Can we enter Higher Dimensional Intelligence Meditation States as a practice? Work with self-teaching, self-transformation, gestalt psychology of the self at a much higher level of being? With greater love, …
Grandmother on Extraterrestrial Contact
“This business of extraterrestrial and extradimensional communication is self-discovery, with the deepest love.” — Grandmother from Another Planet Enjoy “Grandmother on Extraterrestrial Contact,” Recorded 1/23/20, Posted 1/24/20, 16 minutes, 26 …
Grandmother on 2 Steps to Increase Higher Consciousness Communication Ability
A powerful set of steps, explaining the impact of this kind of Higher Consciousness Communication ability and a daily practice of deep meditation with alpha-theta state sound. A very different …
Grandmother on the Power of Higher Consciousness Communication Ability
Communication via human consciousness across time and space? Across cultures, belief systems, and realities? The idea that deep meditation state practices could increase communication abilities not only across dimensions, but …
Grandmother on You Have the Right to Dream a New World!
“You have the right to dream a new world for yourself! And you have the right to dream a new world for a whole planet of beings — a whole star system of beings, of peoples of many origins – for all of the life on this planet!”
Grandmother on a 2019 Holiday Greeting and the Most Important Thing about 2020
Our next year may be much more powerful than we ever imagined… Just what are our “higher dimensional abilities” — and why may these higher creative abilities begin to appear in 2020? …
Grandmother on Transforming Life and Location in Times of Speedy Evolution
What is “Speedy Evolution”? And is it happening to you? Feel like you’re in the midst of it? One challenge or test after another, not knowing which way to turn …
Grandmother on When You Worry about the Details, You Miss the Details
Should we take a rest from the “details” of daily life — in order to relax and allow the details to resolve themselves? When we worry about the small details, …
Grandmother on What Do You Know that You Don’t Know You Know–and How to Know It
Click Audio Player to Play “Grandmother on What Do You Know that You Don’t Know that You Know–and How to Know It,” Recorded/Posted 11-27-19, 10 minutes, 52 seconds. You can …
Grandmother on Consider an Hour a Day of Wild Imagination
Imagine that your imagination of solutions and your love for others can extend an infinite distance Consider what an hour a day — a commitment to an hour a day …
Grandmother on You Are Your Thoughts and Communication in a Very Real Way
A powerful message about the power of every thought, every communication — about the power of meditation and contemplation, silent time to understand the world, the cosmos, our very being, …
3) Grandmother on I Am the Dimension I Occupy 10-17-19
(NOTE: THREE RECORDINGS IN A ROW THE EVENING OF 10-17-18. A powerful message in the 3 combined. Listen in sequence for the whole message: “1) Grandmother on Want to Change …
2) Grandmother on When You Change You, You Change Reality 10-17-19
(NOTE: THREE RECORDINGS IN A ROW THE EVENING OF 10-17-18. A powerful message in the 3 combined. Listen in sequence for the whole message: “1) Grandmother on Want to Change …
1) Grandmother on Want to Change the Timeline? It Is You… 10-17-19
(NOTE: THREE RECORDINGS IN A ROW THE EVENING OF 10-17-18. A powerful message in the 3 combined. Listen in sequence for the whole message: “1) Grandmother on Want to Change …
Grandmother on What’s Your Real Address?
I was focused today on “addresses”… and how where you live can influence your work and even interdimensional perception. I then asked for a message for today about The Family …