“None of the Above” can be a courageous choice. It is a choice of recognition and revelation about your life…
…SANDRA: I’m thinking in the wrong dimension. I’ve “moved”…
…GRANDMOTHER: What is the Constant? What are the things which comfort you right now?...
…GRANDMOTHER: The most profound realization is that it is the small glimmer of happiness, the light of making something beautiful to give to another, to make another happy, to light the way for another – that produces the light of seeing; that produces the light of being. The heart of light…
…GRANDMOTHER: Choosing from the heart, that which might be invisible to the mind. Because it is not in the mind. It is in the heart. You may be afraid to say it. But it is real. That seemingly unreal choice of the heart. The choice of love…
… GRANDMOTHER: There is enough love in the universe to solve all problems…
…GRANDMOTHER: Love is the choice that is All of the Above...
Intro: I was feeling “down” – and a dialogue with Grandmother from Another Planet was a surprise! The kind of creative soul writing – or higher consciousness writing – that I enjoy greatly is spontaneous, from the soul, and I never know what will come. I am always a little big shocked. I was deep into "None of the Above" -- and was not ready for a journey into "All of the Above"! How did I get there...?
Also, it’s a “dialogue,” typical of Grandmother’s lessons. I’m finding that sometimes I access deeper paths of the mind if I continue to ask questions – beyond the original quest. Since the 1960’s I have cherished playwriting, and it has excited my spirit, heart and soul, if I let the inner guides free. This perked me up at 81. I so appreciate when the heart opens and love crosses time and space, passing any boundaries of age… I began to think, now, how could I choose “All of the Above” at 81?
When else….?
Enjoy “Grandmother: From ‘None of the Above’ to ‘All of the Above’ -- New Identity, New Reality.” Spontaneous, improvisational, unedited automatic creative writing of 2-8-24, posted 2-9-24. © Sandra H. Rodman.

Grandmother: From “None of the Above” to “All of the Above” -- New Identity, New Reality
Dialogue with Grandmother from Another Planet.
© Sandra H. Rodman, 2-8-24, posted 2-9-24
Grandmother, what do you do when you see no good choices? And no path yet to create new choices?
There are times in life learning when the most courageous answer is “None of the Above.”
But even my not making a choice is solidifying a choice.
Thus, I say, “None of the Above” can be a courageous choice. It is a choice of recognition and revelation about your life.
“None of the Above” can be a courageous choice. It is a choice of recognition and revelation about your life...
Don’t be impatient. It takes a while for “None of the Above” to sink in…
Your lesson is to see the bigger picture, the real “None of the Above”…
It is a profound recognition, not of poor choices, but that the “reality” you are seeing may not be “real.”
It is a profound recognition, not of poor choices, but that the “reality” you are seeing may not be “real"...
Is it true right now, as you come to a “None of the Above” moment, that you are seeing too many contradictions and too much instability in all choices?
It’s a good choice one day – the next day you see why it cannot possibly be a choice.
Yes. And it all changes quickly. Just as I make up my mind to try something new, something happens that makes this impossible.
What am I seeing? I think it’s the instability, the contradictory changes that make me want to repeat, “None of the Above! None of the Above!”
Remember first that everything is a gift.
When reality seems unstable, contradictions build, you might see a “None of the Above” sign flashing. But it is a mirage.
What is at the center of “None of the Above”?
It is clearly my identity.
Grandmother: What is at the center of “None of the Above”?
Sandra: It is clearly my identity...
My identity does not fit. The reality doesn’t fit.
It’s not real.
Hm. But that would require thinking something impossible and even more uncomfortable.
How can “reality” not be “real”? How can my “identity” not be “real”?
Now I want to ask, which came first, the reality or the identity?
Which came first, the reality or the identity?...
Or is the answer to that, also, “None of the Above”?
I’m thinking in the wrong dimension. I’ve “moved”…
I’m thinking in the wrong dimension. I’ve “moved”…
Perhaps we’re all “moving” right now.
But I don’t know how to think about the daily world of work and news in a different dimension. I’ve yet to really learn this.
It is the realization that the picture is not accurate that leads to new thinking.
It is the realization that the picture is not accurate that leads to new thinking...
New Identity leads to new reality...
New thinking leads to new identity. New identity leads to new reality.
What is the Constant? What are the things which comfort you right now?
Love. The meditation on love –
“Meditate on Love for all Beings.”
This mantra, dozens or hundreds of times, comforts me. Giving love to someone else comforts me. Giving gifts of love comforts me.
And a lot of lights… I keep trying to bring more lights into each room, to see better, to create art, cards, gifts, in the light.
It seems sometimes a waste to want to make cards and gifts for others amidst all it seems there is to do to create sustenance for all on Earth!
Is happiness sustainable?
Yes. Every moment of happiness doing this, giving gifts, takes away some of the pain of “None of the Above.”
It is so magnetic, a bit of playfulness, creating beauty, giving gifts of love.
I am truly sustained now by these moments.
These are the things the world of “None of the Above” does not have.
Such small things, new things to create with, a deep desire to create gifts for others.
Does that seem real? Is that a choice? Does that fit?
Sometimes it’s the smallest things. And a twinge of real happiness begins.
It always has to do with “creating” something to make beautiful for another, something from my heart to give away as a gift, even words… Painting words…
Ah. Now I’m seeing this as:
These small things. I feel a glimmer of light. Light beyond. I can see a little.
And I think, “What is there?”
That is the most profound of all the questions.
And the most profound realization is that it is the small glimmer of happiness, the light of making something beautiful to give to another, to make another happy, to light the way for another – that produces the light of seeing; that produces the light of being. The heart of light…
It is the reflection.
It is the transformation of small moments of light into big connections of light.
If you are saying “None of the Above” – you cannot SEE. This is the revelation of a need for growing more light, every day – growing more love, every day -- which is a different kind of “seeing all the choices! From the heart…
If you are saying “None of the Above” – you cannot SEE. This is the revelation of a need for growing more light, every day – growing more love, every day -- which is a different kind of “seeing all the choices! From the heart…
Seeing from the heart.
Seeing real choices from the heart.
Choosing from the heart, that which might be invisible to the mind. Because it is not in the mind. It is in the heart.
You may be afraid to say it. But it is real.
That seemingly unreal choice of the heart. The choice of love.
The choice of turning on more lights from the heart.
Turning on all the lights and seeing from the heart.
Choosing from the heart.
You may eventually see flashing:
From the heart, with Love.
Loving all others as yourself.
Transforming all things, with love.
There is enough love in the universe to transform all things.
There is enough love in the universe to solve all problems.
There is enough love in the universe to solve all problems...
All of the Above…
It is an identity.
It is an identity.
It is what I wasn’t seeing.
It is what you were not seeing.
It is what you were not being.
It is the identity that fits.
An eternal identity.
From a single moment of love.
An eternal identity.
From a single moment of love...
A single moment of creation.
Love is the choice that is All of the Above.
Love is the choice that is All of the Above...
Love is the choice that is All that Is.
An eternal identity.
An eternal moment.
It goes on forever…
With the greatest love for you in this moment of choices, I am your Grandmother from Another Planet.
-- Grandmother from Another Planet
***Questions, Comments, Ideas, Contact? Email: Sandra@RightBrainAerobics.com
Thank you for reading “Grandmother from Another Planet”!…
© S.H. Rodman
SHRodman Photo Graphic - © S.H. Rodman
Image Credit: Pixabay – Geralt, Photo #4153925