“Many children and those growing young in this society are looking to you for a model. Be the model of love. Be the model which takes the time to meditate upon love for all beings.”
“Grandmother on Taking a Walk in Nature in 3 Ways: Expanding Imagination and Sense of Beauty”
“You can walk in nature in your mind, with vivid imagination. This will have multiple effects and intersections with what you may perceive as “other realities.” So, let us begin. You are, with your eyes closed, approaching the entrance to a very large forest of evergreen trees – very, very, very, very tall evergreen trees. And there is a path. You make your own path, walking amongst the trees.”
“Grandmother on Be a Beacon, Shine Your Light: The Power of Higher Human Intelligence”
This is a time of powerful catalyst events. The higher human mind is very energized by catalyst events.
In effect, you will be “rising to the occasion.” The great catalyst events of “mystery,” of the “unknown,” provide even greater energetic environments to activate higher energetic practices, experience, and the practical use of higher human intelligence in daily life and conversation.
“Grandmother on Move Forward with Your Mission Even During a Pandemic or Great Challenge”
“Do not allow any actions, events, or self-doubts to hamper your work, your sense of mission as being very important.”
“Grandmother on You Are an Interstellar Being. Time to Get Creative!”
“Can ideas from an “extraterrestrial” view be very helpful at this time, to imagine the future? Or re-investigate the past, “thinking way seriously out of the box”…?”
Grandmother from Another Planet: During a Pandemic, a Monumental Time to Shift Identities. You Are Not Walking Alone
“I would like to challenge you to become the person, during this time and for all time, that others are very happy to see coming! This is such a gift, in itself, to make that effort, to be that person. But to do this during a pandemic in which communication is challenged — is above and beyond the call of duty. “
Grandmother from Another Planet on How Can I Plan or Change My Life Now? The Joy Lists
“At this time, for you to begin to think of yourself as a being who changes hour by hour, will enable you to more easily and joyfully handle a changing world which shifts by the hour as well.”
“Grandmother on The Empowerment of Higher Loving Non-Judgment & a Sense of Global Oneness: Meditation and Non-Judgment As an Anti-Aging Practice”
“There is not a single being on planet Earth, underneath the surface of planet Earth, and in the civilizations above planet Earth in any form of station or ship, who …
Grandmother on Opening the Heart as One Family: Telling the Stories of Truth as Freeing and Healing
“There is no mystery about planetary-civilization consciousness when it is focused on family and love, all beings as family, all beings must by loved. Then there is no confusion. Nothing is very complicated when you are open-hearted and treat every being as you would want to be treated.”
Grandmother on One Family on Earth: Caring for All Children. Beyond the News to a Transforming State of Love
Click Audio Player to play “Grandmother on One Family on Earth: Caring for All Children. Beyond the News to a Transforming State of Love,” Recorded 6-16-20, Posted 6-22-20, 20 minutes, …
Grandmother on a New Identity: Telling the Stories of Truth, and Taking Care of Every Child on Earth
Click Audio Player to play “Grandmother on a New Identity: Telling the Stories of Truth, and Taking Care of Every Child on Earth,” Recorded 6-10-20, Posted 6-11-20, 34 minutes, 58 …
Grandmother on Creating a New Life and Healthy Biosphere with Love for All: An Unknown Future after a Global Pandemic
Click Audio Player to play “Grandmother on Creating a New Life and Healthy Biosphere with Love for All: An Unknown Future after a Global Pandemic, Recorded 5-19-20, Posted 5-20-20, 16 …
Grandmother on Slow Down Time to See Between the Lines: Seeing That Which Is Hidden
We live in an extraordinary time — rapid daily changes about a global pandemic virus are changing our lives, our futures, our planning every day, sometimes every few hours. This …
Grandmother on Understanding Big Transition Events: Writing Cosmic Questions. Parts 1-2
During these unusual times, several times in deep meditation, “Grandmother from Another Planet” messages have included beginning during last year, long before the pandemic, that a “big event” was coming …
Grandmother on How to Find Hidden Mysteries & Answers: Becoming a New Person in a Pandemic
Click Audio Player to play “Grandmother on How to Find Hidden Mysteries and Answers: Becoming a New Person in a Pandemic,” 13 minutes, 57 seconds, Recorded/Posted 5-7-20. TRANSCRIPT SHR: Grandmother, …