If you feel tense, do you not instinctively sense that you should “shake it out – shake it off”? Flail about happily with happy music, like a child?...
When you dance, put a lot of love into it! Dance and celebrate from the soul, aware that you are dancing in the stars!...
See what guidance comes to you from the angels of your soul, the stars of the cosmos...
Open your heart and be honest, open your eyes and see beyond the horizon and the headlines… In the most profound way, you are holding on to the old life…
Be honest and loving with yourself. Love yourself and cherish yourself…
The tension is a fear of letting go in the stars, loving with all your heart in the stars, forgiving in the stars… Let the resistance to love go…
Let go in the beautiful oceans of stars and trust that you are loved, beloved, and forever on the pathway home…
-- Grandmother from Another Planet
These simple words, in the wee hours of the night, were a kind of rescue -- a “prescription” for me. I felt very different after the message came. I entered a deeper state and realized that even when I was tense and worried, everything would still be all right in the universe. Try this sequence of dancing and calming -- anytime you are tense or upset. It is simple and surprising, guiding me toward truth in my soul...even in these times...
Let go, dance, calm yourself and love yourself from the soul – meditate on love and forgiveness. Every new step toward opening the heart, loving others, calm and forgiveness opens new pathways to staying healthy, even at 81!
Enjoy “Grandmother on Pathways for Relaxation and Calm: Dancing in the Stars, Meditations of Love.” Spontaneous, improvisational, unedited automatic writing of 11/2/23, posted 11-3-23, © S.H. Rodman.

“Grandmother on Pathways for Relaxation and Clam: Dancing in the Stars, Meditations of Love”
SHR: Grandmother, what are some pathways for relaxation and calm, when you feel anxious?
When you feel tense, first dance for 10 minutes. Then meditate on love with high frequency sound for 15 minutes, 30 minutes. (High Frequency Meditation Sound. )
If you feel tense, do you not instinctively sense that you should “shake it out – shake it off”? Flail about happily with happy music, like a child? High frequency sound can include sounds of natural objects like crystal bowls, sacred metal bowls, sacred drumming, as well as high frequency sound tones, music without words. Non-linear.
If you feel tense, do you not instinctively sense that you should “shake it out – shake it off”? Flail about happily with happy music, like a child?...
Then with higher frequency meditation, calming sound, meditate by repeating a simple Mantra of Love:
- “Meditate on Love.” 15 minutes, 30 minutes. Or
- “Meditate on Love for All Beings”… 15 minutes, 30 minutes.
Then relax in silence for a few minutes. Have a cold or warm drink of pure water…
(Note, this movement, meditation, sipping water – and deep breathing -- is the beginning of the Right Brain Start Up exercise of Right Brain Aerobics, enabling a moment of moving from beta brain-mind state to more relaxing, healing alpha brain-mind state.)
When you dance, put a lot of love into it! Dance and celebrate from the soul, aware that you are dancing in the stars! Letting go of worries! Enjoy loving a few minutes of pure joyful dance. The body will know what to do…Love its ability to move wonderfully and creatively no matter the limitations.
When you dance, put a lot of love into it! Dance and celebrate from the soul, aware that you are dancing in the stars!...
Dance in a chair if you have to – or dance lying down. But move from the soul… Celebrate your existence from the soul.
Now, combine the two with:
- “Meditate on Dancing through the Stars”
“Meditate on Dancing with the Stars”
“Meditate on Dancing in the Stars”…
Creatively vision yourself in playful, beautiful starry clothing, able to fly through the stars dancing, shining brightly, whirling… Then Meditate on Love… Then Listen… Listen in the Stars…
Creatively vision yourself in playful, beautiful starry clothing, able to fly through the stars dancing, shining brightly, whirling...
See what guidance comes to you from the angels of your soul, the stars of the cosmos. You may be surprised…
Now: Open your heart and be honest, open your eyes and see beyond the horizon and the headlines… In the most profound way, you are holding on to the old life, the old loves, the old habits, the old roles, even if you know they are not best for you – even if you genuinely want to give up the old fears and depressions, even if you want to change -- your identity is so closely woven with these fears, negative words and worries, angers, beliefs, revenge, wanting to hang on to old dreams for dear life! Even as you say you want to have new dreams!
Open your heart and be honest, open your eyes and see beyond the horizon and the headlines… In the most profound way, you are holding on to the old life, the old loves, the old habits, the old roles...
Be honest and loving with yourself, Sand Ra. Love yourself and cherish yourself. And appreciate the glory of this life in the wildest and toughest of eras, the most ferocious contradictions and hourly changes. Appreciate that you are here and you can help others, being called upon to have greater love for other beings than you have ever had…
Be honest and loving with yourself. Love yourself and cherish yourself...
For those other beings are you, and you are those other beings…
Deep inside, you know that to completely transform the nightmares of ferocious worries and unfamiliar stories, new roles you are being asked to play in the stars, LOVING ALL BEINGS, FORGIVING ALL BEINGS IS THE PATHWAY HOME… Calm, relaxation, loving and helping all others, loving your own ability to love and your heroic moments in the soul of you…
The tension is a fear of letting go in the stars, loving with all your heart in the stars, forgiving in the stars…
The tension is a fear of letting go in the stars, loving with all your heart in the stars, forgiving in the stars…
Let the resistance to love go… It is all right; everything will be okay even if you are not tense! Everything will be okay even if you do not worry!
Let the resistance to love go…
Let go in the beautiful oceans of stars and trust that you are loved, beloved, and forever on the pathway home…
You have family everywhere in the stars, even if you do not know it… You are home. There is love. It will be all right – you will arrive. You will be safe.
When you dance, put a lot of love into it! Dance and celebrate from the soul, aware that you are dancing in the stars!...
You will learn to create and dance in the stars and love in the stars, with practice and great faith that you are always, you are always, you are always Love… You are always home…
I am, with the greatest love of all, always your Grandmother from Another Planet…
-- Grandmother from Another Planet
From the Author:
Try this prescription anytime you are tense or upset. Letting go, dancing, calming from the soul, meditating on love and forgiveness – very healing…
Late in life, I discovered an inspired free-style dancing teacher on Whidbey Island, trained by Gabrielle Roth, creator of “5 Rhythms” – and learned a kind of dancing from the soul… (https://www.5rhythms.com/gabrielle-roths-5rhythms/ ) I loved it! I recommend “5 Rhythms” dancing groups, wherever you are in the world. I began by dancing in a chair – and soon was whirling around the floor in my 70’s… Still dancing at 81. Synchronicity: A few years ago, I found a video of my very first manager in work life, very creative, compassionate, inspired – he developed a meditative dance program, advanced consciousness studies of his own in Europe, after I knew him. In the interview he was speaking deeply about the transcendental nature of dancing – with Gabrielle Roth… High synchronicity is one of life’s ways of nudging you to new adventures…
-- S.H. Rodman
***Questions, Comments, Ideas, Email: Sandra@RightBrainAerobics.com
Thank you for reading “Grandmother from Another Planet”!…
(c) S.H. Rodman
Image Credit: Pixabay License