Grandmother from Another Planet on the Greatest Thing about “Confusion” — You Aren’t Locked into Habit: Discovering What You Truly Want in Times of Great Change

In ADVANCED-CONSCIOUSNESS, Audio, Grandmother Blogs, MEDITATION, Self-Development by Sandra Rodman


The greatest thing about "confusion" is that you can recognize that you are in a time when the "rules" don't apply in the same way...

That is a great gift to find that feeling in you, that place in you where you feel that you are the same as your neighbor, even if your neighbor is thousands of miles away, or in the case of neighbors on other planets, millions of light years away...

It is a great thing when a time of change interrupts these habits...

Think of this as a time of re-translation -- as a time of increasing your awareness of what your personal culture really is, what is truly important to you! 

In some recent experiences, we found people very attracted to "freedom" who might have begun the quest of "What do I truly want?" with healing. But that really wasn't what they truly wanted most...

You may have no idea whatsoever what you truly want - until you sit down and contemplate it!...

 Every time you think of a choice of something you truly want at a deeper and deeper level, and you write and draw it, which brings it into the 3rd dimensional reality, you change planet Earth, and you change your life!... 

The joy of the "confusions" may be the ultimate joy of all joys!...

-- Grandmother from Another Planet, S.H. Rodman


Enjoy "Grandmother on the Greatest Thing about 'Confusion' -- You Aren't Locked into Habit: Discovering What You Truly Want in Times of Great Change," Recorded 7-5-21, Posted 7-10-21.

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Click Audio Player to play "Grandmother on the Greatest Thing about 'Confusion' -- You Aren't Locked into Habit: Discovering What You Truly Want in Times of Great Change," Recorded 7-5-21, Posted 7-10-21, 12 minutes, 40 seconds. S.H. Rodman.

"Grandmother from Another Planet on the Greatest Thing about 'Confusion -- You Aren't Locked into Habit: Discovering What You Truly Want in Times of Great Change"


This is Grandmother from Another Planet. And this is July 5th in the year 2021 on Earth.

These are times of great "confusion" and chaos, times of such great change, such great cultural and spiritual and geological change...change in how to define yourself as a human being on a human being on Earth in this star system of your sun star, in this galaxy.

And I would like to give you a gift and tell you about the greatest thing about "confusion." When you experience a period of "confusion" and chaos in the world and that comes home to you --, you feel "confused" about many things -- it is happening because the rules and the habits which have formed the structure of your life have suddenly changed, and not just for you -- for everyone!

When you experience a period of "confusion" and chaos in the world and that comes home to you --, you feel "confused" about many things -- it is happening because the rules and the habits which have formed the structure of your life have suddenly changed, and not just for you -- for everyone!...

In a sense, from day-to-day, year-to-year, everyone is a bit "confused" -- who before might have seemed like they were certain of what was happening and what was going to happen. Now there is a new rule, a rule of "confusion." This is different than "distortion." It is different from "the inability to understand."

You understand quite clearlyThe rules have changed. You cannot count on any "habit" remaining a clear, habitual pathway because it could change next week. And many things you considered habitual pathways and lifestyles have already changed.

So, the greatest thing about "confusion" is that you can recognize that you are in a time when the "rules" don't apply in the same way.

So, the greatest thing about "confusion" is that you can recognize that you are in a time when the "rules" don't apply in the same way...

It is a time of chaos and "different" order. It is not that the "rules of order" have changed. It's that there are many rules of order, and you don't know which to pick. And you are therefore "confused." And each day you must pick a new identity - "Who shall I be today?" "Which rules, despite all the debates and the conflict, shall I follow on this Tuesday?" Do you see?

This is a tremendous gift that you would even be considering what rules to follow (!), as part of your daily meditation on life...that part that precedes your deciding what you will do today. This is a tremendous gift. It is forcing everyone on Earth to contemplate "today" in a "non-habitual" way. That's new!

Now, being "confused" about this is the greatest thing of all because it means you have not "cemented" your decisions in an unchangeable way as you did in prior decades. It means that there is still some "possibility" because you are confused about choices and aren't certain about choices! Do you see?

You might re-translate the word "confusion" to: "I've been given many, many choices which I was not given before! What shall I do?" This is a wonderful thing... Always your mind and brain and spirit are stretched into new imagination if you are offered more and more choices. Things that before seemed easy to choose -- now, you have to choose different words, different stores, different health parameters, different foods perhaps, to make yourself more "healthy"? But what does that mean? And what is truly "healthy"? Again, you are "confused."

Always your mind and brain and spirit are stretched into new imagination if you are offered more and more choices...

This kind of unstable, surreal "you" -- is a growth period for the soul. And the one consistent thing in this period can be the great love that you feel for yourself and others. And taking that time to begin your day contemplating loving yourself and affirming yourself for going through this time of great change and chaos and still having feelings of love and desiring to be of service to others. That is a great gift to find that feeling in you, that place in you where you feel that you are the same as your neighbor, even if your neighbor is thousands of miles away, or in the case of neighbors on other planets, millions of light years away.

It is a great thing when a time of change interrupts these habits.

It is a great thing when a time of change interrupts habits...

Think of this as a time of re-translation -- as a time of increasing your awareness of what your personal culture really is, what is truly important to you! I would strongly suggest the deep contemplation and meditation on what is truly important to you.

Think of this as a time of re-translation -- as a time of increasing your awareness of what your personal culture really is, what is truly important to you!...

I suggest that you begin, as we often do with "levels" in our meditations, in order to deepen the level of concentration and focus on different planes or parameters of information flow or self-knowledge. And that you meditate upon this perhaps a few minutes or meditate "Level 1, Level 2, Level 3." Do you see?

Meditate upon your choices -- "What are my choices today?"

Meditate on "What do I truly want?" That is a very powerful meditation at this time...

"I am meditating on what I truly want, Level 1." And then you actually write or draw this.

"I am meditating on what I truly want -- or even who I want to be -- Level 2." And then you write or draw this. And you do this for 5 levels. You repeat the words exactly because you will find that what you truly want will change once you have written down the choice. You will think of more choices.


(Note: Use these kinds of sounds, for example, to go deeper for this meditation: -- or ... Sample of meditation:

"I am meditating on what I truly want (or who I truly want to be), Level 1." See what comes. Pause between levels. Write or draw what comes. Go to the next level.

"I am meditating on what I truly want (or who I truly want to be), Level 2." Pause. Write or draw what comes.

"I am meditating on what I truly want (or who I truly want to be), Level 3." Pause. Write or draw what comes.

"I am meditating on what I truly want (or who i truly want to be), Level 4." Pause. Write or draw what comes.

"I am meditating on what I truly want (or who I truly want to be), Level 5." Pause. Write or draw what comes. (And then as many levels as you like.)


Allow yourself to do this freely and for as many choices and levels as you would like -- in fact, making it a whole painting or drawing or geometries, "connecting the dots" of you and what you truly want. This will surprise you.

In some of our recent experiences, we have found people very attracted to 'freedom" who might have begun the quest of "what do I truly want?" with healing. But that really wasn't what they truly wanted most. You're after, "What do you truly want most?" And that's why a time of "confusing" choices is so exciting because you might consider more than one choice.

You're after, "What do you truly want most?" And that's why a time of "confusing" choices is so exciting because you might consider more than one choice...

And in the past, you didn't really feel you had a choice. You were somewhat "hemmed in" or even "imprisoned" or "confined" to such a small number of choices or one choice, that you barely know who you were. Now, everyone is experiencing a "confusion" of many choices. Welcome this! Honor it and celebrate it.

Find joy in meditating upon these choices and see if new choices and new possibilities of things that you might create in your life -- brings "spring" to your years and your matter what your age. 

Even a 7-year-old can appreciate new ideas about who they are and what they want. Perhaps they don't want the same things they wanted last year. Even a 27-year-old may not want the same things they wanted last year. A 47-year-old might not want the same things they wanted last year. A 57-year-old may not want the same things they wanted last year at all! A 67-year-old is contemplating 70. And a 77-year-old is contemplating a new freedom, new discoveries.

You may have no idea whatsoever what you truly want - until you sit down and contemplate it! Trust me, you don't know what you truly want until you think about the many choices.

You may have no idea whatsoever what you truly want - until you sit down and contemplate it!...

In a way, this is an exercise in the creation of reality. Every time you think of a choice of something you truly want at a deeper and deeper level, and you write and draw it, which brings it into the 3rd dimensional reality, you change planet Earth, and you change your life!

In a way, this is an exercise in the creation of reality...

And you can become so excited by this, that instead of feeling multiple choices as "confusion," you view them as excitement! "Oh, my, there are 50 choices now where before I only had a few! Oh, my goodness!" They are just in different realms. And they are at different levels of "knowing yourself."

So, you might say the deeper your meditations and the deeper your "knowing of yourself," the more exciting life can become! The more exciting love can become! And you can find yourself with a great deal more love and joy in your life than you imagined possible! That is a great thing indeed!

So, you might say the deeper your meditations and the deeper your "knowing of yourself," the more exciting life can become! The more exciting love can become!...

The joy of the "confusions" may be the ultimate joy of all joys!

The joy of the "confusions" may be the ultimate joy of all joys!...

With great love and joy I have come to you today, and I send you great love, great appreciation, and great admiration -- I am Grandmother from Another Planet.

-- Grandmother from Another Planet

S.H. Rodman


Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay