A ton of Food for Thought in this unusual blog that’s a bit like an impromptu class on "Seeing UFOs"! -- SHR
“Seeing UFOs” is a function of looking up…of intention and a genuine desire to learn, to grow as a soul, to be benevolent -- to be a contributing, benevolent citizen of the universe regardless of the obstacles!...
As any super athlete will tell you, super skills in human physical ability are a matter of practice and mental agility – perceiving in the reality of the super-skill frequency…
It is impossible not to experience time, physical ability, emotions, or conscious intuition differently in a higher-dimensional frequency reality. Even if it is simply the presence of beings of a different frequency reality or entering Earth “planes” of a different frequency reality…
You might call this “super-sensory ability practice,” a “super normal practice.” It is set with strong intention and meditations with higher frequency sound, nature, focused on love for all beings or “oneness.” In fact, a basis for “telepathy”…
Supersensory or “super normal” ability, perception -- “seeing” an expanding higher reality, always involves a shift in your experience of all other beings, of the higher soul, of higher-soul communication…
Be what you would see. If you would “see” in higher frequency realities, become a higher frequency state of love for all beings and service to others. You will ‘see” in the frequency of the “reality frequency states” you intentionally create…
-- Grandmother from Another Planet
Higher frequency class? Instructions and sample meditations? Yet that is the answer to the question: How do we see UFOs?...
Here, Grandmother addresses intention, higher dimensional frequency meditation practice or “super-sensory ability practice” – which she calls “super normal practice,” related to “Seeing UFOs…” This is extremely interesting to me, as all of the Right Brain Aerobics (http://www.rightbrainaerobics.com) training was about using higher frequency sound meditation to “see” more creatively, to “see” innovative ideas that others might miss.
It is true, some people more often “see” UFOs than others…show up somehow where sightings are more frequent. Is it setting out to “see UFOs”? Is it being in the right place at the right time and looking up?” But is even that related to our own higher frequency meditation practices and setting intentions?
Is “seeing outlier ideas” or “creative idea bursts” the same phenomenon with a different intention – or being? When we meditate in higher frequencies, when we practice higher awareness or mindfulness practices of all kinds – do we enter a kind of pre-telepathy, pre-bilocation, pre-intuition state? Which facilitates “seeing” that which we call “paranormal” – but may be called “normal” for other civilizations and evolved human societies!! We included Meditation Instructions and Sound Links as Grandmother mentions these.
Enjoy “Grandmother on Seeing UFOs and Higher Frequency Realities: Supersensory Human Abilities?” Spontaneous, improvisational, unedited writing of 4-28-23, posted 5-8-23, © S.H. Rodman.

“Grandmother on Seeing UFOs and Higher Frequency Realities: Supersensory Human Abilities”
SHR: Grandmother, how do we see UFOs?
“Seeing UFOs” is a function of looking up, of intention and a genuine desire to learn, to grow as a soul, to be benevolent -- to be a contributing, benevolent citizen of the universe regardless of the obstacles!
The really important question is: How do UFOs see you? Ponder that. It contains the real answer to your question. How are you seen by others in the cosmos?
The really important question is: How do UFOs see you? Ponder that...
SHR: Is it related to our consciousness state?
As any super athlete will tell you, super skills development in human physical ability is a matter of practice and mental agility – perceiving in the reality of the super-skill frequency -- conscious awareness adjusting… Time slows down, in a way, in perception, if you come in contact with another frequency reality.
Time slows down, in a way, in perception, if you come in contact with another frequency reality...
Time and time-perception change intuition or higher-frequency “seeing” in a larger time-space range. Change is reported in circumstances of contact with a non-local or extraterrestrial being or in an experience of death, but remembered, somehow returning to this reality frequency.
Change is reported in circumstances of contact with a non-local or extraterrestrial being...
It is impossible not to experience time, physical ability, emotions, or conscious intuition differently in a higher-dimensional frequency reality. Even if it is simply the presence of beings of a different frequency reality or entering Earth “planes” of a different frequency reality. These do exist on Earth in unusual circumstances.
In some instances, such as “near death” or “bilocation” or “teleportation,” the physical body experiences a radical and permanent change, even healing. This is a frequency shift -- and a decision to continue to experience this frequency reality in an Earth role, third dimension, for the purposes of learning and education.
In some instances, such as “near death” or “bilocation” or “teleportation,” the physical body experiences a radical and permanent change, even healing. This is a frequency shift...
How do you get there through more usual Earth practices? You might call this “super-sensory ability practice,” a “super normal practice”! It is set with strong intention and meditations with higher frequency sound, nature, focused on love for all beings or “oneness.” In fact, a basis for “telepathy.” This is not over-simplification. It is simple, dedicated repetition of higher frequency practices, often with sound and physics (geometric) “variation” environments.
You might call this “super-sensory ability practice,” a “super normal practice”!...
Repetition, repetition, repetition – is how you arrived at your current third-dimensional frequency reality. Repetition, repetition, repetition -- is how you experience, create, alter both waking and sleeping frequency reality and super-sensory awareness.
But the effective practice of self-teaching and transformation involves the structure and frequency of a higher “force” of love for all beings.
In the same way that “gravity” is a “force” – and involves a structure, interaction with other “forces” from a position of great power -- so love for all beings and service to others is a “force” – from a position of great power.
Now, I am going to give you a quote from the extraterrestrial teacher, Oron, from the Parallel Universe play: “Gravity is consciousness.” Likewise, the “force” of love experienced in higher dimensions is consciousness. It is alive. It has great power. (Act I of “Parallel Universe Musical includes extensive Oron quotes. Online PDF… http://www.parallel-universe.us/Parallel_Universe_7-4-07_Act_I.pdf )
“Gravity is consciousness"...
This higher “force” of love for all beings is eternal and is quite magnetic, which you can experience in higher frequency-reality states.
It is a living universe. A living structure.
It is a living universe. A living structure...
The universe you perceive is not dead. It is all alive…
(What I saw: Imagine a vast cosmos of galaxies and stars before you...and the words superimposed on this vision: IT'S ALL ALIVE!... -- SHR)
With practice of higher frequency reality meditation, the surety of this becomes stronger and stronger. This realization of the full “aliveness” and higher frequency “forces” of universal life comes in gradually, strongly, with meditation in higher frequency reality -- until it becomes your reality.
With practice of higher frequency reality meditation, the surety of this becomes stronger and stronger. This realization of the full “aliveness” and higher frequency “forces” of universal life comes in gradually, strongly, with meditation in higher frequency reality -- until it becomes your reality...
Your questions -- “Is this all alive?” -- “Is this the true reality?” – simply drop away when you enter the reality of higher frequency perception and become that perception, that experience of all other beings. Supersensory or “super normal” ability, perception -- “seeing” an expanding higher reality, always involves a shift in your experience of all other beings, of the higher soul, of higher-soul communication. And highly loving service to others becomes an overriding desire.
Entering higher-frequency-reality states – benevolent states – and supersensory “perception” -- are always functions of higher love for all beings, a conscious focus, an awakened focus, in a state of higher frequency “oneness.” Your “seeing” expanded realities or higher frequency realities, that which exists in higher frequency realities, with super normal sensory awareness – is a very intriguing state of “oneness” in a third-dimensional reality in which this loving force or force of higher love is rarely experienced. But as a higher frequency reality shifts in your star region, planetary region -- star and planetary forces of consciousness grow; and this super normal perception will become more “normal.”
Thus, the “seeing” of a higher frequency reality, an individual “spaceship” (a “plane” in itself) – becomes part of daily energy reality projection of your life. A key in this is the attunement of your higher frequency consciousness to the higher frequency consciousness of your planet, your star -- all planet and celestial beings near you., until these become indistinguishable from you and your “family.” You have a larger “star family.” You have a vaster ability to “see” and “feel” in a benevolent higher frequency reality…
Thus, the “seeing” of a higher frequency reality, an individual “spaceship” (a “plane” in itself) – becomes part of daily energy reality projection of your life...
I am not using the word “divine” generally, but higher frequency reality, “oneness,” and love for all beings, service to others in “oneness,” is “divine” in a sense of it you most cherish. Understanding the “force” of higher frequency love for all beings is understandably the “divine-ness,” the deep intelligence” and force of love of the “divine” in you. It is a realization of higher frequency love for all beings -- in you. Through practices of “oneness.”
“Seeing” and “healing” in higher frequency realities of love are an initial recognizable “force” of the awakened heart… They appear without trying. They simply appear, and you become them – a greater “force” of love.
It is irresistible. “Seeing” and “healing” in higher frequency realities are always part of a higher frequency reality of magnetic, irresistible love for all beings, as if they were you. “Seeing” and “healing” in higher frequency reality, other dimensional civilizations, unconditional, “unboundaried,” supersensory meditations – are always an aspect of love for all beings. At one level or another… Or: A practice of “conscious becoming” in higher frequency states of love. “Higher frequency communication” is a super- normal aspect of higher frequency reality states.
“Seeing” and “healing” in higher frequency realities are always part of a higher frequency reality of magnetic, irresistible love for all beings, as if they were you. “Seeing” and “healing” in higher frequency reality, other dimensional civilizations...
Be what you would see. If you would “see” in higher frequency realities, become a higher frequency state of love for all beings and service to others. You will ‘see” in the frequency of the “reality frequency states” you intentionally create or choose.
One of the easiest practices or portals to a new state of awareness -- that is the simple meditations we often recommend… You might be surprised…
-- Grandmother from Another Planet
SHR: Wow! The transmission was interrupted – and next I saw to include some of the previous meditations!
There is a subtle point implied in this message; that somehow your “frequency reality,” your “super normal” abilities and strong intention to see and understand what is called UFOs or UAPs (Unidentified Flying Objects, Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon) – communicate a message to a UFO/UAP or extradimensional “vehicle” that sets up “seeing” what might normally be either invisible in our frequency state or the vehicle might be “cloaked.” Could this intention communicated, and deliberately entering a higher frequency state be intrinsic to the more extraordinary intentions of “seeing a UFO”?
If we practice and enter meditate states of higher intuition or telepathy/teleportation and “intend” to see a UFO, is there communication established? Sent and received by the use of higher frequency states, sounds, abilities? And the “seeing of the UFO” happens as part of this communication, expressed subtly in an intention? We are communicating this intention somehow in altered or higher frequency states of mind. Is it that somehow, “Seeing a UFO” is actually some kind of interdimensional, higher frequency communication established? And it is part of soul growth?…
This point was also conveyed when my question was, how do we “see” a UFO -- and the answer was about a practice of higher frequency meditation states with higher frequency sound. This answer may be much more accurate than it seems at first glance. Are more coming in future blogs?
SHR: Here are some of the meditations that Grandmother has given. And more on “seeing UFOs.”
SHR: Theta State Sound which I find produces the most blissful higher state sense: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KcU6w1Pr5gc
Also, I sometimes use this by Steven Halpern in sessions. In the beginning I used his CDs when teaching Right Brain Aerobics higher frequency state meditations/creativity/intuition. Steven Halpern, Tonal Alchemy: https://www.amazon.com/Tonal-Alchemy-Steven-Halpern/dp/B000784XBC
You can search online for Meditative Music and find many kinds… Experiment to find those which have great resonance or result in feelings of deep bliss and calm. It is an individual preference.
“Meditate on Love for all beings.” (I add a phrase sometimes, like “Peace on Earth.”)
(Repeat many times. 25 times, 125 times, 525 times, all are effective. After Grandmother challenged me to repeat it 500 times in order to facilitate a greatly needed healing, I repeated it 625 times. I thought it was impossible, but I repeated it with strong intention 625 times in one sitting. I counted on my fingers. I did get well. Grandmother meditations are often simple – and highly effective. Planting “seeds” in the mind that seem to change frequencies.
Example: Like her instruction for what to do if something upsets you. Find 1) The Gifts, 2) The Advantages, 3) The Lessons. Write these down in lists, by hand. Several pages at least. It always works. I arrive at a new energy and no longer feel upset by the end of the first page. New strategies, even books and classes are created this way. Simple. Obvious. Effective. Life saving.
Example: My favorite was when I asked her why I was always so exhausted. What should I do? She said to STOP IT. Stop “being” exhausted. I was apparently playing a character daily: “I’m exhausted.” I said it out loud. I said it silently. All of a sudden, I couldn’t say it anymore. And when I stopped repeating “I’m exhausted” all the time – I was embarrassed, I just couldn’t, I thought she’d hear me… 😊 – then I started to feel stronger. Then I started repeating, “I’m feeling stronger.” “Wow, I’m feeling stronger.” I don’t care where it comes from, it works. I’m 80. Things have been MUCH better for the past 6 years since meditations with Grandmother and these messages in 2017. I’m 80. Who thought things would get way better at 80? – SHR)
I am Love.
I am Light.
I am Forever.
I am One.
(3 times.)
We are Love.
We are Light.
We are Forever.
We are One.
(3 times.)
Repetition. Repetition. Repetition. Using deep sound. And if you repeat each stanza 10 times, the effect is increased. If you repeat each stanza 100 times – “Lift Off”!
This meditation came to me in a blissful state to focus on healing as I was ill. It is related to the beginning of this blog:
GRANDMOTHER: Time slows down, in a way, in perception, if you come into contact with another frequency reality. (Higher frequency state.) Time and time perception change intuition or higher-frequency “seeing” in a larger time-space range. (Higher frequency states like alpha or theta – and certainly delta, the sleep state, are often associated with healing.)
SHR: Simple Meditation Instructions – with higher frequency sound:
Slow. Down. Time.
Let. Go. Of. Everything --
Identity, To-Do List, Worries.
Relax in a field of Bliss for 3 minutes or more.
(Or as many minutes as you like; deep sound for long periods relaxes.)
-- SHR.
Email me directly with Comments or Questions: Sandra@RightBrainAerobics.com
Image Credit: Top – Stars, Flashlight: Felix Mittermeier from Pixabay. #2183637