"Grandmother on Opening the Heart as One Family: Telling the Stories of Truth as Freeing and Healing"
You may “balance” and “align” with higher vibrational reality constructs and matrices by opening the heart; by purposefully meditating on love in higher states; love for all beings; compassion for all beings.
This has a tremendous balancing and freeing effect. This can “heal the upset stomach.” This can ameliorate feelings of jealousy or rage, focusing for long periods on this deeper love. Understanidng comes when that is the focus, that playing of vibrations.
There is no mystery about planetary-civilization consciousness when it is focused on family and love, all beings as family, all beings must by loved. Then there is no confusion.
Nothing is very complicated when you are open-hearted and treat every being as you would want to be treated.
At this time, great creativity can be born and even rebirth is possible, from deeper forgiveness, compassion, and seeing “right action.” All of the karmic actions which appear to you to be greatly harmful to others – when you enter higher states of oneness, “I am you, and you are me,” all of the drama and all of the actions are seen as part of as higher-dimensional-level lessons and soul growth; where the light in you is incredibly creative consciousness of light.
And universal expansion capability can grow exponentially from an exponential challenge.
It is a time to explore creativity beyond your wildest dreams. It is a time for you to focus intently on your dreams in a context of truth. And there is much truth. There are many, many stories yet to come -- as it is this time of revelations of the soul.
Be comforted by knowing that this time will come, and this time will be over. And the psyche of humanity on Earth will be decorated with the truth, which is understood in the context of love and compassion for all who have come forward with their truths. For all who stand up for their truths as one; as one.
And the psyche of humanity on Earth will be decorated with the truth...
You are one. We are one. Reach out farther to reach each other.
You are one. We are one. Reach out farther to reach each other.
Be there, for those who are fearful or upset by great change, when you can be there for them as you would want someone to be there for you. This is creativity drawn of great need for balancing the hearts of all beings, and assuring that every story is told in truth, and every truth is reconciled in action; every truth is reconciled in action. Healing cannot begin until every truth is told; every truth is reconciled in loving action, together as one family.
Now there are sisters and brothers across this star system and galaxy, all working toward similar goals, all part of this creative construct, and the psychological geometries of higher consciousness -- integrated, interconnected, interstellar consciousness.
This is to be greatly explored with the highest creative mind, open to all possibilities, as you reach out to be of service to others. Creating new lives is done by desiring a balanced and beautiful and just and warm and caring civilization, such that all beings are treated as you would want to be treated; all beings live as you would want to live; all beings are taken care of.
It is in the soul of this time, that your soul will grow. You are challenged for a powerful and primordial reason, and all of the tools that you need will be provided.
Many civilizations stand with you in this transformational time, when human consciousness and form take on new shape and new dimension.
You are very blessed beings. Your time of the greatest creativity ever known for human consciousness – is now.
With great love for you, with great appreciation of your families that go back for so many billions of years to the origins… I am Grandmother from Another Planet.
-- Grandmother from Another Planet
Photo Credit: Image by Daniel Reche from Pixabay.