If you change, would not the world around you change?...
Things change in the world when you change in the world…
Each new identity holds new gifts. Each identity is a new university...
Meditation is focusing on the foundational context of unconditional love. In a way, it is becoming love. Becoming meditation is becoming love. Life is a meditation of love. Life is a meditation of the soul…
In sensing the interconnectedness with unconditional love, you become something else. You become a gift…
-- Grandmother from Another Planet
I did not see before the potential for greater unconditional love in the world around me!…
“How I see myself” is foundational to how I see any challenge...
I want to have full awareness of a greater love within me - and the potential for greater unconditional love in the world around me…
Then there would be that “potential for greater unconditional love in the world around me.” It might be astounding. I am extremely grateful. I do not say enough, I love you, I am so grateful for every lesson…

Enjoy “Grandmother on Foundational Love and Gifts in Every Challenge, Event, and Lesson.” Spontaneous, improvisational, meditative mind state, automatic creative writing of 8-29-24-24, posted 8-31-24. © S.H. Rodman.
"Grandmother on Foundational Love and Gifts in Every Challenge, Event, and Lesson"
You have said that everything that happens, every challenge, holds a gift, great lessons. And if we are still having a problem after adding more love – add still more love to it! I need more help understanding that there is a foundation of love in the lessons of every challenge.
This is a powerful path, to try to understand that there is a foundation of love in the lessons of everyday life. Now try to love them! In a way, when you begin to see the world around you as having a foundation of love, then you begin a new identity or identity quest. The world around you will seem to change.
If you change, would not the world around you change?
Things change in the world when you change in the world.
If you change, would not the world around you change?
Things change in the world when you change in the world...
Is it possible that when you begin to add more love to the context, when you see more loving change in the world around you, then you would approach your world differently? Would you have greater compassion and forgiveness? There is a fundamental question you have not asked: Are you love?
There is a fundamental question you have not asked: Are you love...
I see. I do meditation mantras like “I am Love,” but it’s more difficult to “take in” at a deeper level: I am Love. That is foundational. I see why you say “Put more Love into it” – whatever it is.
I wasn’t understanding that the deeper point is the foundation of my identity. Can I be love? If I could truly be love, then every challenge I have would be “love” looking at challenges. Then I must consider “love” an aspect of “identity.”
I see. I take on the identity of my level of belief about the foundations of my reality. I become the level of love, worry, and doubt in myself that I sense, and that is how I see and address my challenges. I see a challenge as I see myself.
“How I see myself” is foundational to how I see any challenge. You say when I face a problem, “put more love into it.” I might now translate that as “put more love into me.” Or “be” a higher level of love; focus on a higher level of love in me. Then love myself, love the challenge, love the reality around me as rich in lessons, from that foundation of love.
“How I see myself” is foundational to how I see any challenge...
If I am not becoming, sensing that “foundation,” that “context” of love within me, if I am not seeing that I am capable of feeling a higher foundational, unconditional universal love, of “being” that love, then it is more difficult for me to see each the gift in each event. I don’t see the lessons in a higher context. The lessons are only in context as foundational love.
I didn’t “see” that there might be an inexhaustible source of love to “put into it” because I wasn’t taking in that there might be a great foundational love -- in me, in others, interconnected.
The meditation mantras on love that you recommend – are not just “putting more love into it.” This is gradually being able to have full awareness of a greater love within me and the potential for greater unconditional love in the world around me.
“The potential for greater unconditional love in the world around me!”… Looking at the world all around me everywhere in a year of profound world change is challenging, even when I am often meditating on love.
I might meditate on: ”Seeing the potential for greater unconditional love in the world around me.” Meditate on more unconditional love and less doubt in my interaction with the reality I see. In order to see how the challenging event has a fundamental foundation of love.
I might meditate on: ”Seeing the potential for greater unconditional love in the world around me"...
I can only see something as a “gift” if I can feel it, meditate on it -- as having a deeper foundation of loving lessons, learning, soul growth.
Consider: If love is the answer, what is the question?
Consider: If love is the answer, what is the question?...
SHR: I am the question. I become both question and the answer, the experience, when I begin to look for deeper gift in my challenges, in my desire to help others. I see now how a new truth may be unveiled in each event of learning and growing – a Gift. And the larger the challenge, the larger the truth.
In a context in which you do not feel connected with others in every event, it is more difficult to see the foundational love, the gift, the learning in every challenge. And to become aware that all may benefit, all are deeply interconnected in every event, every gift of learning. A great university!
The foundational love, the foundational understanding, is within. Thus, I said to you when you wanted to heal a great illness, to repeat a mantra such as “Meditate on Love” -- 500 times. And you would feel much better!
I thought I felt better because I interrupted my focus on being ill, by repeating “Meditate on Love.” I see that it was also increasing my sense of interconnection with all foundational love within me and within others, becoming aware of that greater reality…
I thought I felt better because I interrupted my focus on being ill, by repeating “Meditate on Love.” I see that it was also increasing my sense of interconnection with all foundational love within me and within others, becoming aware of that greater reality…
So, if I am ill, and I repeat the mantra, “Meditate on Love” – then I move closer to seeing the “gifts” of foundational love that are the context of every event and its lesson. Even if it is a grippingly difficult challenge.
I had not really thought of it as a foundational issue, an opportunity, or as “love within.” I was not sensing foundational love in universal interconnectedness. I was not sensing that there is a context of new possibilities. Awareness of foundational love can become identity.
In a way, as you come closer to deeper meditation on unconditional love, forgiveness, and a sense of universal and foundational interconnectedness -- then you may see that each event-lesson is a gift of understanding, knowledge that becomes part of your identity. And in interconnectedness, part of the identity of others.
If you think beyond – beyond “put more love into it” – and go within to become more love, interconnect with universal-unconditional-foundational love, then a new understanding comes. A new identity. A new call to life. A new universal rhythm. And it is felt everywhere in an interconnected universe.
If you think beyond – beyond “put more love into it” – and go within to become more love, interconnect with universal-unconditional-foundational love, then a new understanding comes. A new identity. A new call to life. A new universal rhythm. And it is felt everywhere in an interconnected universe...
Each new identity holds new gifts. Each identity is a new university.
If I experience a deeper, foundational sense of “becoming” unconditional love, an interconnected identity -- then I am in a completely different world of knowledge, consciousness, new lessons of vibrations. I am exploring a more profound sense of soul.
Meditation is focusing on the foundational context of unconditional love. In a way, it is becoming love. Becoming meditation is becoming love.
Life is a meditation of love. Life is a meditation of the soul…
Meditation is focusing on the foundational context of unconditional love. In a way, it is becoming love.
Becoming meditation is becoming love.
Life is a meditation of love.
Life is a meditation of the soul…
It is true that my life changed completely two decades ago when I began meditating anew, several hours a day with higher frequency sound. I loved sound healing and thus would spend more time in meditation.
You can see the true gifts of unconditional love in every event or challenge as you become that foundational love and respect, that interconnectedness in the universe: Doing this as a kind of “honoring” of all beings and all love in the universe.
In sensing the interconnectedness with unconditional love, you become something else. You become a gift. You begin to offer, through your own being of unconditional love for others, desire to serve others springing from love within -- a new kind of “service to others” -- knowing that you are love, “being love” and becoming the gift in every lesson”…
Then there would be that “potential for greater unconditional love in the world around me.” It might be astounding.
I am extremely grateful. I do not say enough, I love you, I am so grateful for every lesson…
I am extremely grateful. I do not say enough, I love you, I am so grateful for every lesson…
With the greatest possible love and the deepest gratitude, the deepest appreciation for all of your dreams, hopes, becoming, your gifts -- I am your Grandmother from Another Planet…
-- Grandmother from Another Planet
***Questions? Comments? Ideas?
Email: Sandra@RightBrainAerobics.com
Thank you for reading “Grandmother from Another Planet”!…
© S.H. Rodman - @SHRodman on Twitter/X, 19,000+ Followers
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Photo-graphic of Sandra Rodman - © S.H. Rodman
Featured Image Credit: Pixabay License - OpenClipart-Vectors