When you begin to meditate in highest sound frequencies,* you will ask yourself: Why do I see these orbs, drones, mirrors of light in the sky? What is my purpose? Human consciousness of 8 billion beings is vast, powerful, creative. It creates and perceives together. It is also Earth consciousness…
Who are you to be seeing new lights in the sky, moving by? Different origins and purposes, different stories?...
Can this story playing out be seen from other star civilizations far away? Can the lights of your consciousness watching lights in the sky, be seen from far away? What is the story of consciousness you are telling?...
When a human being on Earth in the sky looks up and sees orbs, spheres, drones, planes, ships, satellites – should you not ask: Who am I that I see this? Why do I see this? For what purpose do I see this?...
Sometimes it is seeing the lights in the sky from within that is a kind of “super information” to add to what you see of lights in the sky in physical vision…
Report Writing, Sharing – of higher and higher frequency meditation experiences or communications is key to developing higher and higher creative-intuitive-telepathic human communication…
-- Grandmother from Another Planet
Enjoy “Grandmother from Another Planet on Why Are We Seeing So Many Lights, Orbs in the Skies? Meditation on Interdimensional Consciousness.” Spontaneous, improvisational, meditative mind state, automatic creative writing of 12-20-24, posted 12-30-24 © S.H. Rodman.

“Grandmother on Why Are We Seeing So Many Lights & Orbs in the Skies? Meditation on Interdimensional Consciousness”
SHR: Grandmother, why are we seeing so many lights, spheres, drones, orbs in the skies now?
What would you like to see?
Where would you like to go?
(I sense she intends this as a “Meditation.” Write your answers. It has something to do with shifting to a conscious perception of knowledge or telepathic communication within, linked even to information about lights, orbs, spheres, drones, and other lights in the skies.)
The understanding, the consciousness which receives and sees the tiny orbs of light is part of each orb of light: Human consciousness completes the transaction… Human consciousness, wondering at itself.
The understanding, the consciousness which receives and sees the tiny orbs of light is part of each orb of light: Human consciousness completes the transaction…
When you begin to meditate in highest sound frequencies,* you will ask yourself: Why do I see these orbs, drones, mirrors of light in the sky? What is my purpose? Human consciousness of 8 billion beings is vast, powerful, creative. It creates and perceives together. It is also Earth consciousness…
Why do I see these orbs, drones, mirrors of light in the sky? What is my purpose?...
If you do not just seek to interpret answers from leaders and their organizations, but meditate within at the highest frequency levels, you will find new information – and that your heart, your love, your strongest motivations are in each “story” or “reason” given for the sightings of “light” – no matter what the theory of its origin. It is your perception, your frequencies and responses, that matter.
SHR: In a way, the orbs, drones, spheres of light of many kinds that we’re seeing, are a mirror, a reflection, a creation of human consciousness and intention at some level?
Ask yourself, what are these lights in the sky? Why am I seeing them now? What is my relationship with them?
Ask yourself, what are these lights in the sky? Why am I seeing them now? What is my relationship with them?...
Do not assume that your field of discovery lies only within the 3rd dimension. It might be far beyond. Your consciousness expanding to 4th and 5th densities or dimensions – these are different.
Where your imagination goes, your heart will follow.
Where your imagination goes, your heart will follow...
Remember: All is a “Gift”… What is this Gift?
Remember: All is a “Gift.” What is this Gift?...
SHR: We are all looking up in the sky… All 8 billion of us. That is a great gift. When we look up in the sky, we do not look down at small screens. We are looking at the cosmic universe and wondering. A very good state or lens to look at the universe moving before us, in us – telling stories.
Many of you are saying “I don’t know what this is.” Reporters, writers, observers from governing or researching bodies or citizens groups are expressing theories about what the “lights in the sky” that seem to be moving just above – really are. Why are they here? Why am I seeing them? If you call them “drones,” then what are these drones?
Who are you, that you can see new lights in the sky, moving by? Different origins and purposes, different stories.
Can this story playing out be seen from other star civilizations far away? Can the lights of your consciousness watching lights in the sky, be seen from far away? What is the story of consciousness you are telling?
Can this story playing out be seen from other star civilizations far away?...
SHR: Might it be that the answer within is the most important answer, the pursuit of answers within, even about lights and orbs and spheres and “ships” in the sky… It is moving us to look within as we are not having anyone step forward yet who will say positively and with confidence: I know what this is. I know who this is. There are theories but there is openness to possibilities. Because no one on Earth in public is willing to say: “I know what this is – here’s the true story.”
Is there a true story of you and the lights in the sky? You personally saw and continue to see a “moving light” in the sky above you, every night, that you called a “UFO” – always, there, always moving within a certain range, or appearing to stand still – looking like a star beside other stars.
Is there a true story of you and the lights in the sky?...
When a human being on Earth in the sky looks up and sees orbs, spheres, drones, planes, ships, satellites – should you not ask: Who am I that I see this? Why do I see this? For what purpose do I see this?
There is also not further questioning: Are birds seeing this? Do whales leaping above the waters see this? Do all animals and plants see this? How would we know? Is this part of Earth’s physical evolutions of consciousness in some way?
Now I suggest a meditation:
Today, Meditate on Love for the Earth and All Beings. Meditate on the Lights in the Sky, What do I know? Meditate on a Symbol, Picture, Image, Sound or other sense of what the lights in the sky are? What is their origin?
Do this 5 times. Such as:
Level 1: Do this meditation. Then write or draw what you see, a story, symbol, image, sound appearing.
Repeat to 5 levels with high frequency sound – such as these: Meditation Sound.
Now, meditate on the patterns you see.
Whatever you write or draw, there is a pattern. Meditate on the pattern seen from within, with the eyes closed.
Sometimes it is seeing the lights in the sky from within that is a kind of “super information” to add to what you see of lights in the sky in physical vision.
This is a meditation that we do not often do. I suggest doing it after every meditation of every kind!
Act as if your higher creative intelligence, your higher soul star self, where asking you: “What is your report?” What would you say? Write your report to your higher creative intelligence, your higher soul star self. “Report out.”
Report Writing, Sharing – of higher and higher frequency meditation experiences or communications is key to developing higher and higher creative-intuitive-telepathic human communication.
This is step one. The next step is Interdimensional Communication, Telepathy -- recognizing that you are an interdimensional being, an interdimensional spiritual soul, and all knowledge is within.
With the greatest love for you and all of your Lights in the Sky, I am your Grandmother from Another Planet!
-- Grandmother from Another Planet
© 2024, S.H. Rodman
*Highest Sound Frequency Links for Meditation, on the Grandmother from Another Planet web site. Meditation Sound.
***Questions? Comments? Ideas?
Email: Sandra@RightBrainAerobics.com
Thank you for reading “Grandmother from Another Planet”!…
© S.H. Rodman - @SHRodman on Twitter/X, 19,000+ Followers
Photographic of Sandra Rodman - © S.H. Rodman
Featured Image: ninikvaratskhelia on Pixabay