Quotes from Blog:
You are a cosmic “present!” You are a cosmic “presence”!...
Sometimes it is more gracious and generous to “be there” than you can imagine…
When you were in school at a young age, the teacher would call your name, and you would say “present.”
In a time of great transforming movement and change, it may be heroic to be “present”…
If you greatly desire to help others, “showing up” sends a great message. You learn what to do after you officially say “present”!...
“I am present” begins all things…
Be “present” in the service of others – and you will find that all health on earth is inter-connected. It is also a kind of planetary health, an interplanetary health!...
Now, you might see why I said in the beginning, even health is something you “volunteer” for. You “choose’ health. Your health is a great gift for others…
I am “present” – is a kind of mindfulness. It is a kindness. It is an aware choice. It is voluntary. It is heroic…
-- Grandmother from Another Planet
Intro: This Blog was a life saver – right on time! I asked Grandmother a question about Health – and Grandmother talked about “Volunteering!” Volunteer to be healthy! Choose it! I was also considering at 82, to volunteer to help a couple of organizations, wondering if I could do that. A profound YES! Be “present” at every age to change the world! I can say “present!’ -- and take one step.
Enjoy “Grandmother from Another Planet on How to Volunteer at Every Age: Your Cosmic Presence.” Spontaneous, improvisational, meditative mind state, automatic creative writing of 11-25-24, posted 11-26-24. © S.H. Rodman.

“Grandmother on How to Volunteer at Every Age: Your Cosmic Presence”
Did you not realize? You are a cosmic “present!” You are a cosmic “presence!”
You are a cosmic “presence!”...
Sometimes it is more gracious and generous to “be there” than you can imagine. If you would like to volunteer for a community project, your doubts about how you feel, about your abilities, begin “walking back” even before you arrive.
Sometimes it is more gracious and generous to “be there” than you can imagine...
When you were in school at a young age, the teacher would call your name, and you would say “Present.”
When you were in school at a young age, the teacher would call your name, and you would say “Present"...
In a time of great transforming movement and change, it may be heroic to be “present”… You are volunteering to be “present” at a time when that might be difficult or challenging. Cherish each step you take.
In a time of great transforming movement and change, it may be heroic to be “present”…
You may not know how to do what is asked of you. But you can be “present” first. All will follow.
If you greatly desire to help others, “showing up” sends a great message. You learn what to do after you officially say “present.” When you are volunteering as one person who’s come to help – or to be part of many people in a community of effort, you can say “present.” I am “present.”
If you greatly desire to help others, “showing up” sends a great message...
I am “Present” begins all things.
I am “Present” and I open my whole loving heart, begins the awareness of oneness – “I am you and you are me.” So, I am “present” today. I am willing to begin being “present” with you. I am willing to listen.
I am willing to not know and to hear what I have not heard before. I am willing to share from an open heart.
I am willing to not know and to hear what I have not heard before. I am willing to share from an open heart...
I am beginning to see at this point that I am “present” with all beings, though without awareness -- an acknowledgement of being human at a higher level.
I like practicing the mantra meditation, “Meditate on Love for All Beings” as many times as I can daily. But now I sense the power of “I am Present with All Beings.” That could be a new one. The power or excitement of energy of volunteering to be “present” -- to open my heart before others, and if I make a mistake. it is okay.
I am “present” to learn from my mistakes. I am willing to try this, even in my 80’s, to make mistakes or to perhaps be heroic simply by being “present.” It’s a step. I am 82 and I am “present”!
I am “present” to learn from my mistakes. I am willing to try this, even in my 80’s, to make mistakes or to perhaps be heroic simply by being “present"...
Now, you might see why I said in the beginning, even health is something you “volunteer” for. You “choose’ health. Your health is a great gift for others.
Health is something you “volunteer” for. You “choose’ health. Your health is a great gift for others...
You choose health or volunteer for health each day by your daily practices. Each moment walking, dancing, exercising – each kindness to others – makes you healthier. Each choice of greatly-cared-for, pure, pristine foodstuffs of Mother Earth to sustain you – be “present” in that choice. Volunteer for it.
Be “present” in the care or growing or preparation of foodstuffs and herbs and view health as your creation. Be “present” at the creation of your own health!
Be “present” in the service of others and you will find that all health on earth is inter-connected. It is also a kind of planetary health, an interplanetary health!
Be “present” in the service of others and you will find that all health on earth is inter-connected. It is also a kind of planetary health, an interplanetary health!...
Volunteering to be “present,” just that one step is such a great step together for all. Being there with one step.
- I am “present.”
- I volunteer to be “present” today for one step, one choice to be healthy.
- I volunteer to be healthy, to take more steps to be healthy on Earth, for Earth, as Earth.
- I am “present” – is a kind of mindfulness. It is a kindness. It is an aware choice. It is voluntary. It is heroic.
- I am “present” today, and now I take the first step…
Thus, you are a great cosmic “present”… As well as a great cosmic “presence”…
Thank you so much, Grandmother. I don’t say “thank you” enough. I will be “present” to say “thank you” more… To say “present,” with gratitude...
With great love for all the presents of Earth, the presence of Earth, I am your grandmother from Another Planet.
-- Grandmother from Another Planet
***Questions? Comments? Ideas?
Email: Sandra@RightBrainAerobics.com
Thank you for reading “Grandmother from Another Planet”!…
© S.H. Rodman - @SHRodman on Twitter/X, 19,000+ Followers
Photographic of Sandra Rodman - © S.H. Rodman
Featured Image: Gordon Johnson, Pixabay
A Tachyon Page Experiment in Progress. Coming Soon!
-- SHR
My Tachyon Adventures: Adventures of a Lifetime...
Where it started -- since the 1990's, working in technology, the idea of travel faster than the speed of light, tachyon particle, outside of our time-space limits, might enable an understanding of the connections between past and fture, the state or plane of higher dimensional life. I was instantly magnetized when I first read of Tachyon back then. A great desire was in place to study experience, understand "Tachyon" -- the faster-than-light particles. I read everything I could find. Only a couple of people would discuss Tachyon with me -- but this intriguing new journeys of study were coming, beginning with how to prove that tachyon existed. I moved from New York City to Redmond, Washington. I have been waiting ever since, when an unuaul event happened in Oct, 2023.
But in my wildest dreams I never expected to be able to enter such a Chamber -- or meditate in planes or realms of "tachyon," outside the rules of reality. Bliss and adventures ensued as I drove 81 miles a week at age 81 to get to the Tachyon Chamber. I kept saying like Jodie Foster in the movie "Contact" -- "There are no words! There are no words!" It is almost 2025. There are still "no words"!
A woman named Marlys Halvorson, quite an interesting an international experience, had gotten herself a full-size Tachyon Living Chamber and it was one hour away from me in Washington State. I was flabbergasted as there wasn't one like this for many states away.
Power Tachyon Chamber Video Tour - a full-size chamber of the Tachyon Living Chambers created by Holly Powers Matthews.
Knowing the step-by-step process at my age, was a wonderful introduction. I want to know what's going to happen. No surprises. I'd spent a whole year packing and moving in the highest stress. I wanted a REAL SERIOUS tour. This is a help.
First I had to accidentally discover that there WERE Tachyon Chambers. All by Accident.
A webinar was cancelled for which I'd paid -- and I got to hear a completely different presentation on "Tachyon." What? A 20 year search to know why Tachyon is very important to me -- I know one is involved in time-travel, time-perception, multidimensional awareness daily. But I wanted to know more of the science and instead a heard a doctor who'd co-created a Tachyon Chamber speak. It was a different Chamber than the one I experienced. None were nearby. I was so disappointed. It was October 2023.
It was all an accident. The speaker I wanted to hear became ill at the last minute. I had already paid -- and the substitute new speaker was announced. Dr. Joe they called him. He was going to speak on
This description of creating a Tachyon Chamber -- and what Tachyon is and how important it is right now -- was far beyond anything I imagined -- I thought he would talk about new science studies. I had NO IDEA this could be used for healing!
The speaker was a doctor and he talked about co-creating, years ago, a Tachyon Chamber experience that was a new kind of healing. There wered products created and experiences of the highest order of advanced consciousness research - my work!
I was shocked at such high serendipity. I then searched for Tachyon Chambers.
How can I get to one? By accident I discovered a DIFFERENT kind of Tachyon Chamber an hour away from me.A full size Tachyon Living Chamber in Washington State only an hour away... There wasn't another one for many states away! A miracle. It was called Power Tachyon, in Mt. Vernon.
How could we be so fortunate! By the end of Oct I was in a Tachyon Chamber...
Since then I would say that I've been so flabbergasted, gobsmacked, transported, feeling so much more love for all, being so much happier -- that
I was like Jodie Foster in the movie "Contact" -- "There are no words! There are no words!"
I went there for some healing and to experience Tachyon because I was always so intrigued by it.
I got the "Space Ship" -- my very own "Space Ship" I'd been dreaming of and focusing on in weekly Deep Meditation Roundtables. My Paranormal/ET ROundtable. A "Post It" on my work desk said "I WANT A SHIP"! Within a couple of weeks I had one.
Not sre how it works. But my intense left hip pain and knee pain were gone in two sessions.
But after the first 60 seconds of my visit, feeling this "cosmic space instantly" -- I realized that the healing wasn't why I was there.
- I was there for the SPACE SHIP.
- The adventure of a lifetime.
- Communing in the cosmos.
It was more truly like "being there" than anything I'd ever experienced! Than anything I could do in deepest meditation, interdimensional communication. I write/bring in creatively the "Grandmother from Another Planet" blog. I go deep.
This wasa whole other planet. It was very "real." It was more like "being there" than receiving messages and information. So adventurous -- new treks would appear. each week! Even a number of them dring 1 session!
- Visiting Star Cities.
- Healing via going inside a toroidal shape designed for healing...
- Speaking with, learning from, seeing my higher soul self -- who did NOT look like me really -- what? He-she was my guide. I felt comforted and guided -- and learned all sorts of exercises and meditations. I had insights about who I am, not possible to describe. I'm going again in 2 days. There will be new insights and experiences and adventures that change everything. This happens every time.
It was a confluence of events as I had meditated and taught Right Brain Aerobics for years, done sound meditation/healing, learned many kinds of energy healing and higher creative consciousness meditations, interdimensional communication like Star Talk Classes. But this felt REAL. A new PLACE. My father used to say "Time is just a place." He said this all the time. I found the place where Time is outside of our local region -- it is everywhere beyond light and so I am. I just get little glimpses. I'd LOVE to have a medium sized Tachyon Chamber at home. But I'm not sure I would know what to do about the continually shifting and morphing adventures! Every week I want to write a book! Next week a new book!
Some people relax, go to sleep. Some people tune into the HIGH BLISS greatly and tingle! Some people have pain go away or talk to a relative who passed over. A pet dog with arthritis seemed to move around comfortably once he had his own Tachyon Blanket on his pillow-bed.
I have unique experiences and visions in multidimensional or energy healing. Don't know if other people will go on space ships. But others experience great healing or go through their OWN Tachyon Journeys very differently.
However I was soon part of a circle of friends who were drawn to go back and back and back again!
It was different every week! I cold never keep up writing it all up -- I do take notes each time. But when I try to write up each adventure so much MORE comes, new adventures, new ideas, new creations -- even feeling Tachyon at home!
Writing this much today -- as I promised Marlys I would try to talk about "My Year in Tachyon" -- is the beginning...
After 14 months of travel in some kind of Tachyon Ship, at this point I call this things like:
- Tachyon University.
- Tachyon Love and Bliss Chamber.
- Tachyon Space Ship
- Tachyon Time Travel
- Tachyon Healing Journeys
- Tachyon Healing Ship
- Tachyon Happiness Chamber
- Tachyon Creativity Chamber -- like a big cosmic Right Brain Exercise. I began a whole new Art Series.
This is after over a year of going almost WEEKLY - driving by myself -- which I enjoy as I kind of meditate-with-trees on the way up and back, and messages and bliss start to come early.
In other ways, I call it:
- A Discovery Channel
- A Star Trek!
- First Contact!" I was feeling, sensing, "being there" with Things I'd dreamed of in meditation.
- Star Talk -- a class of planetary consciousness, star consciousness meditation each time.
- Higher Self Soul Star Communication!
- High Frequency Development Chamber. Learning and frequencies increased over the year. They are increasing again. It is constantly like a voyage into the farther reaches of the soul self, the star self, the exploration of all that is spiritual, loving the lands beyond -- but we know them well and have only to be there..
- The Most Creative Experience of my life. A Creativity Chamber!
How is this possible? There is no technology, in that it has no electricity -- it runs even if power is out. I'm looking constantly to see exactly what it is that creates such a portal. A giant pyramid is above you (it has many crystal rods aligned with huge crystal balls on tables, 6 of them around the chair -- aligned somehow with ley lines. 4 Tachyon Rods -- which seem like antennae themse.ves I believe it is the 6 giant crystal balls and alignment with ley lines. And the UNUSUAL EXPERIENCE OF HOLLY POWERS MATTHEWS which led to receiving the instructions on how to create this, when she knew nothing of technology.
THIS is a very interesting video of Holly Powers Matthews describing this "angelic" experience -- it is stunning. The video is on her home page.
Holly & Paris's interview on YouTube (TBD)
Holly's website, Tachyon Living (TBD)
Again - other people may not experience anything or fall asleep. But others do. Even animals can. One woman talked about being in an experience of being with her departed relative, as if he were there with her. I experienced being with my brother, as if he and his higher soul were there and we can have remarkable conversations. My best sound meditation at home does not reach this state -- though it can be phenomenal.
This is another planet.
Part 2
Bliss and Happiness Features!!
The first step into the chamber -- was the highest bliss I'd ever experienced in my life, which I needed after a year-long move. I had to wait a while to drive. I had met my higher soul self -- who facilitated my trip to experience a space ship. It was so extraordinary and felt so real. Unlike my deep meditations, I felt like I was there. But so deep and intense I said out loud: "Whoa! What is this??"
Something extraordinary happened the next day, the first trip. I don't know how this happened.
- I was very happy. I was 81 and I suddenly felt like dancing and making art - even wondering, "How come I feel so happy??"
- I started reorganizing every room and work project. This is not how things work in your 80's. I'm still doing it at 82.
- I remembered the speaker saying that Tachyon takes things "from chaos to order." I just didn't know this wold happen to me.
- My meditation was so deep, my "contact" so real -- that I began to try to replicate this at home. I missed it when I wasn't there.
- I had somehow "made friends" with this "Tachyon" -- a consciousness? I did not want to be away - yet it was a long and costly trip. I meditated on this and somehow, a way was made to come back again. And again and again and again for more than a year!
- 2 adventurous friends went with me the first time -- they too had unusual experiences and wanted to go back. 2 other friends too. Thus we gradually became a kind of Tachyon party. Then another friend came and her husband. She, as I did, wanted to start reorganizing her home the next day -- and dancing and playing the piano. Impromptu. We had a weekly parade.
The second trip in Nov., I had terrible hip and knee pain, the whole left side inflammed. After the Tachyon Session it felt about half gone! So much better.
But that wasn't why I went. I went for the SPACE SHIPS and COSMIC TRIPS and my HIGHER SOUL SELF CONVERSATIONS. I was having the adventure of my life!! When you start the "adventure of your life" at 80 and feel happiness and bliss expanding vigorously, PAY ATTENTION.
Two weeks later the hip and knee pain were gone.