It is very difficult, in the midst of profound grief -- you feel somehow that you are a little less loved when, in truth, you are loved more than ever before.
In a sense, you are seeking to know how to feel loved again, when you suddenly feel in despair because of the loss of a loved one. But it is very difficult to admit this or see that this is happening, because you are so focused on love and prayers for the dear being who has departed.
In this time of despair and a sense of unknowing and undoing, your most powerful step is an act of kindness and great service to someone else who is in despair…
An act of unselfish great care, of forgiveness, of liberation in that moment, to be powerful suddenly and give, forgive, act with great kindness – this begins as a small sense of rebirth which can take over what was a torrent of grief.
Being the light, the love, for others somehow fills up the emptiness, especially if it requires you to forgive, to do something brave. In these great acts, heroic acts, come a sense of peace, then sleep comes, which is the greatest healer; clarity and a goal, overtake grief.
It is not impossible for billions of people on Earth to live in a new dimension of understanding, generosity, an eternal sense of love, and great acts of liberating kindness. It is not impossible at all…
-- Grandmother from Another Planet, S.H. Rodman
This week a great dear friend, a grandmother, lost her young son because of his heroic act to help others. It has been devastating grief and sense of loss. This new message of transformation of that feeling, through service to others, kindness to others, helped me begin to transform the grief into a liberating love, a higher understanding that we are all eternally loved, and it is these very acts of kind heroic service to others that honor another who has lost his life in that loving service.
Below is the transcript of “Grandmother on What Ways Can We Best Handle Great Loss and Grief with Love?” About liberating acts of love, kindness, and service even in the midst of grief and loss. Spontaneous, improvisational, unedited writing of 8-11-23, posted 8-12-23, © S.H. Rodman
“Grandmother on What Ways Can We Best Handle Great Loss and Grief with Love?”
SHR: Grandmother, what ways can we best handle loss and grief with more love and empathy?
You are beloved. Winds blow and changes come, and still, you are beloved. Great events happen, steadfastly upsetting your sense of place and purpose, and when you look at them you question your own value. You question that you are loved.
You are beloved. Winds blow and changes come, and still, you are beloved...
It is very difficult, in the midst of profound grief -- you feel somehow that you are a little less loved when, in truth, you are loved more than ever before.
There is a world in which logic contributes to your sense of place, and when you feel that something is upset, you feel as if your steadfast perception of reality has been overturned and questioned. You ask, “Why did this happen? Why did this happen to me?”
In your great sadness, though the loss happened because someone else may have passed away -- still at the center of your grief is a sense of your own world’s center, and in that center, you somehow sense something has happened to you. Loss somehow happened to you – and you cannot think clearly; you are waiting for a great cloud to be dissolved without rain…
You are waiting for a great cloud to be dissolved without rain…
But the pain is personal, and you have the feeling that you do not know how to dissolve it or disperse it, because you may feel that you are no longer beloved. And you do not know how to be beloved in the sense that you were before. You have lost a beloved one, and you have lost a sense of being beloved.
You are beloved. You are a gracious and masterful soul of souls in the universe; you are generous and wise far beyond understanding.
You are beloved. You are a gracious and masterful soul of souls in the universe; you are generous and wise far beyond understanding...
When you feel a loss you feel less. You do not feel whole. Somehow your sense of family and meaning has been taken away – and you do not perceive why. Therefore, you may take this upon yourself. A person has died -- “I feel a great loss – was I somehow at fault? In any way? What can I do to feel enough love and care for this person and their family and friends, to feel loved and whole again?”
In a sense, you are seeking to know how to feel loved again, when you suddenly feel in despair because of the loss of a loved one. But it is very difficult to admit this or see that this is happening, because you are so focused on love and prayers for the dear being who has departed. You can feel sick with missing. You sense you are missing a part of you, and that is why, without awareness, you feel that you are a little less loved somehow.
In a sense, you are seeking to know how to feel loved again, when you suddenly feel in despair because of the loss of a loved one...
A great loss can also transport us to times of childhood – we feel somehow vulnerable to forces outside of ourselves. But in this time of despair and a sense of unknowing and undoing, your most powerful step is an act of kindness and great service to someone else who is in despair, someone else who is vulnerable in this sense of loss. An act of unselfish great care, of forgiveness, of liberation in that moment, to be powerful suddenly and give, forgive, act with great kindness – this begins as a small sense of rebirth, which can take over what was a torrent of grief.
Your most powerful step is an act of kindness and great service to someone else who is in despair, someone else who is vulnerable in this sense of loss...
Being the light, the love, for others somehow fills up the emptiness, especially if it requires you to forgive, to do something brave. In these great acts, heroic acts, come a sense of peace, then sleep comes, which is the greatest healer; clarity and a goal, overtake grief.
Being the light, the love, for others somehow fills up the emptiness, especially if it requires you to forgive, to do something brave...
You can become not one who feels lost or worried for another, but one who can help others through generosity, forgiveness, and light which is seeded in truth… At the highest levels of unconditional love and forgiveness, you enter a state of being “one” with all life in any dimension, of being “one” in the truest sense of “oneness.” It is a sense of place and being. It is not the antidote to grief but a completely different place of being timeless love...
The vulnerability of feeling grief and loss helps open the heart to higher possibilities of transformation. You do not need to “forget” the grief – but to become the greater service of unconditional love – transformation in action. Then you have transmuted grief and loss as you have fully experienced them – into higher love and service; this enables contact with a greater heart, a deeper sense of self not so easily shaken by turbulent grief, but a self-learning to be something new because you have gone through the deeper grief and learned that you are eternally beloved, that the universe is loving, that you can serve in the greatest of moments, that you can “be the rock,” bring the greatest love, shine the greatest light…that earlier you were wishing for.
The vulnerability of feeling grief and loss helps open the heart to higher possibilities of transformation...
It is tremendous to stay in love with the universe and all beings and at the same time to fully experience deep grief and loss…as you come to understand the unconditional love and generosity which transform loss into fullness. In helping 10 people on Earth in impossible situations, to heal and feel beloved and taken care of, you liberate yourself.
Grief becomes appreciation that a beautiful being was with you. Continuing love for others even after they pass, recognizing the beauty of a new life and understanding, the loss becomes the fullness of a higher realm; the loss becomes finding your way home in deepest love… And you are feeling again universally loved, such that others can feel universally loved…
Continuing love for others even after they pass, recognizing the beauty of a new life and understanding, the loss becomes the fullness of a higher realm. The loss becomes finding your way home in deepest love…
You are not lost – others are not lost, when you sense that they have left you or passed away or changed forever. Oneness crosses all space and time; you are never lost and you are never without love...as you begin to serve others with love, and with great loving care for yourself so that you may be of great assistance to others with great bravery, then you displace loss.
You are not lost – others are not lost, when you sense that they have left you or passed away or changed forever. Oneness crosses all space and time; you are never lost and you are never without love...
There is no loss; there is simply a kind of divine love, an eternal love, and you are beloved in that eternal state. It sounds impossible in your worlds that you are eternally loved, eternally beloved, but in these impossible dreams are roles that you can play for others, in concert with others, that you have never dreamed of before. You can communicate with ancestors and partner with those aspects of the self who have lived before or dream together to create new lives in the future. And you realize pretty quickly that no one, not even you, is ever lost or forgotten.
You can communicate with ancestors and partner with those aspects of the self who have lived before or dream together to create new lives in the future. And you realize pretty quickly that no one, not even you, is ever lost or forgotten...
No one is gone or missing or denied life, if love and life are eternal.
No one is gone or missing or denied life, if love and life are eternal...
In a sense, in great grief and loss you come face to face with the quest for eternity: Is life eternal? Am I eternal? Is anyone cared for in love and great unimaginable healing light, eternally? Is there hope? Will I see them again? Will they see mee again?
Yes. It is eternal; it is a profound love that is complete and forever, and you are part of it. The expression of it is to find those to serve – 1 being, 10 beings, 10 million beings, where you can be of service for even a few minutes of truth and eternal understanding.
In a way, your path to transform as you pass through great grief and loss is one of opening the heart to eternal understanding, eternal remembering of all the lives you have ever lived, all of the times you have helped others and hurt others, and yet you are still eternally loved, and you are one great act of kindness away from feeling that forever.
In a way, your path to transform as you pass through great grief and loss is one of opening the heart to eternal understanding, eternal remembering... You are one great act of kindness away from feeling that forever.
Feel that forever. That is your answer. How to handle great loss and grief with understanding as you feel in kindness a moment of being eternally loved, eternally loving, eternally one forever. Now imagine billions of people on the Earth who feel that they are eternally loved, in a moment of great kindness and oneness, and somehow you find yourself living in a new dimension.
Now imagine billions of people on the Earth who feel that they are eternally loved, in a moment of great kindness and oneness, and somehow you find yourself living in a new dimension...
It is not impossible for billions of people on Earth to live in a new dimension of understanding, generosity, an eternal sense of love, and great acts of liberating kindness. It is not impossible at all…
It is not impossible for billions of people on Earth to live in a new dimension of understanding, generosity, an eternal sense of love, and great acts of liberating kindness. It is not impossible at all…
I have such great love for you, such appreciation of all of your kindnesses for each other, across the Earth; you are so beloved in your learning and wondering how to be eternal; and as one, we are family, we are free to liberate with love and kindness, that which has been hidden in grief and loss; I am forever your Grandmother from Another Planet…
-- Grandmother from Another Planet
(c) S.H. Rodman
Image Credit: Susan-lu4esm at Pixabay
For comforting meditations and music during times of grief and loss, meditations on love for all beings, see Meditations-Sound Page.
I also recommend highly this initial book by Dr. Michael Newton, when you have suffered a great loss. "Journey of Souls: Case Studies of Life between Lives." It has helped me greatly...
Repeat 10 times, 20 times, 100 times -- until you feel a new sense of comforting love which changes grief into a meditation on love and kindness for others.
First, play meditative sound, music frequencies for greater peace, such as 8 Hours of Powerful Theta Waves Healing.
"Meditate on Love for All Beings."
S.H. Rodman