“Meditation is a kind of interstellar communication as well as interstellar art…a kind of interstellar university…”
Grandmother from Another Planet: Moving Day in the Cosmos
“Your heart is always ‘home,’ whatever your address.”
Grandmother from Another Planet: The Creative Interstellar Mind
“Can you create beyond? What would that be like?”
Grandmother from Another Planet: Finding Your New Voice as You Become an Interplanetary Space-Travelling Society
“Who will you be? What do you wish to say as a member of interstellar, space-travelling civilizations?”
Grandmother from Another Planet: Questions to Ask about Extraterrestrial Civilizations! Empowering Cosmic Contemplation!
“Why are you not using the advanced consciousness, quantum, positive technology of interstellar civilizations, learning from them daily?”
Grandmother from Another Planet: You Are the Stories of the Universe, the Adventures in the Stars, with Freedom to Create Forever
“We are all the story, not one of us left out. We are all original and glorious, beaming and growing new stories everywhere we go.”
Grandmother from Another Planet: Is It Time to Create New Interplanetary “Home Bases” and Communities? As Old “Home Bases” Change During Wildly Transforming Times?
“Who’s to say you do not have direct communication ability with other times, other civilizations, other lives, and aspects of higher mind?”
Grandmother from Another Planet on What If You Moved to Another Planet? Becoming Vast
“That there is life elsewhere is certain. That there are spectacular planets elsewhere is certain.”
Grandmother from another Planet on the Secret to Understanding the Paranormal and UFOs
“Until you explore your own unknown inner reality–higher dimensional reality–you cannot understand the paranormal or ‘UFO’ mysteries.”
Grandmother on the Magic of Expanding the Creative Multidimensional Self. Yowza!
“This is, in a way, self-teaching and ‘playwriting’ your way into a new more joyful, creative, multidimensional life of exploration!…”
Grandmother on How to Discover Richness and Joy in Each Being: The Treasure Hunt
“When the stories and passion, treasured abilities, love of mysteries begin to flood out, you will find yourself mesmerized at times.”
Grandmother on the Power of Past and Future Life Intelligence
“The point is not past life memories and documentation. It is past life intelligence…”
Grandmother: A Dialogue on Speaking Together, Staying Loving and Empathetic during Rapid, Constant Change
“Love increases when you deeply acknowledge that others are going through this with you and have exactly the same questions.”
“Grandmother on Dreaming Together: How to Meet those Who Dream the Same Dreams You Dream. Are You a Dream??
“Seek the dream and the dream will seek you. You never know who it will be.”
Grandmother on a Time of Great Reconnections Across the Earth, Time, and Space…
“Always remember as this time comes, that ‘you’ are ‘the great reconnection’ of all the times and places and families – and begin to ready your heart and soul.”