When there is to be a great change for a planetary world of life, the energy of that transcending formulation of energy and being appears within, without awareness at first…
Before you realize that you are becoming something new, you have already become something new…
You recognize that you did not know higher love before, and wonder how you missed it, so strong is it within you. You recognize that a kind of self-healing has happened, yet you did not know it was happening…
Creating that which you come here to create effortlessly, your eyes see what they did not see before…
The winds of change you see are the winds of change within. It is your breath, your presence and being which you recognize…
The presence and vision, the creations you seek in dreams, live within you…
You will emerge in being. Love opens every secret doorway.
You will emerge as a new world…
-- Grandmother from Another Planet
Grandmother's Answer to My Question Is Below this Introduction.
Is there a different physics for higher dimensional human consciousness? Interdimensional communication?
How is “special relativity,” Einstein's statement re: the future has already happened – related to higher dimensional consciousness and communications, faster-than-the-speed-of-light particles (tachyon)? And my feeling a super sense of well-being and happiness increasing at 81??
This Grandmother article is an esoteric, oracular puzzle, an answer to deep questions that have been troubling me, that I did not know how to ask. How can things be better in the world? How can things change? Will it take forever? Will I be different? Will you be different? Yet I have been feeling a greater uplifting of happiness, calm, deeper meditations of joy, of forgiveness, of love-that-goes-beyond-what I knew-as-love-before. I did not expect it.
But I have increased high frequency sound meditations and more…a Tai Chi slow-meditative-walking exercise given by an unusual cranio-sacral teacher, scaler wave sessions, and this year discovering experiential tachyon (concentrated faster-than-light-particles in a sound/music/meditation chamber) -- higher consciousness experiences. I simply did not expect to feel such a different “sense of well-being” at 81, or to be so grateful, to see the possibility of “new worlds,” both joyful and real.
I’m glad I asked the illogical "far out" question. The best kind. It is easy to speak of “new worlds.” Now I see that a great deal of guidance will be necessary – a lot of meditative self-teaching -- as we begin to experience different dimensional energies. And that it is my sense of “presence and possibilities” at 81 that is going through massive change. How could this be? A rare and different explanation of “new worlds” we might dream of or wish for! The description coincides with what I am experiencing.
There is a lovely quote in “Young Sheldon” Season 3, I think Episode 10…about Einstein saying that “the future has already happened.” Would higher awareness of that cause a sensation of well-being? Even without the details of a future that has already happened – perhaps a feeling of expanded “wholeness,” a new sense of “place”? If the future has already happened, who are you then and what can you see?
(Stack Exchange - Physics Forum Commenter: “According to Special Relativity (Einstein), has the future already happened? … According to special relativity, a photon traveling at the speed of light (or faster, like tachyons), does not ‘experience’ time. It is traveling into the future at an infinite rate, right?” https://physics.stackexchange.com/questions/278870/according-to-special-relativity-has-the-future-already-happened/
BBC: “Physics suggests that the future has already happened” -- https://www.bbc.com/reel/video/p04s223f/physics-suggests-that-the-future-has-already-happened
SHR: The “faster than light” sense (tachyon is called “faster than the speed of light particles) – the sense that time is expanding without boundaries and you are part of it…is magnetically intriguing and even blissful a bit for me. I will create a NEW SECTION on the Grandmother Website for Tachyon, Scaler Waves, higher and higher frequency sound meditation, interdimensional communication, other interdimensional experiences that can be explored.)
Enjoy “Grandmother on Opening the Secret Doorways of New Worlds.” Spontaneous, improvisational, meditative mind state, automatic creative writing of 6-24-24, posted 6-24-24. © S.H. Rodman

“Grandmother on Opening the Secret Doorways of New Worlds”
SHR: Where are the new worlds? How do they appear?
When there is to be a great change for a planetary world of life, the energy of that transcending formulation of energy and being appears within, without awareness at first. A journey of a lighter soul begins in a heart of love.
Before you realize that you are becoming something new, you have already become something new. You will begin to be aware of unusual abilities “in residence.” Unlike a new skill that must be learned, there is a new identity of the heart, a desire to help others see what you are seeing, feel what you are feeling, be comforted, be healed -- healed intrinsically. You do not want them to suffer, when they could see, love, and glow in life as naturally as the sun glows.
Before you realize that you are becoming something new, you have already become something new...
Comes upon you a recognition of a higher self and a higher existence that might be your calling. You are not called to go to a new path, to open a new doorway -- you recognize that you are already on the new path, walking in ancient and future steps that you did not see before, and the doorway is already open because your heart of hearts is open. You have recognized something new. It is what you are. You are all beings.
You recognize that you did not know higher love before, and wonder how you missed it, so strong is it within you. You recognize that a kind of self-healing has happened, yet you did not know it was happening.
You have become the steps, the new worlds you wished for, the new abilities you dreamed of, and realize that they are not new at all. They are ancient, they are future, they flow within…
You do not take steps so much as the steps take you, and you have become what you always were but did not know it.
You do not take steps so much as the steps take you, and you have become what you always were but did not know it...
The new worlds appear in recognition of what has already happened. They are part of awakening, loving that which is life. The beings walking along beside you have always been in your heart but you had not opened your heart.
If you would see in the higher dimensions, open the heart, not the eyes. Feel that you have always been here, within love, recognizing that it is an ancient identity… to breathe, to know a future identity and reclaim it. It is to know that the ultimate seeing is “I am you and you are me,” the love of all beings as yourself, and that is the identity of higher realms…
If you would see in the higher dimensions, open the heart, not the eyes...
Be ready to breathe life into your creations and magnificent webs of that which was already created, recognized in you. It is not a new world which comes. It is a new world which you are, a new world of becoming the dream you are seeking…
Creating that which you come here to create effortlessly, your eyes see what they did not see before.
You may feel a “presence” around you which you did not feel before. The new world is a “presence,” a part of you that is within and alight as it emerges. Do not hunt for new worlds of love beyond you. Look for new worlds of light and memories, winds of change, within.
The winds of change you see are the winds of change within. It is your breath, your presence and being which you recognize.
The winds of change you see are the winds of change within...
When you say “Oh, this is a new world!” – it is you breathing from the beginning…present…as you open the ancient and future libraries of stars in a vortex of life becoming worlds, worlds becoming life.
It is about who you are. The entrance to the new worlds is the vision, the compassion, the forgiveness, the love within the love within the love within until you know that the unusual comforting, warming presence all around you, is you. And when you love with all your heart and soul, you are forever becoming the new worlds which birth universes.
The presence and vision, the creations you seek in dreams, live within you. It is you that you want to explore. Within are the fields and cornucopias of pure light and joy. They do not “come,” these new worlds, they emerge from the heart of hearts, the soul of souls…
The presence and vision, the creations you seek in dreams, live within you...
Each path to recognize this presence within you is the greatest university of time and space. Relish it!
There is a vaster joy of being within than you can imagine – beyond that which you now seek only without.
Joy of being is the ultimate creation of all being. Where does it come from? Where does it go?
You will emerge in being. Love opens every secret doorway.
You will emerge as a new world…
You will emerge in being. Love opens every secret doorway.
You will emerge as a new world…
With the greatest love for you and your new world, your heart of hearts, I am your Grandmother from Another Planet…
-- Grandmother from Another Planet
“Speak the truth of you. You do not need to explain truth. Simply be in love.”
***Questions? Comments? Ideas? Email: Sandra@RightBrainAerobics.com
Thank you for reading “Grandmother from Another Planet”!…
© S.H. Rodman - @SHRodman on Twitter/X, 19,000+ Followers
Photographic of Sandra Rodman - © S.H. Rodman
New World Networks Image Credit: Pixabay License #3213667_1920 - Geralt