Where there are dreams, there is creative higher dimensional spirit, ready to run free, to grow into an imagination of new worlds…
There is preparation so that you can “see” the new-era worlds coming, so none of them will disorient you. You will be fully ready to take in the surprises and become a surprise yourself…
Your identity will be challenged with coming new worlds, changes in frequency, meeting those who have a very different view or contact experience involving higher dimensional consciousness and creativity. Meditation is key to preparation, for it allows you to experiment with a different sense of “being,” slower or faster time, different vision, and changing your own frequency…
Your sense of the truth – of ancient historical and future worlds – will change as new worlds come. And you see the possibilities of vast realities…
I say repeatedly to you, “You are astounding!” As new worlds come, you will appreciate that the real truth of this is far beyond any words that I could offer…
-- Grandmother from Another Planet
I’m finding that these 10 reasons are providing steps, strategies, ideas for creating new missions, work, writing, classes – in our extremely changed world right now. Very practical for new visioning, relaxing into seeing with greater higher consciousness perception – and a great reminder to meditate, meditate, meditate for higher creative consciousness and intuitive sensory abilities. Regardless of what is going on in the world. I’m applying some of this to creating new Twitter experiments at @SHRodman on Twitter -- Sandra H. Rodman on Twitter.
Enjoy “Grandmother from Another Planet: 10 Reasons to Pay Attention to the Coming of New Worlds.” Spontaneous, improvisational, unedited writing of 5-14-23, posted 5-23-23, © S.H. Rodman.

“Grandmother from Another Planet: 10 Reasons to Pay Attention to the Coming of New Worlds.”
Where there are dreams, there is creative higher dimensional spirit, ready to run free, to grow into an imagination of new worlds. If you think there are no new worlds coming, that all will remain still and slow, stagnant, reporting with minor variations eon to eon, you are not paying attention.
If you think there are no new worlds coming, that all will remain still and slow, stagnant, reporting with minor variations eon to eon, you are not paying attention...
10 Reasons to Pay Attention to the Coming of New Worlds
1. You have to create them. Or meet them when they land… 😊
2. You have to learn to Teleport.
... Do you think I have never teleported into new worlds? Guess again. Interstellar travel can be very surprising. Nothing is left behind. But all is new…
3. You have a new future and a new past.
... You have to study to name it, practice to speak the language of tomorrow, link it to the most ancient star languages, translate across space and time.
4. You have a space travel role.
... You will travel in space much as Earth travels in space now. Pay attention so that you will be ready for space travel roles in a new world.
5, There will be great surprises. “Meditate on Love and Great Surprises.”
... There is preparation so that you can “see” the new-era worlds coming, so none of them will disorient you. You will be fully ready to take in the surprises and become a surprise yourself.
6. Your perception of Time will change as you experience new worlds, higher frequency realities, and those who commonly live and navigate within them.
... Your identity will be challenged with coming new worlds, changes in frequency, meeting those who have a very different view or contact experience involving higher dimensional consciousness and creativity. Meditation is key to preparation, for it allows you to experiment with a different sense of “being,” slower or faster time, different vision, and changing your own frequency. We provide many. Meditation and Sound Page: http://www.grandmotherfromanotherplanet.com/meditation-sound/
7. Your sense of “family” will expand. Your sense of “community” will be altered with new worlds – your sense of age, your sense of ancient and future connections and memories key to your current identity.
... Did you think that you – or I – have lived with one age limit only? As one race only? As male or female only? As one intelligence and intuitive perception only? With one set of cultural and educational experiences only?
8. Your sense of love, of being loved, of the power of a higher dimensional force of unconditional love will change. It will strongly affect your identity, your sense of “wholeness,” your sense of the power of your own love, your ability to exist and love in higher realms.
... The concept, “I am you, and you are me,” “We are you, and you are us,” will take hold of your sense of expansiveness, your redefinition of intelligence. You will come to ask yourself about intelligence which is beyond your understanding. Loving higher intelligence will make sense logically as new worlds come.
... “Meditate on Love for All Beings,” as a mantra, as a song, repeated many times, we have recommended. As you come closer to the truth of the greater loving being that you are, you will actually “discover yourself” in vast ways that astound you. I say repeatedly to you, “You are astounding!” As new worlds come, you will appreciate that the real truth of this is far beyond any words that I could offer.
9. Your sense of the truth – of ancient historical and future worlds – will change as new worlds come. And you see the possibilities of vast realities, holding ancient and future times and stories, existing all over the Universe. And you are part of this.
... You can see the truth of “you” in all of this as you come to know many star civilizations – and they come to know you. And you work together. You create together. The Ancient and Future Art of the Universe will take on new meaning
10. You ARE the coming new worlds. As am I…
I say repeatedly to you, “You are astounding!” As new worlds come, you will appreciate that the real truth of this is far beyond any words that I could offer...
With the greatest possible love for you in all of our worlds together, loving you all the way, I am your Grandmother from Another Planet…
-- Grandmother from Another Planet
Image Credit: Alem Coksa at Pixabay