“Be the adventurer, suspect new possibilities!”
Grandmother from another Planet on the Secret to Understanding the Paranormal and UFOs
“Until you explore your own unknown inner reality–higher dimensional reality–you cannot understand the paranormal or ‘UFO’ mysteries.”
Grandmother on How to Discover Richness and Joy in Each Being: The Treasure Hunt
“When the stories and passion, treasured abilities, love of mysteries begin to flood out, you will find yourself mesmerized at times.”
Grandmother on the Power of Past and Future Life Intelligence
“The point is not past life memories and documentation. It is past life intelligence…”
Grandmother on “The Invisible Solution”: What Are We Missing?
“It will be useful to understand that what you are seeking is a new ‘reality’ and not just a ‘solution’.”
“Grandmother on Dreaming Together: How to Meet those Who Dream the Same Dreams You Dream. Are You a Dream??
“Seek the dream and the dream will seek you. You never know who it will be.”
Grandmother on a Time of Great Reconnections Across the Earth, Time, and Space…
“Always remember as this time comes, that ‘you’ are ‘the great reconnection’ of all the times and places and families – and begin to ready your heart and soul.”
Grandmother on Where’s My Map? Seeing Invisible Places, Hearing Unheard Symphonies
“Which planet,” you ask? Let me get my map… Ever feel like you can’t find your map? Like the world has changed and you don’t have a map?
Grandmother on the One Heartbeat that Will Change the World Quickly!
“Could it be that to change the world quickly, you must recognize that you are the conflict you wish to bridge with peace?”
Grandmother on ET Communication: Open Doorways in Higher Creative Mind & Heart to Create New Earth, New Bridges, New Cosmic Civilizations
“Can you spare an hour for the creation of a New Earth?…”
Grandmother on Divided Families Have a Great Deal to Offer Each Other — Personal Growth as Star Family Citizens
“Your mission: To become a whole civilization which is loving and caring, which is healing for others so that you can help other, younger civilizations.”
Grandmother on Love Every Single Thing in Your Environment to Transform its Energies!
“This is Problem Solving 101: LOVE. You must love the problem you are trying to solve!”
Grandmother on Let Go of Worry & Shift to Higher Loving Mind: Becoming a “Galactic Citizen”
“‘Deep sound,’ by itself, played for 5 minutes with no particular purpose, will begin to alleviate this tense, anxious ‘time loop.'”
Grandmother on the Power of the Dream State for Learning and Life!
“I would suggest to you that there is great power in recognizing and experiencing what it is like to be ‘an intentional dreamer.”
Grandmother on 7 Steps and 7 Senses: Expanding Your Highest Creative Intelligence for These Times
“This is actually a series of meditative exercises on expanding your higher creative intelligence.”