explore a vaster meditative, higher dimensional “school of discovery”…
Discover the sights, the sounds, the open heart and open doorways of the languages of higher dimensional creativity which you know in your soul, which you were born with and now will begin to speak in highest meditation…soaring with the sound in highest meditation and igniting a new life movement into the stars of imagination and the symbols of bliss -- unconditional, interconnected love, generosity, awakening to a higher dimensional “school of compassion,” a “school of serving others.”
Discover the sights, the sounds, the open heart and open doorways of the languages of higher dimensional creativity which you know in your soul, which you were born with and now will begin to speak in highest meditation...
And always you will sense that you are growing and learning but with new light in the mind…to see more clearly that which will open the heart, the new story you came to tell of the stars… Share with everyone, every child, every parent, every sister and brother of tomorrow…
Why did you come here? If not with a star story and a starry heart to share with families close and distant? Until you understand that sharing your original story is how you open all doors now closed, all hearts now locked away, all bridges for you to build to end the separations...
In the true star story that you came to tell, is the bridge you desire to create…so that you can once again be “one” with your whole family and old friends recently estranged…
In the true star story that you came to tell, is the bridge you desire to create…so that you can once again be “one” with your whole family and old friends recently estranged…
In your willingness to tell your true story of lovingness, caring deeply for them, is the tomorrow that seems impossible…when you care together once again and create a new family on Earth with much deeper knowledge of who you were in ancient times of love…beyond the strands of low heartache and separating just at the time you least wanted to separate. Just at the time you most wanted to come together as families and deep friends, and needed that…
But you went away and they went away. And now you want greatly to come together and hold them nearest you, this great human family of bridling consequences in desperate holding-on to the old story – when no one would talk…
You will have to talk.
You will have to share the original… the star story you brought with you and now seek to uncover with the heart. Tell them the true story you wish to share of deepest love and family and sisterhood and brotherhood that cannot be erased with headlines or wars; these families, these sisterhoods and brotherhoods are eternal ties…
You will have to talk. You will have to share the original… the star story you brought with you and now seek to uncover with the heart...
You can unbind those separated…
With an ancient love in your heart, with ancient stars in your heart, share the story of love for them that matters most now…for that love and missing and desire to care for them is what is universal. That love is always the bridge which can free you to be together regardless of any “rules of the road” … You walk a higher road with a higher love than you have ever brought to bear on this, to unleash your ancient story of love for them, regardless. Love which bridges all space, time, personalities, and memories.
With an ancient love in your heart, with ancient stars in your heart, share the story of love for them that matters most now…for that love and missing and desire to care for them is what is universal. That love is always the bridge which can free you to be together regardless of any “rules of the road” …
It goes back farther. It remembers ancient times and highest love beginning.
Somewhere within you is the beginning, the most ancient love and stories of the stars, that you are here to tell…so that you can come together with all sisters and brothers.
What is that story? What is that star story that binds you with all sisters and brothers – the original families of love?
Somewhere within you is the beginning, the most ancient love and stories of the stars, that you are here to tell…so that you can come together with all sisters and brothers. What is that story? What is that star story that binds you with all sisters and brothers – the original families of love?...
Share the story, share the powerful energies and memories beginning to come into your heart…knowing that with even greater love and truth -- and remembering your great wish to care for, to be with your whole family, your whole ancient story of life after life -- you will come to know all of your sisters and brothers again, in love, in family…
You will remember that you have been separated before, but yet attuned with enough love for them and caring wishes for them, and came together again in joy…
Together in joy, learn the great lessons of sharing your ancient and forever stories of the love of all sisters and brothers of the stars, speaking in a new language of the heart.
Together in joy, learn the great lessons of sharing your ancient and forever stories of the love of all sisters and brothers of the stars, speaking in a new language of the heart...
There is a story of the greatest love you have ever known. What is it?
Bring it to your family, your ancient sisters and brothers, to share together and dissolve the discords of “seeing,” of closed hearts. Open the “seeing” and sharing of stories, and as your heart opens in love and memory, so all of the doors and bridges are opened with love, and you will come together again as a great family of caring sisters, caring brothers, caring children -- and unite the family from the stars in the hearts…so longing to tell the true stories of love and joined memory, remembering that you came here on a mission, to tell a story, to come together as a family.
Open the “seeing” and sharing of stories, and as your heart opens in love and memory, so all of the doors and bridges are opened with love, and you will come together again as a great family of caring sisters, caring brothers, caring children -- and unite the family from the stars in the hearts…
What is that mission?
What is that story?
What is that family?
With the greatest love for you across all time and space, I am your Grandmother from Another Planet.
-- Grandmother from Another Planet
Image Credit: Spirit 111 on Pixabay